Thursday 28 April 2022

From April 2015

 I might have more to write about in a day or so but couldn't think of anything for today so I'm doing that "looking back to years gone by" lazy blog post.

Here are a couple of posts from April 2015 about people who blog and then stop and disappear  and Persephone Books and their Biannually newsletter

Monday, 27 April 2015

Where are they now?

I was so disappointed a few weeks ago to find Simple Living Blog had been taken down again. It's sad when blogs you have been reading vanish overnight or just stop without a word.

I read new posts from my favourite blogs by looking at my blogroll over on the right which updates as folk do new posts and when people stop writing I delete them from the bottom of the list . Down at the bottom now is Shrimpton and Perfect who has been blogging since 2011, but left with a That's All Folks, very sad. And where's Julee from Paid In Chickens - she was brilliant. I read Practically Penniless because she was homeschooling her son, something I've always been interested in, but her posts stopped in February.

Looking back to the first year of my blog in 2013,to  the people who had blogs and  commented then. Are they still around? I thought I would go back and look. Some have stopped blogging.

Dreamer- Dreaming of a Quiet Life was in Scotland, I know she cared for someone who was very ill. Sara - A Frugal wife was also in Scotland and always had lovely pictures.
A Saver of Surburbia was a fairly recent blog but now gone. The Quince Tree is Pausing. Vintage Vicki who lives a couple of miles from me was blogging long before I started, but she stopped a while back. Wendy at Blue Borage had a smallholding blog that stopped a year ago. Two members of The Suffolk Smallholders Society once started blogs,  Mid Suffolk Meadow might write again but another lady 's blog  - "Smallholding Pleasure or Profit" only lasted a few months.

I'm sure there are others I have forgotten.
I wonder why they stopped

I guess in a way it is good that a few people give up blogging or there would never be time to read all the new posts!

While some stop, there are always new people coming along, writing interesting posts which I enjoy reading.
Just recently I've found LOVING OUR VINTAGE LIFE which started in March .HOMEMAKING TALES  new this month. GOING GREEN IN FRANCE even more recent. HER INDOORS,HIM OUTDOORS again new this month. REMEMBERING THE OLD WAYS new in August last year.



Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Re-Discovered, Re-Published and Re-jigged.

I love it when Persephone Biannually drops through the letterbox. If you love books and haven't discovered this small publishing company then have a look here. Persephone Books are not just about books, they always feature print of a fabric from the period and a book mark too.They have a shop, run literary lunches and other events and produce this small magazine with a couple of short stories in twice a year. The books they are re-publishing for Spring/Summer are London War Notes by Mollie Panter-Downes ( originally written for The New Yorker  and last published in book form in 1971 ) and Vain Shadow by Jane Hervey ( originally published in 1963).
I would love the Persephone edition of the first of these but - and here is perhaps the only time I've regretted buying a book - I already have a copy of the 1971 edition. I bought it from Amazon for under £5 several  years ago when Persephone published her other books. I don't think I can justify giving my old second-hand ex-library copy away just so I can buy a smart new grey covered, patterned end-papered Persephone to match my others !

The British Library are re-printing lots of old crime books from the 1940s and earlier. I've enjoyed 2 by John Bude, which, despite being written in the 1930's, hardly seem dated. Death on the Cherwell by Mavis Doriel Hay, on the other hand is more obviously written way back then. I've got others on order from the library.

I've been fiddling with this blog for several weeks, first I changed the header picture, then I went from Frugal in Suffolk to Our Quiet Life in Suffolk. I've now altered the name by which I comment from Simple Suffolk smallholder to Sue in Suffolk, re-written the profile info and my two loaves of bread and a quiche which were my profile picture have been changed to a jug of Alstromeria.  Col has asked me what the heck I'm doing and if it's not broken why change it? I have no proper answer - maybe a change is as good as a rest or I changed it because I could. It's a bit like moving the furniture! I shall stop fiddling now - probably :-) or like the furniture I might just put everything back how it was!

Many thanks for all the comments after my Monday post about blogs that vanish or stop.

 I hereby promise that if ever I decide to stop blogging I will say why and goodbye! ( and Gill at Frugal in Derbyshire made me smile - look back and read her comment!)

It's good to be able to recommend new blogs for others to read, sharing the enjoyment is what it's all about.  Thank you also to everyone who said they enjoyed reading and now even more blogs have been added to my blogroll - I shall never get any work done at this rate!

Welcome to Barbara and Nanny Anny who are new followers in the Google pictures and Gwen  following by Bloglovin'. Hope you enjoy reading about our quiet life in Suffolk.
Back Soon


And on to April 2022

Not much has changed in blogland really in 7 years has it?. People still blog and then stop unannounced or take their blogs down without a word. I guess as long as some of us keep going there will always be something to read!

