Monday, 31 July 2017

Up the lane on the last day of July

Since the end of June we've had some hot sunny days and some wet grey days so everywhere is looking green and lush.
 Standing on the road I see the postman is outside our house at the end of the lane, more hospital appointments for Col I bet.

It was quite windy when I took these photos so the focus isn't good because everything was moving.

We are still waiting to pick Blackberries, need a lot more rain to fatten them  and sun to ripen

This is the house that no-one has ever lived in since it was built 15 years ago - very odd

Plenty of Golden Rod attracting bees

And little purple thistley things, must look up their name.
 Elderberries are still green
Our neighbours planted  a Buddleia  opposite their gateway, it's almost lost among all the lush weeds

 Hawthorn berries are just beginning to appear, that means Autumn is on the way.

The months are flying by. What changes will there be by the last of August?

Returning Tomorrow


  1. That's why I love the English countryside, so green and lush. Are the purple flowers knapweed?

  2. The elderberries are black down here in the SW and even some ripe blackberries, apple trees laden, Autumn is def. on way and the summer hols have only just started! Hope to get some sea swims in yet. Sarah.

  3. Lovely to see you noting the changes that bring about the changes of season!

  4. Autumn is beginning to step on the heels of Summer here...and we've had enough rain now thank you! x

  5. I do hope that the main change for your family will be that Col has started his treatment and is responding well to it. You are so upbeat and plucky about it in your blog (though there must be many private wobbles) that you are , like it or not, a great encouragement to us all.
    I'm no expert but I think the "thistlely" plant may be knapweed.

  6. My mum always had golden rod in the garden. Oh do find out why no one lives in the house, you told us only half the story.

  7. Your lane looks a little bit like my land, which I photographed for the blog yesterday. Unfortunately everywhere here is very green too, and as it is the middle of harvest, it shouldn't be.

  8. It looks so lush and green. We've been away for a week and noticed on our walk yesterday just how much everything had grown.
    I wonder why no one has lived in that house. X

  9. I'm so curious about the house. Do you know anything about it? I'm always amazed at all the wild berries you have there. -Jenn

  10. Such a beautiful lane.
    I too am curious about the house nobody has ever lived in....could it be the fact that it is

  11. Lovely photos of your lane. That pink house is intriguing..... do the owners live abroad? Or maybe built without planning permission and being contested?

  12. Up here in North Yorkshire Sue August always spells Autumn, sadly.

  13. Thank you everyone for the comments. We don't know much about the house, I'll write what we do know tomorrow.
    Gill - How are there blackberries ready further north and not here?
    Pat - it felt quite like Autumn here this morning.

    1. That's what I wondered. david suggested they were a different type (I doubt it) I will take a pic as I think we are early not you late.

  14. We have a lovely lane down to our cottage in Scotland but our neighbour always strims the hedgerow under our Rosa Rugosa hedge and with it all the beautiful wild flowers. He likes everything neat and tidy!

  15. I wish there was more blue in wild flowers

  16. I love seeing the changes in your lane each month.

    God bless.
