Friday 21 October 2022

October Library Books

After a very wet morning I thought it had stopped raining in time for me to stay dry to go up the road to collect my reservations from the library van, but then it started raining again. Had to fish my brolly out of the car.

 16 books, a lovely collection of mainly crime fiction this month, with some very interesting non-fiction. I suggested that they buy the 3 recent British Library Crime Classics, at the top of the heap,  just a few weeks ago and they've come into stock very quickly which is good, and straight to me first - Big ✔ for Suffolk Libraries. ๐Ÿ˜€


The non-fiction are the two at the front and I'm very keen to read The Great Plant Based Con which asks if eating a plants-only diet is actually bad for us humans who were built to eat meat and have been doing so for 1000's of years. 
There is the new one by Raynor Winn following on from The Salt Path and The Wild Silence
also in the heap are two books about homelessness....... . The Wild Year by Jen Benson and Thunderstone by Nancy Campbell and a book called "No Matter How Many Skies Have Fallen" which is about farming in WWII on a community farm in Essex. 

The rest are crime fiction with three by Judi Daykin that have all turned up at once. They follow on from the first in a series read earlier this year. There's a very large book by Kate Quinn, a new-to-me author, which is about three women who worked at Bletchley Park in WWII. The other crime are by Mel Starr and Alexander McCall Smith - both the latest in long series and also Anthony Horowitz.


Oh Goody.................. we have no Prime Minister again. Good Grief what the hell are they doing? 
I shall hibernate with my pile of reading and hope they can sort themselves out.

(Just thinking this will be such a good quiz question in the future - How many days did Ms Truss serve as PM? or Which year had 3 PM's?)

Back Tomorrow


  1. The Kate Quinn looks interesting, as do the non fiction "eating" choices. I do hope LT hadn't got round to redecorating #10. Will she still get the exPMs £100K+ annual allowance?

    1. Surely they can't give her that huge allowance after just 44 days.

  2. I read The Rose Code quite recently and thoroughly enjoyed it….I think you will too. There was a twist to the tale as well.

    1. Perhaps I saw it mentioned on your blog as I wasn't sure where I'd come across the title

  3. Apparently she does get a golden handshake. I see I chose the wrong career path in life! Bedlam in Parliament - doesn't look good in the eyes of other countries, let alone our own.

    Great haul of books. I have reservations about the plant-based diet too -and I'm worried about a particular friend who has gone down the meat-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, teetotal route when on cusp of menopause. Heavens - all the pleasures in life ripped out in one fell swoop!

    1. Disgusting to hear that she'll get all that money. I've been waiting ages for that book as publishing was held up - I wonder why?!

  4. As to the question which year had three PMs, there is still time for a fourth.

  5. I had a day reading yesterday with some decluttering thrown in! I was re-reading All the Light we cannot See by Anthony Duerr for my readers’ group. Happy reading!

    1. That's one I tried and just couldn't get into - ought to try again sometime

  6. Some great authors there. I have not been reading much lately between my craft of rug hooking and working there seems to be not enough time.
    I was watching the news this morning and I think they are trying to say look at England look over there, so we do not concentrate on the mess the US is in.

    1. The joy of being retired and downsizing is plenty of reading time :-)

    2. I think "they" are saying "Look at England" so that we will take note and regroup. I applaud the British citizens. They are paying attention although they did elect her.

  7. A good selection of books there and yes, I have quite a few of them. By the time you have read your way through them I dread to think how many Prime Ministers will have come and gone!!

    Funnily enough I said to Alan last night there will be The Chase questions popping up in the future linked to our shortest serving prime minister.

    1. I thought it last night whilst watching Pointless because there was a question on Prime Ministers who had served at least 2 years. I thought Truss, May and Johnson will cause some scratching of heads sometime.

  8. I think hunkering down with some great reading sounds like a great idea at the moment - think I'll join you!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. The news people are LOVING it! but everyone else just wants to get back to normal- Reading will keep me busy for longer than it takes to get another PM thank goodness

  9. I recently read The Rose Code and ranked it as the best book I had read in a LONG time.

  10. I read The Salt Path, and while it was good and lead to her on a journey of self discovery, I couldn't help but be appalled at the willy-nilly approach to heading out. They were so unprepared. And then, sometimes, when problems arose, it just seemed like the wise thing to do would be to stop and get it sorted and then move on. People found it so profound, and I wanted to. I tried very hard to see it that way. In the end, I couldn't help but prepare it to 'Into The Wild'. THe young man in that story was unprepared and he headed off iinto a wilderness that killed him. I'm sorry for any offense.

    1. Def. no offence taken. The Salt Path got so much hype,and they were definitely a bit strange! the follow up wasn't so good IMHO so no idea what this one will be like . Books on homelessness or living in a shed are all the thing at the moment, and it's odd that I have 2 that have both arrived at the same time

    2. I agree entirely with Debby. I only bought it after a long time of deliberation when one day I was desperate for something to read and it was in the supermarket and I thought perhaps I might just like it. Whilst I felt sorry for them in their predicament who on earth in their right mind would set off on that journey so ill-prepared without a clue of what they were doing. I had to skip over some pages because I couldn't bear to read it.

  11. Currently reading Anthony Doerr's latest - Cloud Cuckoo Land. It's engrossing and I must get back to it now and get off my computer.

  12. Nice lot of books! How many have you read this year?

    The Prime Minister thing made me laugh and groan and just the thought of bringing Boris back made me groan again.

  13. I hope you enjoy the Rose Code as much as I did. Be sure to read the author notes at the end, which I suspect you already do! Two new-to-me BCL books and I'm eager to read the next of the Horowitz! I'm so made I left the next two Judi Dakin books I have at the lake so I won't see those till next spring. I loved the first one I read. I'll look forward to your follow-up!