And I'm still enjoying reading the books that are being republished by the British Library and my Persephone Biannually Spring/Summer newsletter arrived last week with news of their most recent publications. I not sure about wanting to read either of their two new books but in October they've got Dorothy Whipple's memoir "The Other Day" and "The Water's Under the Earth" by John Moore - and that makes me feel really ancient because I read this and John Moore's trilogy about Brensham village way back when they were reprinted for the first time in the 1970s.

Back Tomorrow............ if I can come up with an idea for a post


  1. So many bloggers have given up for one reason or another. I'm not sure how I have kept going for so long. But there is a core group of "blogging friends" like you whose posts I look out for and enjoy. I especially enjoy shared information, about books and places and recipes etc. But I do wonder what's happened to some of those regular bloggers who just stopped....with no explanation or farewell. I hope they are OK.

  2. It's almost like a small bereavement, isn't it, when bloggers you have ready for so long just disappear and you have no idea why. I worry for them.

  3. I think quite a few bloggers go to Instagram instead. I shan't as I don't take photos with my camera and having looked, it looks too technical for me to try and use my ordinary camera ones. Perhaps I'm easily daunted!

    Someone I knew from a forum many years ago is wont to suddenly stop her blog/take it down, start again under a new heading. Strange woman.

    1. It is all about TikTok and five second vids now, awful. Instagram is passe but I use it as a photo diary. Very easy to load from phone or desktop computer. Not much writing there.

  4. Vintage Vicki is my daughter.She stopped blogging when her marriage broke up. She's found happiness again and has moved to Sudbury. Marilyn[Laura's mum]

    1. Hello Laura and Vicki's Mum! Hope they and their families are well.

  5. I only miss one blogger who suddenly upped and disappeared and left a cryptic haiku on each of his blogs which sounded macabrely like he had completely left the planet as well as blogland, and that was Gwil. He also turned off comments. I am sure Weaver misses him too. I don't understand when people have been so friendly in blogland just do that without any explanation. I knew him for 10 years.

  6. Like you, I wonder why people just stop writing, especially regulars bloggers. Thankfully you still post daily and always welcome, thank you. Sarah Browne.

  7. I have miss people who I got friendly with and have chatted for a lot of years.
    Hazel ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿฅ

  8. There are a few blogs I miss and I liken them to people who have moved to the area, joined the group for a while then moved on. There must be a reason why they don't tell us their new blog name, trolls come to mind.

  9. Guilty as charged. I last posted on my blog in August last year and despite going back to it, determined to post again, I just haven't known what to say or how to say it. Part of the reason is the enforced staying at home due to Covid restrictions, meaning I have been nowhere, so nothing interesting to say and no new photographs. Coupled with a deterioration in my physical fitness and possibly mental fitness, I no longer feel that I have anything of interest to say. I have always been a bit of a loner and am now even more so. I apologise for disappearing without explanation.

    1. But you pop up in comments so we know you are still around! Sorry to hear about the health problems.

  10. I know what you mean, too. There was a blogger in Texas with lovely gardening posts. We even exchanged plants. Then one day nothing and she just disappeared. I wonder sometimes with these disappearances whether tragedy struck and survivors had no clue about what to do with the blog.

  11. I am a blog reader and I have had a few bloggers die and it is always shocking to read the news. Usually, a partner takes over the blog to post the sad news and it is like losing a dear friend.
    I so appreciate all of you bloggers! It seems like quite a bit of work to organize your words and photos to share your world and thoughts with others. Thank you so much!

  12. I am still blogging, since 2009. I am so grateful for blogs like yours and Bovey Belle, that are dependably here for us.

  13. I know what you mean about folk who just disappear, it's happened a few times to me and I've even left comments months later in their final blog entry just asking if they're ok and wishing them well before now. They don't tend to answer. Luckily it's rare and people usually let me know, one a few months ago for instance, stopping because his wife is unwell, and someone has emailed me recently to tell me they're giving up in June. It's a shame but at least I know what's happened. And both these people are still on Goodreads and Twitter so I don't feel totally bereft.

  14. Thank you everyone for comments, apologies for not replying properly

  15. I gave my reasons in my most recent post. I may pick up again, but for now it's too frustrating trying to type. Due to spam, I've turned off commenting.

    1. I guess health issues are probably one of the main reasons for stopping- I miss your photos of your beautiful part of the world

  16. It sounds like we all feel the same about disappearing blogs. There seem to be less people blogging now than when I first started. I used to think cyber friends was a bit weird but now I have met many people through the blog, I realise it's not strange at all.

  17. I find it disturbing when bloggers just disappear. One always worries that something dreadful has happened to them.

  18. Guilty as charged for the past week or so, but here I am back with a bang ... and about to disappear off on holiday just to annoy everyone again ;-)
