Saturday 15 February 2020

Saturday Allsorts

  • Before I forget, hello to some new followers - welcome hope you enjoy hearing about life in Suffolk.

  • How strange it is that a blog post about a knitting book suddenly had more page views than anything else this month - I'm glad it gave an idea for a gift for knitters. Thank you to Thelma who mentioned a book called The Golden Thread which is a history of sewing - I've ordered it from the library. (I'm not much good at sewing either) Hello also to Leslie who's been reading the blog from the beginning  - goodness me that's a long read - especially if you went back to the start of the old blog in 2013!

  •  Storm Ciara hit Suffolk last Sunday, the same as almost everywhere else in the country, but thankfully without the massive rainfall. I stayed at home expecting the electric to go off - but it didn't, which was a surprise. This was the damage here, very annoying as it has broken my almost new willow roll fencing in half and now the bits don't reach the posts - a bodge job will be needed to mend it - I need some long cable ties.

  • Then on Wednesday night a small half-dead tree covered with ivy came down, part blocking the footpath gate onto the meadow. I've contacted County Council Rights of Way although BiL will sort it in due course if I ask him nicely and if the council don't get around to it.

 I took the loppers out and cut off some thin bits so that people can get round it to the gate. I'm glad the tree wasn't taller or it would have landed on another bit of the willow-roll fencing. It's sometimes quite a responsibility owning land, trees etc etc

  •  Earlier in the week swimming was good and not too busy, schools half term next week so just the one hour over 50's sessions available (unless I can get there before 9am - unlikely at this time of the year) and they are only twice in the week. Might be very busy.
  • There was a few hours of dry and not too windy weather one day, giving just enough time to clear and fork over the place where the potatoes will go and cut back a couple of shrubs.
  • Shopping in Stowmarket and a tour round the charity shops of course and at last I've found a coat to replace the  last charity shop coat which I bought quite a few years ago. Found it in a coat sale at the Hospice charity shop for just £3 (it looks better than the photo makes it look!)                       
    Just needs a really good go at it with a clothes brush. I hate paying full price for coats.
  •  Another weekend at home is planned due to the next storm - Dennis - which is going to arrive and hang around for a couple of days. Dennis is a name for boys that hasn't come back yet, no doubt it will sometime.

This week I'm Grateful for
  1. Being close enough to part of the family to help out in an emergency ( I'd love to be close enough to all of them but would need to split myself into 3!)
  2. My home to stay inside, out of the rough weather .
  3. Double Choc Mocha Frothy Coffee!

Hope everyone has a good weekend
Back Monday


  1. I love the colour of the coat, it's beautiful. A shame about the fence but, fingers crossed, quickly mended (but not until Dennis has passed and left).

  2. My eldest grandaughters boyfriends name is Denis.He was born here but from Serbian parents.Maybe its more popular in Serbia!.Your new coat is lovely.A great colour for cheering up a winters day!xx

  3. I love your new coat. Sorry you had the fence broken down one of my panels is very dodgy. I think about all the people that are a lot worse of than me at least I have got a clean safe home and enough food. Have a nice safe weekend Sue and everyone
    Hazel c uk

  4. Sue - I love the way you list what you have to be grateful for each week - such a positive attitude and it definitely helps on to feel upbeat. Yes, we are bracing ourselves for Dennis here too - it is already raining hard. Stay dry.

  5. Still grinning about my CS bargain this week. A £5 woollen skirt from Whistles. I only realised afterwards it is brand new, tags inside. I saved £95 there!

    1. Wow now That is a good find.
      I had to buy a bra this month - not secondhand!

  6. Love the colour of that coat, if anything will brighten up a stormy Winters day that will. No damage here, just lots of flooding that has literally only just cleared from last week and already with a few hours heavy rain the fields are filling up again.

    The work on our trees over the last two weeks has really paid off, all the branches that might have come down during one storm or the other are already stacked in the log store ready for someone else to use in a couple of years.

  7. I don't like the wind. Never used to bother me but these days I listen to it wondering when the ridge tiles are going to blow off again.

  8. I love the pink coat. I prefer bright colours. Cant wait to get mine on again. Had the weather been better I might have tried to get dressed etc. Defeated again. Hope theres no more damage - or power outages.

    1. The photo is awful, as it's more purple than pink and good quality

  9. Hi Sue, am I alone in thinking those loose fence panels look very elegant and devil may care?! One looks like (she) should be holding a cigarette in a very long, twenties style holder and blowing smoke out in defiance! Don't often comment, but just thought I'd go back to one of your posts a week or so ago, when you were tidying out a cupboard, and trying to decide whether to throw out your old tea cosy (yes, my mind is a bit random at times;)) Well, this past week, I came across my old cosy, it is quite large, made for a big Brown Betty teapot, I don't think it's been used for about three years and probably won't be needed again for it's original purpose. I had a brainwave, hate cold soggy toast, and thought I could use it for that, gave it a wash and when it was dry I tried it out. Made myself some toast, put it inside the cosy and it worked, each slice was nicely warm and still crunchy. It is a cotton padded cosy, so toast shouldn't ever get damp or soggy - worth you giving it a try? Weather down here in Reigate is very soggy and windy, but not as bad as was forecast, better not tempt fate - it's awful and awfully mild too. Have a great weekend, Terry in Reigate

    1. I kept one tea cosy but another has gone to a charity shop.
      My slice of toast gets eaten too quickly to worry about it getting cold!

  10. Pretty coat!

    Hope this coming storm, doesn't do more damage! -sigh-

    ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’•

  11. Enjoy your weekend and stay safe, dry and warm :)

  12. Stay warm and safe! I Skyped with Mum today (she's in Ipswich) and she said she was staying inside this weekend. I hope these storms aren't a weekend habit! I hate paying for coats. I was lucky enough to find one on clearance as my old one had a broken zip. I really have to have one here today - can't go without a coat when it's below freezing!

    1. I bet Norwich Road is busy with the Orwell Bridge being shut yet Again. They really do need to find a way of letting cars over single file - or something.

  13. I'm sorry that your fencing was damaged! We have had so much rain here in the states and our driveway has flooded. We are looking into getting a new driveway culvert. As you say, owning property always brings repairs! I love the color of your new coat!

  14. Like you a little damage but nothing like what some are suffering so I am thankful. Love the coat, a great bargain.

  15. Grand attending university in England this semester. In London for weekend seeing some of Nana's favorites.

  16. What a gorgeous coat. I love the colour.

    I hope the newest storm that is battering the UK is no where near you.

    God bless.
