Tuesday, 30 March 2021

A Good Read and a Giveaway

Thank you to everyone for comments about the remaining Debenham photos. Interesting to hear about another area called The Butts in Brentford.


 It's a strange but true happening that sometimes I read a book about a certain subject and then the same subject pops up in another book only a little while later.

I wrote about Richard Osman's book, The Thursday Murder Club just over a week ago HERE  It's about a group of friends in a Retirement Village who set out to solve old murders. 

Next up was The Postscript Murders by Elly Griffiths.

Thumbnail for The postscript murders 

It's the second of a series featuring DS Harbinder Kaur who sees nothing to concern her when an elderly lady dies in a block of retirement flats in Shoreham-on-Sea. But Peggy's carer Natalka tells Harbider that Peggy was sure someone had been following her and how is it that Peggy has business cards that refer to her as a 'Murder Consultant' and so many crime novels that thank her in the acknowledgements? Soon Harbinder, Natalka and two more of Peggy's friends are involved with several of the crime writers and end up travelling to Scotland for a Crime Book Festival.

Now here's a paragraph from the end of the book 
" Actually" says Harbinder, "Pippa Sinclair Lewis told me that Seventh Seal are publishing Lance Foster's posthumous novel. It's called 'The Bow Window Set' and it's about a group of old ladies in a care home who solve crimes"
There you go - coincidence or what!

I've now got a cardboard posting  folder so I can send off the copy of Richard Osman's  "The Thursday Murder Club". I promised to pass it on to someone else as it was so kindly donated to me by a blog reader.

Leave a comment if you would like it. I'll do a draw and then sort out address later. It would be nice if whoever gets it could also pass it on. 
(Just editing to say UK only please as anywhere else is just very expensive nowadays - sorry)

Back Tomorrow


  1. Sounds like a good book, even if I don't win who ever does might like to know about BookcCrossings.com which I have used in the past, the book is registered, numbered and then you 'let it loose into the wild' (or gift it on your blog of course like you have - you could register yours before it is 'released' if you wanted... you can track it online at Bookcrossings to see where it's journey takes it!

    1. Thank you for the Bookcrossings info, I had heard of that idea, not sure it works in villages and countryside.
      Just popped over to see your blog, your water-colours are beautiful. I was much puzzled by the bird song for a minute until I worked out where it was coming from!! I've added you onto my reading list so will enjoy seeing your pictures

  2. I love the Elly Griffiths books with Ruth, Nelson and Cathbad but have not read the ones you mention. I would like the chance of winning The Thursday Murder Club book please.

  3. The Butts is a very common place name. There are many Butts in Norfolk for starters.

  4. I'd also love the chance of this book - crime fiction being my preferred genre :) Will happily pass on if I am the lucky one - I rarely hang on to any books after reading nowadays - there are so many new to me ones to read out there for me to try! :)

  5. Such a coincidence, thanks for the info.
    Please don't include me in the draw as I have already got the Thursday Murder Club, but I know someone will greatly appreciate your kindness.

  6. I grew up in Butts Road . . . there had been rifle butts on the rough land up the valley and the pubs were called The Target and The Bullseye!

    The Thursday Murder Club was one I contemplated buying but didn't so wouldn't mind reading it and have a friend I pass on my read books to (and she does the same).

    I love all Elly Griffiths' novels (but especially the Ruth & Nelson ones). Waiting for the latest ones to come out in paperback before I indulge!

  7. With the Charity shops closed, reading matter is harder to source so I'd love a chance of this book. Waiting lists at the Library are long for well known (new) authors. Bookcrossing is an interesting idea!

  8. I bought the book for my husband Christmas time, I've yet to read it. I love
    Debenham, lovely place to walk and there used to be loads of tea rooms.. and there was the craft place in the old church?
    House moving is so stressful isn't it.. hope you get your move in April, ours has been pushed back till May!

    1. I wonder if you are thinking of Dedham on the Suffolk/Essex border? A tourist hot spot with tea rooms and craft place

  9. I often find weird coincidences like that happening to me, and unusual things I have never heard of come up as an answer on The Chase and then the next day it comes up again in something I am reading.

    Are you finding yourself reading more in your temporary home?

  10. Oh that's neat. I love a good mystery and this sounds fun. No need to enter me in the drawing as I am across the pond and I have added myself to the waiting list for the audiobook at my local library. I must say the US version the cover isn't one that I would have chosen, your red cover is much more to my taste. And yes, I do sometimes judge a book by its cover.

  11. I have that happen to me as well (coincidences in books and things happening in my life). I have added The Thursday Murder Club to books on order from my local library. Thanks for the suggestion! -Jenn

  12. I would love to be entered into the draw please Sue. Friends in a book club say it's a nice, light read which is something I need during lockdown. I find it hard to concentrate on longer reads with complicated plots. Let's hope it returns as lockdown restrictions ease!
    All good wishes for future reads and for your new home.

  13. I shouldn't be greedy and say I'd love to be entered for the draw, as I was one of the lucky recipients of your last giveaway, but I would love to be entered! The previous book will be passed on, as would this one if I'm lucky enough to win. Thank you for the chance. xx

  14. I love mysteries, thanks for the chance

  15. I would love the chance to read The Thursday Murder Club please : )

  16. I was glad you put the UK only -- not that I'm not disappointed! But yes, book postage is a lot going overseas!

  17. I would like to be entered into the book giveaway draw please, I always pass on books to others I think will enjoy them so this one would be no different. Hope all goes well with the move to your bungalow, The holdups must be very frustrating but I'm sure it will all be worth it.

  18. i would like to be entered into the giveaway please, i really like Elly Griffiths books x

  19. I would like to be entered with a possibility of winning the Thursday Murder Club please and can pass it on to my dad who is having a hip replacement next month and then my brother who is retiring very soon, so both of them will have lots of time to read
    Thank you Jane
