Friday 18 October 2024

The October Library Book Photo

 10 books collected yesterday. They are all books I'd reserved . There might have been 15 as there are 5 others already in transit that will be waiting for me in November.

Five crime including a new-to me-author  ........Jeanne M Dams - perhaps someone in blogland had mentioned it. 'Whale Fall' is a debut novel set in 1938 on a remote Welsh island. There are 4 non fiction including a cookery book and a garden book for some reason which might be worth looking at or might just be flicked through. I read the book about Derek Jarman's garden on the stony wastes of Dungeness and I think someone mentioned the book about his home was also interesting so I reserved it. I have a feeling that I've borrowed' The Wheel of The Year' before.

Last month I brought home the books below. I've still got A Mudlarking Year and the Donna Leon here.  

Couldn't get into 'Before The Fact' and I didn't find anything interesting in the cookery or gardening book.

And as I mentioned last Saturday - only the Agatha Christie from the Autumn titled books was read.

That means I only read 4 out of 12.  My take on those I read are on the separate Books Read 2024 page.

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  1. You certainly are allowed a lot of books out at one time! I must check our allowance, it used to be three!

    1. We can have 20 out at a time! When I worked in libraries through the 70's it was 3 but it changed several years ago.

  2. I can almost feel those shiny covers. I relish that moment just before I start reading a new book. With some books, that's the best part.

    1. When I first started working in libraries we used to cover all new books with plastic covers - it was a fiddly job. Then dewey numbers were etched on with a heat pen thing plugged into the light bulb!!

  3. This is a lovely selection of books. Thank you for sharing them.

  4. A good selection, the Derek Jarmon's House book and the One Pot One Portion catch my attention particularly. I LOVE your latest header photograph, the colours are amazing, isn't it a wonderful time of year for nature.

    1. I had to catch the vine before they all fall off - it's a pain the rest of the year as it grows so fast

  5. Stating the obvious but the great thing about library books is it doesn't matter in the least if you decide they are not to your taste - no expense incurred 😀
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Exactly right and I would be bankrupt without libraries

  6. Another blog I read recommended "Our Missing Hearts" by Celeste Ng. It's not a mystery which is the genre I usually read, but I thought it was very good. Celeste Ng has a beautiful way of expressing herself and I couldn't put it down.

    1. The library have a copy, I read the blurb, not sure about it but I might give it a try

  7. I really enjoy your book posts, especially the pictures of the books stacked, very inviting. I never have more than a couple of books out, usually using Kindle, but there's a borrowing limit of 75!! I think it's largely because of children's books and home schooling. It used to be 3, like yours.

    1. 75!!!! Goodness. The libraries would be empty here if everyone took that many!

    2. The only people I've ever seen with more than a few are borrowing stacks of picture books.

  8. Looks like great selection of books, whats the Alexander McCall Smith one I couldn't see the title?

    1. The Great Hippopotamus Hotel - new in the No 1 ladies detective series

  9. It looks like you should have a great reading/browsing month ahead :)

    1. I'm sure I will enjoy most - one or two I don't know about

  10. Looks like some interesting reading. I love mysteries and crime novels.

    God bless.

  11. Looks like some nice mystery books there. I'm stuck on listening to audio books right now. I need to get back to actually reading some off the shelves. It's just easier to listen to one as I work around the house
