Saturday, 11 April 2020

Strange Times Wk 4, Post 3 - End of the Week.

Is it Easter weekend? Yes I think so. I won't mention all the things we would have been doing this weekend - it's depressing to think about.

But I made a mini Simnel cake - it got a bit overdone ............

 I didn't get round to making Hot Cross Buns because I forgot there were some in the freezer that I'd bought for family to share as I wouldn't have had time to make them with grandson staying.

It's been such a good week for gardening here up the end of the lane. On Monday I carried on emptying the big compost bin and partially filling the big pots I use in the greenhouse for tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergines and the ONE pepper plant I've got.  I'll top them up with Multi Purpose when I plant everything. Son told me the nursery in the village where they used to live is delivering within 15 miles. I might be a bit too far and they have stopped all orders until after Easter anyway but I'll try afterwards, they should have vegetable plants by then and they might have pepper plants. Before lockdown  I ordered some Brassica plants, having decided to grow a few for the winter and I THINK I added a couple of pepper plants to the order, because my first sowing had already failed.....It was before all the companies got busy and stopped taking orders so I hope they will turn up.

Another job done was to re-pot my Olive tree, small Bay tree and a couple of Hostas that live on the patio. I also planted out into the garden a small pear tree, it is supposed to be a Patio Pear but hasn't done much in a fact it's got more dead bits than live although there are a few flowers...... the pot was needed to prepare for a squash plant (large flower pots were one of the things on my list to look out for at car-boot sales).

Beetroot seeds have been sown outside and climbing beans in trays in the greenhouse.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were the warmest days of the year so far - really beautiful. I sat out and read a book for a while each day, it was good to have the doors open to let the spring air in.

 Walking down the meadow in the bright sunshine one day, with everything quiet all around, I decided at that moment in time there was nowhere else I would rather be.
I've often had this thought before...........
It would happen when I was out on a Scouting event with my Cub Scouts, or sitting milking a goat on an early summer morning, or catching some sunshine on sunny days at the smallholding. I odd or is it normal?

It's going to be a very strange weekend alone, but I guess it will pass.

This week I am grateful for
  • Sunshine
  • Another week staying well
  • The delivery drivers and postman
  • Living in the best place I've ever lived
  • New followers - hello and welcome - hope you enjoy reading 

Enjoy your Easter weekend at home in whatever part of the world you live.
Back Monday


  1. Contentment is a wonderful thing and, I think, hugely underrated. It's not odd at all, it's just that so many, amidst the hustle and bustle of their lives, fail to recognise there 'still small voices of calm' that speak of utter contentment.

    1. Taking time to stand and stare is something I've always enjoyed doing

  2. I know just what you mean about at that moment being in the best place you could be. I have lost count of the number of times since the Pandemic kicked off, where we have felt what they call Stateside, "blessed" to live here. We feel a million miles from the outside world, have land to grow things in and walk around, lovely walks on our doorstep and have a wonderful community.

    We had a failure in the Chilli department - Tam's last few saved seeds. Then she spotted one and a bit of her yellow chillis (seed given by a friend last year) in the spice rack so got all the seeds out of those yesterday, and also one of my unidentified red dried chillis (hopefully from her seed given to me and not an F1 hybrid) and we will get some more started off today. The Russian pink tomatoes have decided that the hot coldframe in the day and a warm windowsill at night will be conducive to growth. Hurray!

    I hope that you can get some pepper plants delivered (and your brassicas). We have abandoned our Real Seed order as they are totally overwhelmed with orders - something like 400 an hour instead of the usual 600 a week!

    We had nothing planned for Easter - we usually stay at home because the traffic in Carmarthen gets very heavy. Pollen is keeping me indoors so I am going to make Yoghurt (or attempt to) in a thermos flask, and may try some Apple and Cinnamon Hot X Buns in my breadmaker (well, the dough part!)

    Sorry you will miss seeing your family.

    1. We did a zoom family meet up this afternoon - it was hilarious!

  3. Hello Sue
    Like you I've found things 'don't seem so bad' if I forget the things I can't do and concentrate on the things I can.
    As much as I'm not happy about our outdoor temps changing (down not up) it's definitely easier to weed the garden without the hot sun beating down
    Love to you and your family at this special time of theyear

    1. A strange Easter here but we will get through this

  4. I shall be content doing nothing.

  5. Easter blessings to you and thank you for your posts which I read every morning with my tea.
    Contentment is a great gift. Jx

  6. I sowed my beetroot yesterday. The spinach is already growing quite quickly and the sweet peas are beginning to sprout. It may only be small but I'm feeling very grateful for my garden just now.
    Have a lovely weekend. X

    1. I sowed some beetroot, and have watered it as since then there has been no rain

  7. I completely agree. There are moments of utter contentment when time stands still, and one feels "it is SO good to be HERE right NOW". May Angelou said something like 'life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away'. You know you cannot stay in that special moment forever - but it is wonderful while it lasts, and the memory is a precious treasure which gets you through the tough times. Right now I am so grateful for those memories.

