Friday 11 October 2024

On This Day - October 11th

 My eldest Granddaughter is 8 today and one of my nephews has a birthday too -  I think he must 40  -  the years just fly by - it's not the only day in the year with two family or friend's birthdays on the same day which seems odd but apparently it's not. You only need 23 people from the same family and friends in a room to find two have birthdays on the same day. You would think it would have to be 366 people so I've no idea why it's 23. It's called 'The Birthday Paradox' and is one of the few odd facts that I remember, which would be totally useless if I didn't have a blog to fill!

On this day in 1982  the Mary Rose  saw the light of day again after 437 years. The flagship of the Tudor fleet had sailed from Portsmouth on July 18th 1545 watched by Henry VIII, to do battle yet again against the French. She had already been at sea many times but had been rebuilt in 1536. Sadly she sunk just a mile off Portsmouth taking up to 400 men to be their death in the Solent sands. Only 179 skeletons were found among the wreckage and only 35 men survived.
As well as the remains of the ship over 10,000 artefacts telling the story of Tudor sailors have been brought to the surface.

We visited the  hull remains where they are on display in Portsmouth in about 1990, before the timbers had been stabilised and the museum properly established . I wish I could remember more about the visit but I do have a tea towel.

There's lots more about the ship on Wiki and on the Mary Rose Museum website.

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  1. Well that's interesting. I don't have many Facebook Friends, fewer than 200, but I have two days with three birthdays on each, and numerous days where two of my friends share a day.
    I remember visiting an exhibition of the Mary Rose in Waterside, downtown Norfolk in Virginia in about 1987. It was fascinating.

  2. We also visited the original Mary Rose exhibition and I bought the cross stitch kit and stitched the exact picture you have on your tea towel. I made it into a cushion and still have it in my sitting room today ! Anne in Lancs

  3. When the Mary Rose was raised my children were in primary school and were allowed to watch the lift on the TV. The name of the special crane was Tog Mor and I believe it came from Sweden. Later in 1992 when my son was chosing universities I dropped him at Southampton University and I went off to see Mary Rose exhibition. There have been several fascinating programmes on TV and I think the ship builders either added a deck or modified her to take more guns so she was lower in the water and sank. I’ll have to check that fact on the internet!,

  4. I well remember watching the Mary Rose being raised (couldn't tell you the date though). It would be well worth a re-visit now it's preserved and all the scaffolding has been removed. It's a fantastic exhibition and very well done indeed.

  5. The 'new' Mary Rose exhibition is stunning, so much more space for all the artefacts found around the wreck site, being able to see so much maritime history in one place is brilliant.

  6. What a great piece of British history the Mary Rose is. Your tea towel is a nice reminder.
    Alison in Wales x

  7. Wow ! What a fabulous tea-towel ! Far too beautiful to wash up with !

  8. My daughter and her husband are married 22 years today and they were both born on 13th March 1975.Catriona

  9. Happy B-day to your granddaughter and nephew.
    My husband, his father and my husband's nephew were all born on Aug. 13. I always thought it quite amazing they all shared the same B-day.
