Saturday 12 October 2024

This Weeks Happenings

 Last weekend I said I'd decided to paint the small bedroom/toy room with just enough paint left from the living room to do it but painting in a small room with a single bed and a book shelf that are too big to move out isn't easy. I moved very carefully and slowly, as I could imagine stepping back and straight into the paint pot like something from a slapstick comedy! 
I started by shifting out all the toys and books, removed 15 little hooks and filled the holes that were left and began with two walls that had to be completely finished before I could move the bed and shelves to get to the other two walls. All finished now except for moving everything back in again. I may weed out some toys now too - the grandchildren are growing up. The youngest  - down in Surrey - is 3 tomorrow.

I've not bothered with a TV schedule magazine for several weeks - I still miss the copy of the Radio Times that used to come through the letter box every Thursday but I'm doing without for a while to save some pennies before Christmas (and yes I know I can look online but it's not the same as a paper copy in the hand). Luckily I  came across info on several new crime series starting on TV soon - Dalgeish, Ellis and DI Ray all start sometime soon and second series of Chelsea detective started Wednesday. Lots to look forward to. I watched all of Ludwig - a clever story and it will be back for another series.

Did you know there's a US version of Have I Got News For You? It's on BBC iplayer and almost as funny as our version.......... apart from not knowing who they are talking about!  I reckon HIGNFY is one of the best programmes on TV ...watching politicians squirm has to be fun.

My Reading The Seasons 'challenge' isn't going well.  Out of the books with Autumn in their title that I'd reserved and brought home last month, I only read one. The rest have gone back unread. I'd read some of Lesley Cookman's book in the past but stopped as they were all the same and this one was just as bad - they are written almost completely in dialogue and there are so many characters that I was completely lost after about 30 pages.

Couldn't get into the Louis De Bernieres book at all and the one called Autumn Leaves was truly bad! So just the Christie book read. Which means that it's nearly halfway through Autumn already and I've only read two with Autumn in their titles and nothing else I fancy reading on the library website.

Someone did  ask if I would include books with 'fall' in their titles as well as Autumn- but I decided against as there are over 2,000 on the library website and many are romances. The way the days fly by it will soon be time to look for 'Winter' titles anyway and with the first hard frost on the car windscreen on Friday morning winter is on the way.

Must say apologies for not commenting much this week and not replying  yesterday due to the painting and when I wasn't shifting and painting I was outside clearing up in the garden - the job list out there is long, as is the list of things I need to get made in the kitchen.....that's next week.

Have a good weekend.

Back Soon


  1. There are some good detective stories on TV, though I don't like violence and tend to pick and choose. The weather suddenly went very cold, we haven't reached the frost stage yet but Northerly winds today.

    1. It's raining here this afternoon and chilly - I'm glad I got lots of clearing done in the garden while it was fine yesterday

  2. Well done on getting the painting done and on the decluttering. It’s pouring here today so I will just get the sewing machine out. Catriona

    1. The grandchildren like lego, duplo, the car box and the dinosaurs best - lots of things I had for when they were younger can go

  3. Interesting to read your comment about Louis de Berniere's book, I hated Corelli's Mandolin and gave up about a quarter of the way in.

    1. I tried to read the Autumn of the Ace but couldn't make sense of it and the print was really small too

    2. I could never get ito the Corelli's Mandolin either and had to abandon after a few chapters.

    3. I'll drop in witha differing opinion. I absolutely loved Captain Corelli's Mandolin. So did my OH. We both read it twice and enjoyed several of his other books. It's a good job we are all different.

    4. Thank goodness there is something for everyone in a Library - it would be complicated if we all wanted the same book at the same time!

  4. A friend gave me a couple of J D Kirk crime books to try and I read both those whilst Internet down. They had bits of humour which lifted the story and were easy reads.

    8 deg here this morning and we had a frost yesterday.

    1. Not sure I know that author - I shall investigate

    2. Goodness there are 20 in the series! I shall see what the library have

  5. I don't know why but I just couldn't get into Ludwig, and I really fancied the idea of it when it was first announced. Perhaps it's just David Mitchell, I really don't know.

    1. I started off watching thinking "I'm not sure about this" but then got right into it and watched them all

  6. You certainly have lots more energy than I do, Sue! Painting and gardening and reading. You are a busy lady. I just finished 3 books by Celeste Ng and thought they were terrific especially her latest, Our Missing Hearts. They are not mysteries, which I usually read, but I enjoyed them very much.

  7. We buy The Daily Mail every Saturday purely to get the tv listings magazine that comes with it.

    1. I thought about buying our regional paper on a Saturday for the puzzle pages and the TV schedule but it's expensive . I might try it again sometime

  8. You are good doing your decorating, we gave that up a while ago and just pay someone now... how disappointing to have books you don't like and I expect like me you were looking forward to them.

    1. I'm not the best at painting but at least it's clean and lighter

  9. Well done on all the painting and sorting of toys no longer needed.
    I was surprised to hear you've had a frost. We've not had a frost yet. Days are warm in the sun and cool in the shade, making it good for clearing the gardens and lawns in preparation for winter.

    1. Just the one frost then it went back to cloudy again.
      I've made a start on putting things back in the small bedroom and clearing out some toys

  10. Good for you. You make me feel like a sluggard!

  11. I'm sorry, but I had to laugh at that image of you and the paint pot! Probably because I could see myself doing something similar :)

    1. I moved very slowly - especially up and down the ladder!

  12. Decorating always take twice as long as you think - if you do it properly that is. Filling holes and preparation take a lot of the time before you even start with the paint.