    1. You're right, contentment is a good place to be

  8. It is Easter weekend Sue, so I put on some 'proper' clothes this morning, not old jumper and jeans. Happy Easter, enjoy your cake ;)

  9. I feel much the same as you Sue - and we do have such a lot to be grateful for. Stay well.

  10. A lovely post Sue everyone is so thankful for what they have, I have always been a contented person and it has not always been easy in my life but there is always someone worse of than. The sun is shinning and the blossom is so pretty, my D and GD came yesterday and I have so special treats.
    HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE and it will past and I think the World will be a nicer place.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  11. Happy Easter Sue, enjoy your quiet weekend. We can all look forward to getting together with our loved ones when it is safe.

  12. Happy Easter to you Sue. Your garden sounds really therapeutic. Mine is tiny and I wasn't going to put vegetables in this year, but I've decided that seeing vegetables grow is what I need for my spirits right now. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Growing things to eat is one of my favourite things

  13. Your Simnel cake looks lovely, I adore marzipan. I haven't made a Simnel cake for years. Happy Easter, and lots of get togethers to look forward to, when safe. Helen S.

    1. I always find marzipan is sweeter than I think it is

  14. The cake looks good. I'm hoping my peppers strike, I'm struggling with courgettes but I'll hang in there, they may show up! Its maddening having glorious weather and unable to go anywhere. Nevermind it has to be.

    1. My courgette seeds are not doing well either - disaster!

  15. Happy Easter to you, Sue! This is a time of both renewal and hope. Roderick

  16. it's not odd to feel there's no place you'd rather be, i love being at home and can always find something to do, today i have tidied up my shed as it's full of things waiting for a car boot sale, very satisfying to be able to see where everything is, i have planted seeds, onion sets etc, and can see some signs of growth. your cake looks great, i hope your easter goes as well as it can and that it's not too long before we can all see our families again xx

  17. It is difficult to not be able to see our loved ones for Easter but hopefully these days will help us to appreciate our many blessings even more. Your Simnel cake looks good and I'm sure you will enjoy it. I had to look up what it is as I have never seen one before where I live. I am glad you are treating yourself to something special and traditional for the time. I do hope you have a peaceful and enjoyable Easter even if it will be different. Thinking of you! xx

    1. I've been watching - you are about to click over to 600 Followers soon! You'll be beating John's record if you keep this up! ; )

    2. 600 was where John was at when I started blogging in 2013. My posts are not nearly as interesting as his so it may be a long time to catch him!

  18. Your simenel cake looks delicious .. enjoy!
    I'm quite content to be at home, nothing I need or want .... i'm a simple person.
    You are off to a great start with the growing for this year. Enjoy the Easter sunshine, a good mood boost for us all which is very welcome.

  19. Lovely looking cake! I'm glad you're at least able to get out and enjoy the weather. My Mum has just about had enough - she's staying in but is getting quite bored!

    1. I expect you are wondering if you will be able to get over here this year - what a worry. Hope things will be back to normal soon

  20. Happy Easter to you and your family from southern Australia. We had some lovely autumn days last week and I planted all the odd seeds I found in my cupboard that I thought might grow in the cold like broad beans,snow peas,beetroot etc. not so many or very organized,but have been unable to get any more this week.Easter weather has been wet, cold and grey but we have been busy embroidering and my husband has made a batch of home brew! Missing the grandies the most though x

    1. Hope the Autumn weather is just right for your crops

  21. I would love nothing better than to see our grandchildren and my mum - I carry on knowing that one day I will. Going in the garden or out for a walk does help to take my mind of everything that we hear on the news. This warm weather is helping to lift our spirits. x

    1. Yes this will pass.
      Bit worried about the frosts forecast for a few nights

  22. Happy Easter Sue! Be well, stay safe...


  23. Happy Easter Sue - and enjoy the cake - I rarely bake but enjoy it when I do. I am content to be at home as I have a sadly neglected garden and shed to sort out and inside the house is a mess- waiting for the rain to do this as I prefer being outside when I can. I am not a huge shopper, happy living on my own and there is countryside to walk in near to home - the only thing I really miss like you is seeing the family - thank goodness for WhatsApp!
    Keep well and safe and when this is over we may even get round to having that coffee together! PatC

    1. We Zoomed this afternoon it was hilarious - 4 houses, 3 grandchildren (Arthur was asleep!)

  24. As ever Sue you bring a special kind of peace and contentment to blogland xx

  25. Sue, you sound so contented and this in these strange times, is lovely to read.

    Happy Easter to you and all your family. xx

    1. I feel quite content, just need car boot sales to start and grandchildren to visit and my world will be fine!

  26. What a lovely blog you have Sue, a pleasure to read. And if I may say I'm so very sad at the loss of your beloved in 2018. I've been there too. I
    I envy your love of gardening, it's something that doesn't work for me! I do manage to keep my yard neatly mowed and weeded though. That in itself is a triumph for me.
    Take care...

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you like reading the blog - I really enjoy writing it
