Friday 25 June 2021

People Who Moan

 Why is it that some people can find something to moan about in any situation? 

I had a post written for today but it just sounded like someone moaning about people who I deleted it!

Back Tomorrow


  1. There's someone I am friend of a friend with on FB and all she does is moan all the time. She's a true moaner - I'm sure you're not, Sue!

  2. I do moan (quite a bit at the moment) - but it gets it off my chest and out of my system, rather than festering. So, sorry for being one of your moaners.

  3. That post made us laugh. Good one.

  4. I call my hubby Victor Meldrew because he is a meaner. Never used to be but now he is morning to night. He even says I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!

  5. I don't like people who moan for nothing, there is enough people that are very ill etc. We are lucky we have a roof over our head and food,
    The last few years I have had a very rough time but I still try and see good in people and life is good.
    Please count your blessings everyone and Sue in Suffolk you are never moaning and I know you have had some bad days.
    Hazel ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ

  6. If something really bugs me, I can moan for Britain, but I generally do try to see the good things and ignore the bad. Mind you, a good moan every now and then does you good. As Sooze said, gets it off your chest. xx

  7. I call my husband Mr Grumpy King of the Grumpy People, for obvious reasons. Although I live with a moaner I do try to always look on the bright side of life as Monty Python suggested. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. I moan about people who delete their comments or even their blogs before I get a chance to read it and see what the fuss was about.

    1. Ha! my moaning post didn't get as far as publication!

  9. Glass half empty people. Moaning is contagious and really creates a negative view of the world. We all have a grumble from time to time but I try to see positives in most situations, it helps me.
    Wimbledon starts on Monday, there, something really enjoyable for us all!

  10. I try not to be a moaner when I comment, but sometimes one slips out depending on the subject of a post. Apologies.

    1. Oh my goodness, this wasn't what I meant and certainly wasn't aimed at anyone in blogland - no apologies needed!

  11. When we were selling my dad's house we received an offer from a woman wanting to move to the area, but before she would proceed she wanted the gas cutting off and gas fire taking out because she thought gas dangerous, the electricity meter changing, aids and adaptations like handrails removing, and no end of other things. After messing us about for months she withdrew. Her name - Mona.

    1. Ha Ha. People have done studies about how given names affect personalities - they may be right in that case!

  12. I love Tasker's comment above and I totally agree with you Sue. I could moan about my lack of mobility but I have had 88 good mobile years - now I trundle about with Priscilla. I am lucky to still be here - the alternative is worse.

  13. Feeling really guilty now as I had a moan in my post this morning. Sorry!

    1. With so many strange things about work done at Cornerstones I think you are allowed.
      There was lots of saying "why?" at Clay Cottage and one or two odd things here too!

  14. I have just let a friendship quietly come to an end and one of the main reasons was that whenever we met up this woman just moaned about everything and always seemed to have a negative outlook.

  15. wow Devon mum's comment is right up my street, I myself have cancelled out many 'friends' when all they do is moan and whine, glass half empty etc., to be fair we need to let off a whinge sometimes but it's so unhealthy to be negative all the time and people who do that make me miserable - I haven't noticed you moaning on your posts, you seem very positive and make the best of lots of things others would find challenging :)

  16. I have stopped reading some blogs, all they do is moan!

  17. Haha ... you and me both, I nearly did a post a few weeks back about moaning and negativity, it's so draining isn't. I love positive people and happy feedback, but non-stop moaning makes me feel drained and unproductive.

    It's one thing I would never accuse you of Sue, you always seem so positive and upbeat, when you do have a little whinge it is always well deserved by the occasion that brought it up.

    1. Thank you - hopefully I don't moan much - there's no point when there's no one to hear!

  18. I hope you do post the moany post one day - it sounds intriguing!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Someone that is constantly moaning/complaining and sees nothing particularly good about anything is a person difficult to be around. In my opinion, a moaning person is likely somewhat depressed.

  21. I only have one moaner in my little circle of friends and I have to admit to goading her into moaning which is very unscrupulous of me but fun too!

  22. I think lately I've been moaning a little too much. Generally I try not to do too much of it, but just lately life is..well, it's been better.

  23. I've a feeling you meant this to be a light hearted post? I chuckled.

    "No fortune is so good but that you may find something to grumble about." Publilius Syrus

  24. I have a comment from someone on my blog as "mind blowing post". Maybe as it's different than the country she lives in! I keep on being kind and sometimes alot of photos! That's what happens when I only posted once this week! Have a good weekend!

    1. The computer generated posts that say odd things just get deleted here

  25. Deleting blogposts about moaning is something that really pisses me off.
