Friday 15 January 2021

Forms, Boxes and Scrap Metal

 Oh how I wish the solicitors still worked with paper! I had two emails on Tuesday one all about the buying of the bungalow and the other questions that had been raised about selling this house.

Attachments that won't open, pdfs that won't download, pages that disappear = all part of the fun of trying to do things online by someone whose computer knowledge is frankly............ limited. And just to add to the fun my laptop charger connection has decided to only work if its jiggled about and then laid down very carefully in a certain position.

Hopefully I managed to answer all the questions but couldn't print off  a map that was needed so I could mark the footpath. I'm sure there was a map with the footpath marked among all the bundle of paperwork that the solicitor already has.

The only query that came up on the bungalow was why there was no certificate for the last boiler service which was supposedly done last year.

The 15 boxes that I got off amazon are all packed and luckily the removal company man brought me some more + parcel tape and wrapping paper so I can get going on everything else.

The weather yesterday was just so nasty, rain which turned to wet snow and then back to rain all day. Then just to add to the depression Son rang to say he'd been working with someone up until Monday who had just tested positive for Covid. Which has put paid to even meeting with my "bubble" for 2 weeks. Hope he doesn't get it and spread it to my two youngest grandchildren and DiL.

Today (after ringing to check it was legal) I'm heading to the Scrap Metal Merchants with a car boot load of tins of weird rusty metal bits and bobs from out of the workshop. Brother in Law said it probably wasn't worth the cost of diesel for getting them there but the alternative is to put them in the metal skip at the Recycling Center (aka The Tip) and that means climbing up and down a metal staircase 2 dozen times to be able to chuck them in. And the skip then goes off to the same place as I'm taking the scrap anyway! So I might as well get the cash (although they don't do cash anymore as it has to be transferred into a bank account nowadays) for myself and cut out the council.

Thank you to everyone for comments about the bibles yesterday and it was lovely to hear of the other people who'd done Scripture Exams with their Baptist Chapels back in the 1960's. The Bibles are all in now packed in a box  so the decision about which to keep has been put off for another day.

Back Tomorrow


  1. We are currently drowning in a sea of crap because i cant go to the skip and unload stuff , usually theyre pretty good and help with awkward stuff but now the staff are not allowed to help im buggered . Usually i would take one of the boys but you have to go alone

    1. The online stuff about our local tips says you can have someone help you if you can't manage stuff yourself.
      I'm gathering together another collection of bits and bobs for a tip visit before moving.

  2. I have my boiler serviced annually but have never been given a certificate. He does invoice me though. Perhaps the bungalow sellers will show the invoice. I am sure as you know them their word would be their bond in any case

    1. You would hope they had something to show it had been serviced properly

  3. How I feel for you with regard to emails from solicitors, we're currently going through similar, about to exchange contracts.

  4. Weather was awful here as well. Lit our fire quite early.

  5. It's disposing of the "scrap and crap" which is taking me so much time in the moving preparations. I'd planned to do it last summer...

    1. I'm Very glad I've been clearing things out for the last couple of years!

  6. So the day draws closer exciting x

    1. Hopefully, although there could still be hitches, not counting my profit yet!

  7. I sympathise with the laptop problems. I used to have to "surprise" my laptop to switch it on, often unsuccessfully. Eventually, I gave in and bought a new Chromebook. I hope your son is OK. Have fun with the packing! xx

    1. I could do with a new laptop but wouldn't have a clue how to set one up and the computer shops are all shut at the moment

  8. Sounds like you are nearly there with the selling.

    I wonder how people who have not got the internet manage to get the forms done.
    Good luck with the scrap metal.
    Hazel c uk ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ

    1. I suppose the solicitors must have to do things on paper and through the post for some people. Although it's probably slower

  9. I hope you manage to get rid of your scrap. Our tips are still by appointment only which is annoying when we all seem to have spent the last year trying to get rid of stuff!

    1. Scrap all gone and I'm collecting stuff for a tip visit next

  10. I only use the computer for blogs and a few games to pass some time. As far as I'm concerned computers create more problems than necessary and I believe that's because everything is done anonymously at a distance.

    I hope your son is okay and if he does test positive that it is a mild one.

    Our weather isn't too bad at the moment and although we've had some heavy frosts we still haven't had snow.

    1. At least it's stopped raining today thank goodness.

      People who have to use computers all the time for work must be able to do more than I've ever learned!

  11. I feel your pain, I am also spending lots of time trying to find documents for the buying and selling process and keep filing things in the wrong placeon my laptopand then having to spend ages checking all the bloody files.

    We do so much of the work ourselves I wonder what the solicitors are actually being paid for sometimes. At least we are using the same solicitor for both the buying of our new place and the selling of Isrfryn, so he can use a lot of our paperwork twice ID checks etc, and we got a £50 discount ... woo hoo, I had suggested 'buy one get one free' but he wasn't having any of it ;-)

    I hope your son is fine after a period of isolation, it's a shame it puts paid to your 'bubble', my son is just experiencing medium flu-like symptoms but with excessive tiredness thrown in for good measure.

    1. It would be good to see something in print on paper.I'm sure I understand an retain things better when they are on a bit of paper to actually hold

  12. I used to rather enjoy trips to the tip with a boot-load of rubbish but not any more now that I have to cart it up steps myself. I admire your grit and fortitude in doing this move yourself. x

    1. Trips to the scrap yard are quite adventurous as my little car looks very small compared to the HUGE trucks coming in loaded with scrap metal by the tonne!

  13. My computer started "freezing up" at no particular point. I complained to the Resident Computer Tech/hubby and he walked in and pushed the "restart" button on the computer tower. Ta Da!! The computer was back to normal.....for awhile. The next times I pushed the button myself. Eventually the computer refused to remember my searches, couldn't find desktop shortcuts, wouldn't link to the printer. A new computer is on its way to me now, to replace the 14yo one I'm typing on.

  14. When we moved a year ago everything was done via computer and it drove me mad. I still printed everything out so that I could find it later and read it properly. Even the new build certificate is in a pdf file so that if the computer fails we are truly bu**ered. Whats the betting that if we move again we won't be able to find everything ๐Ÿคจ
    I do hope your son and his family will be OK. What a nightmare x

  15. I have always found that computers and such seem to have minds of their own. Minds that for some reason defy my figuring them out of course.

    God bless.

  16. Chucking stuff out... I think when this nasty business is over, I'm going to hire a skip. I was planning a clear out before it all started!
