Saturday, 14 December 2019

December 14th and Some Christmas Plans Spoiled

All my Christmas plans for last week went down the drain last Saturday, halfway through the Strictly semi -final. I moved to get up to put the kettle on and OUCH! something  nasty and VERY painful happened  to somewhere behind the knee and it stuck bent.

 I'd never known anything like this before and unable to move plus no way of getting to A & E (Eldest and Son in Law were here but had had wine) after phone calls ended up with lovely Ambulance people here (I didn't call them but dialed 111 for advice - and then they called an ambulance). I felt so stupid - an ambulance for a non-emergency is just not right- but he said all their calls in their  shift so far had been to non emergencies and all were 111 referrals.

After he'd decided it was something to do with cartilage and I'd had enough gas and air to make me woozy he  pulled and bent the knee so I was able to straighten it enough to stand up. It was something that was going to be very painful for several days (and nights) and the only thing to do was ice-packs, rest, gentle moving, paracetamol, ibuprofen and time.

On Sunday..... missed out enjoying having all the family here ...............they came but I was too tired and uncomfortable to enjoy it.
On Monday ............. missed swimming and the village free over 60's lunch
On Tuesday .......... missed the Small WI Christmas meal
On Wednesday ......... missed a community lunch at the primary school
On Thursday  I was supposed to pick up BiL from Ipswich hospital and  do shopping at the same time. But cancelled that - 50 miles might have been a bit too much clutch work,  but thought I'd better try a little driving and went down to vote at the village hall. All OK so went a bit further for tomorrows blog post subject.

Luckily I had food enough for me and cat and got Son and SiL to bring some wood in before they went home on Sunday.

 But looking on the positive side of all those days at home - I had plenty of time to finish writing Christmas cards and letters and wrapping parcels ready to post!

I went online and referred myself to Physio too, which will help .

Annoying that something that took a second to do is going to take weeks to put right.

Friday I tested  the knee a bit further and drove the 5 miles to Debenham  for the Co-op so I could get some fruit and post off the parcels.
 No use wanting to use  the cash machine at the Co-op, someone nicked it again in November for the second time in two years, so everything is boarded up again.
 It could do with having more protection in front as the thieves just used the prongs on a stolen front loader to smash it out and load it into a van. (The police found it, still intact, in a van and arrested someone in Essex and still searching for 2 more people).

2 more pluses of using the local Co-op yesterday
Double Divi through December

 and I picked up 3 of these which can go in the cupboard for the Grandchildren ready for a few years time.....lots of Christmassy dot-to-dots, colouring and things to do.

I'm sure to be be called upon for pre-Christmas child minding once they reach school age! Having plenty of crafting things to do was the secret to happy children when I was a childminder.

Back Tomorrow


  1. Oh Sue, I am sorry to hear about this! It does seem like things happen at the worst possible time! Please be careful as knees can be a bit tricky at times. I had knee surgery a couple of months ago partially because I pushed myself a little too much - so don't be like me! Christmas can wear a person out trying to get everything ready especially if you have an injury. Try and use this as a time to rest and catch up on your reading.

    1. It's much better after a week - I'm just annoyed at missing things I was supposed to do

  2. Oh Sue! How frustrating - especially having to miss out on all those Xmas get together. Very impressed that you went and voted though. Ido hope this pain eases up and you feel properly better soon. Love and prayers. (have you got a 'wheat bag' you can warm up in the microwave? I was given one when I had knee pains, and it is so useful - more flexible than a hot W. B.)

    1. Had to try driving so going to vote seemed the ideal length of journey
      I love my wheat bag - its so handy for aches and pains

  3. Dear Sue, what a rotten thing to happen. It sounds very nasty and painful (and that includes the treatment) and I'm not surprised you have taken the week off.
    Of it had to happen, thank goodness it happened when you had people with you.
    Take care and get well quickly. xx

    1. Yes I was glad Eldest was there as I would have struggled to reach the phone,
      It's much better now after a week

  4. Wishing you a speedy recovery. How frustrating, and such a shame you missed out on some Christmas celebrations. By the way, what's a Divi? X

    1. Divi is Dividend - East of England Co-ops still operate a system where you get a points on a card for shopping which converts to pounds and vouchers twice a year - bit like tesco card but owned by people rather than big organisations

  5. Oh just how many times have you been told not to jump off the coffee tableπŸ˜•. Seriously though you poor thing...hope you haven’t tensed all your other muscles up due to the pain. Just as well you’re made of strong stuff! X

    1. Ha! it would have been understandable if I'd been doing something silly, but getting up.......ridiculous!

  6. Sorry to hear about your accident and painful knee. Just when you don't want it! Hope it will heal itself soon.

  7. I hope you are on the mend now Sue.
    It's scary how easily these things can happen. I once reached slightly behind me to pick up a telephone directory and slipped a disc in my back which took six months to put right.

  8. How frustrating (and painful!) for you Sue, sorry to hear about it. These things always happen at the most inconvenient times (is there ever a good time?). Hope it's better by Christmas.

  9. rotten luck. painful too. Hope you recover quickly.

