Saturday 1 June 2024

Looking Back At The Week Just Gone

 Bank Holiday Weekend last weekend was more or less a wash-out. I ventured out on the Saturday for two church visits but Sunday it poured almost all day so I stayed at home and moved furniture!
The aim being to get rid of the very, very old pine and now very tatty TV stand/chest of drawers without buying anything new to replace it.  I emptied drawers, chucked things out, moved other stuff  into different places and wiggled large pieces of furniture around - hoovering all the dust from behind each bit as I went along. Then I took two ibuprofen for the aching back, ate lunch and collapsed on the settee to watch world rowing championships from Lucerne. 
The weather was slightly better on bank Holiday Monday but I couldn't be bothered to go out, I finished the furniture moving and tidying, read, watched tennis, cleared a few weeds from out the front and spoke to no one all day - actually I spoke to almost no one all weekend!

Only 10 of us at exercise group, I do hope people are not dropping out but it might just have been because it was half term and holiday week.

Flowers in the house this week were just a couple of rose buds and some colourful Spirea.

This week I've been grateful for
  • Finding out, thanks to google, how to remove the cover to change the back-up battery in the bleeping mains powered smoke alarm out in the garage (needed due to the boiler being in there) and still being able to climb 3 steps up the stepladder to reach the darn thing!
  • Having the home made batch made meals from the freezer, making for easy meals
  • Eventually working out how to get the French Open Tennis on TV
  • Sorting out how to put a new cassette of cord into the strimmer.
  • Getting the sweetcorn and runner beans planted out ............
  • ..........and I suppose all the rain saves watering the outside veg.
  • Sorting through and chucking out lots of old paperwork
  • Library van bringing me my 17 reserved books 
Back Monday with the photos of the library books I collected.



  1. I've given up moving furniture around now - I get the boys to do it for me! We have been watching quite a bit of the French tennis as well, but not the rowing. I hope your back doesn't trouble you for too long. Have a happy day :)

    1. Colin would come home from work and find his armchair in a different place! One day I'll not be able to manage - but it's fun while I can

  2. Did you find Roland Garros on a free channel? Lucky you if you did! Hope your back eases soon.

    1. Sadly not free, but I decided £6.99 for a month wasn't too bad especially if I went without second hand books and flowers for two months which I will.
      I have made a note to cancel the subscription before the end of June.
      My back is always a bit annoying but OK again now - thanks.

  3. One of my 3 smoke alarms was beeping last week, driving my dog nuts. For the life of me I couldn’t tell which one, so since I had had new ones put up at a height were I could reach them, I changed the batteries on all of them. Now no more beeping and a happy dog again. Gigi

    1. Until I moved here I'd not had mains powered and the one in the house started bleeping just a few weeks after I moved in - in the night! Had to put up with it until day light so I could work out what to do.

  4. Years ago my elderly mother complained to my sister - If you don't come and see me tomorrow I won't have seen anyone all day.
    To which my sister replied - That's true but you will be perfectly ok.
    I've always found that remark positive and helpful on the days when I see nobody!

    1. I always reckon it's my fault if I don't speak to anybody all day - so it doesn't bother me at all now.

  5. I've missed a weeks worth of blogs so this is very useful for me, I will be catching up properly but it'll take me a while!
    There's something very satisfying about furniture rearranging - when it's all finished and you can survey your handiwork from an armchair.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I now have 3 bits of furniture out in the garage that I don't want - and neither does anyone else!
      Moving furniture was very good for finding the cobwebs and dust that have been hidden for 3 years!

  6. Your blog has just reappeared in the reading list! I knew it would resolve itself. The mysteries of Blogger.

    1. That's good to hear, perhaps number of people reading will improve - not that I'm bothered of course!

    2. Yes that has happened here too. Good to have you back properly!!

  7. A quiet but productive weekend - ours was anything but quiet and not particularly productive.

    1. Oh dear, that doesn't sound very good. Hope this weekend is better

  8. I talk to myself most days so I always have someone to talk to, Sue. ;)

    1. I talk to myself now and again . I once said something to myself when Brother in Law was here and when I said to him " don't you ever talk to yourself?" he said " No, I don't find it very beneficial" which made me laugh and still makes me smile when I think of it.

  9. When you say wash out, you mean it, with all that rain! But now we welcome summer and I hope the weather takes a turn and the week a little more productive. (If it helps, mine was completely unproductive too!)

  10. I find moving furniture (and art) a nice refresh. Finding the dust bunnies and filling the vacuum is always a bit surprising. Where does all that dirt come from? Especially when we vacuum, swifter and dust regularly. Hopefully your exercise group members are on holiday and this accounts for lack of attendance. Your garden veggies should be growing well with no lack of water. A bit more sunshine will be good too.

  11. Well done on getting those things sorted and wow 17 books. I've just had 7, read 4 and am reading a Patrick Gale, its ok but not grabbing me! Looking forward to seeing yours.

  12. It sounds like a really pleasant week. The flowers are beautiful. xx

  13. All in all I think you had a pretty good week and even learned something new (always a good thing).

    God bless.
