Monday 7 October 2024

You Just Never Know.............

..............what you might find at a car-boot sale.

I don't remember the last time I found a book at a car-boot sale and this was a surprise when I spotted it. And even more surprised when I looked up how much it was on Amazon (£17) as I bought it for 50p!!

I knew what it was as I've watched her youtube channel occasionally in the last 5 years when she talks about her beautiful, quiet and mindful life in a cottage in a valley on the edge of mountains in Washington State. She moved there alone to recover from illness and enjoys each season in such a calm way.

But I just discovered she has finished the channel due to having a baby. Quiet mindfulness and small babies probably don't go together!

By the time I've finished reading I shall be so calm you won't know me! 

(but before I could start it the outside covers had to have a good clean - goodness knows where it had been but it was horribly sticky and dirty)

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  1. I'm so sad she's finished her channel - it was a 15 minute or so peaceful watch. She and her lifestyle reminded me of Anne of Green Gables - peaceful in this mad world we live in x

    1. I hadn't realised how young she was when she moved there. It looked such a peaceful place but in the book she say she wasn't always happy there

  2. every so often the Universe throws us a real treasure. enjoy

    1. I saw it laying on a sheet on the ground among lots of other books and was very surprised - had it travelled here from the US? or just bought on amazon?

  3. It's a bargain! I've not heard of this channel and can imagine that her followers will be sad she's finished it.

    1. The channel was calm but sometimes a bit too twee for me so I only watched a few

  4. Interesting that a young girl born in 1997 and an influencer should have such a following. There is a young Indian poet, a slip of a girl, who does a similar thing on Instagram.

    1. Living very quietly is an ideal wanted by lots of people!
      I do it already!

    2. They think they have discovered the wheel!

  5. I've also watched her channel a few times. I think you are right - babies and peacefulness don't really fit together! :)

    1. I expect she was surprised at just how much time a baby takes - I know I was first time round!

  6. "Becoming Enchanted Again", wow ! ;-)

    1. Being interested and finding joy in small things was her theme

  7. I'm glad she admitted to not always being happy there - otherwise things can seem too good to be true don't they?
    Thanks for the recommendation.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Not really a recommendation for the book - soon read. But her you tube site is worth a quick look

  8. I practise mindfulness daily-today it was in the open area of the hospital while I waited to drive my husband home after he had visited the eye consultant. I find it easy to do now and it certainly calms my mind. Great bargain for 50p, especially as you followed her on utube. Catriona

    1. I've got used to our 10 minutes of mindfulness at the keep moving exercise group now - very good for a waiting room I think

  9. I am just thinking about getting 'I am an Island' by Tasmin Catlidas on Audible though I have the book, but it does seem a bit dramatic. Again living alone on a Scottish island but apparently the locals weren't very nice to her. Anyway put my money on Adam Nicholson and 'Sissinghurst'.

    1. Did I finish that Island book? I shall have to have a look.

  10. I used to watch her channel regularly, and yes I have the book. You got a real bargain there. 😀 It's not just a time thing, seemingly ... and quite rightly ... she doesn't want to show her baby to the whole world. She still posts but just to Patreons, who are a much smaller, paying number and very traceable.

    1. Probably not a good plan to show a baby on you tube now - sad world we live in.

  11. i used to watch this lady , but have you noticed a lack of interesting reading materials at the car boots this year ? Ive managed one, Home Front in the Great War , though i snaffled a huge bag of fiction from the Christian charity shop who were having a 5p sale

    1. Plenty of books at boot sales but the same people selling the same books every week! and nothing I want to read

  12. Nice find! I will look for her channel.

    1. It's worth a look but I couldn't watch for too long

  13. So long as only the cover was dirty and could be cleaned, that's a bargain.

  14. I think it's the thought that you might discover little treasures that makes me like boot sales so much!

    1. Sometimes there is too much junk but I always hope for treasure

  15. Some people like reading dirty books.

  16. I've watched Paola's videos since the beginning but lately I was losing interest and now she has basically quit making any more. You certainly got a good deal when you found her book. Hopefully you'll enjoy it.

  17. I've enjoyed her channel and will be sorry to see her stop, but completely understand that her priorities have changed now with her baby son. Arilx