  10. Ouch! That must be so painful. I hope it heals up quickly and you will soon be back to life as usual.

  11. the joys of getting older , we grow wisdom and grey hairs . But your body throws these curveballs at you

    1. Wish I'd have been wise enough not to have moved the way I did!

  12. Well that's a bummer. Rest up.

  13. That sounds very painful but good to read you're still able to get out and about. Hope you don't have to wait too long for physio. xx

  14. There never is a good time. I know this all too well from my back which can be fine for months and just goes with a wrong move. I hope your physio comes in good time, they can take ages.

    1. We have a good self referral physio system here. I've used them before - they've emailed exercises already

  15. Ouch - hope it is on the mend - shame you had to miss out on so much though - perhaps better it happened now than on Christmas day though. Take care x

    1. I was so looking forward to all the Christmas meals - so annoying

  16. Oh poor you. Good job you had help. Hope it gets better sooner rather than later.

  17. That was a bad step taken, that's for sure. Sorry it has incapacitated you so, but hopefully you will be able to hobble around a bit over Christmas, but bad timing as you missed all the little Christmas "do's".

    Well done to you looking a few years ahead with those dot to dot books.

    1. The books said FREE - so they were soon nabbed! and time goes so quickly

  18. Oh dear! There never is a right time for these things to happen is there? At least you're getting it sorted, so that's a plus. I shall join in with everyone to wish you a speedy recovery leading up to Christmas (and beyond of course).

  19. Oh no, why do these things always happen at Xmas. So painful as well.....I hope it doesn’t take to long to heal.....

  20. It takes six months for recovery but having said that it is not all bad because it gets slowly better and then one day you realise it has gone. I had a similar experience and stepped off the train one night and couldn't walk. I had to be more or less dragged across to the other side of the line by fellow passengers. The GP was useless, the occupational health doctor I was referred to via the Council was better on a phone consultation, and finally a sports physio in Macedonia (it's a long story)examined it and massaged it and told me it would be better in six months and nothing else to do on it, it would heal. He was the only one who spoke any sense, and was right. Occasionally for no apparent reason the knee would seize up while I was walking. It was all quite frightening. But eventually it did get better.

    Cash machines are popular with theives around here. They nick a teleporter first for the job. Plenty of teleporters around here on farms, easy pickings.

    1. Teleporter -that's the word - not front loader! Thank you.

    2. The teleporter was nicked locally and a car and a van stolen in Essex and then driven all the way to little old Debenham

  21. What a rough week you had! I am glad your knee is healing slowly but surely. I am also glad you found the bright side.

    God bless.

  22. Hope it heals quickly and brilliant on finding the positives in trying circumstances.

  23. Hope you feel better soon. When you're not feeling good at our age it certainly takes it toll.

  24. Hi Sue, so sorry about that knee but sounds like you are getting better however slowly. Baby steps as we say. Meanwhile, keep your chin up and mind your steps. Mine have freezing rain on them this morning which is very dangerous. Merry Christmas from me outside Ottawa, Canada.

    1. Cold here today but not freezing.
      Yes knee is lots better already

  25. Pace yourself. I am continually told this but then forget. Get better soon. x

  26. Ohhhh I am soooo sorry!!!!! And understand how something nasty, can happen, to a leg, in a second!!!! I had this happen to me, 4 years ago. Just walking from one room to another. And the pain lasted, for way too long.

    Do hope yours will go quickly. But please, do exactly as you are advised. Rest. Pace yourself. Etc. It is hard to do, especially at this time of year. But your return to health, is the most important thing. Regardless of the Season or time of year.

    Again, sooo sorrrry. I have 'been there,' in my own way.

    Best healing wishes!

    And lots and lots of gentle hugs...


  27. Having just (yesterday) been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my right knee, which has given me agony when weight-bearing for a month now, I feel your pain. Thank goodness for painkillers, Ibuprofen gel and hot water bottles! Glad your pain is easing. Sounds like it's going to be a long job though. Still, a good excuse to snuggle up and pamper yourself. Take care. xx

  28. What an odd and painful event that happened to your knee. I find as we age odd things go awry unexpectedly. It is good you are up and about again and got those Christmas cards ready to go.

  29. You have my empathy I ended up having my cartilage removed after several sessions of locked knee. The last time it happened I was crawling under a patients bed to get their slippers and got stuck and had to be pulled out. I think I did the original injury playing rugby with the adolescent boys while on a mental health rotation. Not a smart thing to do. Anyway good luck with the physio and I hope you don't end up needing surgery.

  30. How annoying just a split second and the damage is done. There is a 6 week wait for physio here. My DIL is a NHS physio. She recommends elementary Tai Chi for knee injuries. You can find it on YouTube.

  31. Sounds absolutely grim and painful but it looks like you are getting about better. I hope so!

  32. So sorry about your knee trouble and that you missed all those seasonal activities. I am impressed at your sunnyside disposition over it too. I hope the rest of the season goes well for you.

  33. Ouch, something similar happened to me a few years ago, it's very painful and scary when you can't straighten your leg. The good news is it has never happened since, so hopefully once you get back to normal you will be okay for the future. I am just more careful with my knees now as it really scared me.
