Wednesday, 8 July 2020

A Wayleave Payment

Do you know about Wayleave?

Wayleave is a payment for having power cables or poles on or over your land in exchange for allowing the power company onto your land to work on the cables or posts

We first became aware of it at the smallholding where the high voltage power cables taking electricity from Sizewell Power Station passed over a corner of the meadow. Every year we would get letters from companies asking if we would like them to apply for a wayleave payment on our behalf.  Unfortunately we never got a penny because the person who owned the smallholding back in the late 1960s when the first power station was built accepted a one off lump sum payment!
What we did get twice a year was a magazine all about what National Grid were doing, their involvement with nature conservation and how they worked in co-operation with farmers around the country. Plus every now and again the regional Wayleave Officer would ring or visit to make sure everything was OK about allowing their staff on our land.

When we got the deeds to our house up the end of the lane I discovered among the ton of papers that we were entitled to a Wayleave payment for the pole and fixings in the corner of the garden and the wires that run over the hedgerow between the garden and the field, taking electricity across the fields to a distant farm.

This cheque arrived last week.

I can hear you thinking - "that's a handy amount" except that nowadays they only pay out small  amounts like this once every 10 years! .....So £5.50 a year ..........Wonder if I'll still be around in 10 years time?

Still a nice surprise.

I'm taking a few days off while family are visiting.
Back in a while


  1. What a pleasant surprise. OK its only 10p a week, when you work it out... But £55 will be useful I'm sure. I'd never heard of Wayleave. Have fun with the family

    1. I knew it was due sometime this year but didn't know when or how much - it will be useful

  2. I guess that is a coffee and a small cake once a year. I wonder what annual standing charge they collect from the distant farm for the service supply.

    1. A once a year coffee and cake sounds good at the moment with everywhere shut!

  3. Yes, we used to get the Wayleave payments on the farm.

    1. It is rent payment for having cables and poles across ones land.

    2. We used to fill in the forms from the private companies every year and of course always got the same "sorry" reply because we knew we couldn't claim anything - but it kept them busy!

  4. I've never heard of this. Very useful - when it comes.

    1. It's big farmers with the pylons across their land who probably get the bigger payments

    2. Even then it never amounted to much but they did pay it annually.

  5. We get letters every year asking if we want to apply for a payment, we never have I don't know why. The buzzing of the power lines is amazing at the end of the paddock when it rains, but luckily they are nowhere near the house.

    1. Yes the cables above the smallholding were noisy in fog and damp and sometimes you could feel the static on the grass below them- frightening really

  6. I have never heard of them, and I am not sure that for such a small annual sum I would want them to have access on my land.

    1. We all want safe electricity supply lines and poles so I could not possibly see anyone even contemplating saying no to the annual inspection, one man, one Landrover.

  7. We have recently been asked to apply so it will be interesting to see what the amount will be.

    1. If you are entitled you should get it automatically. Dont use a private company to apply they take a cut. Go direct to UK power networks

  8. Like you, I often get letters from companies telling me I'm entitled to Wayleave payments and offering to arrange it for me. I'm always so suspicious of letters like this that I've never done anything about it!

  9. I receive about £7 or £8 for the pole on the edge of the garden. I knew about wayleave payments from a previous house, and when we moved here, the vendors told us about the entitlement, so I contacted the company. Very easy to do - don't use one of the 'agent' firms who just want their cut.

    1. I should have warned people in the post to avoid private companies. It comes automatically once it starts

  10. When a property is sold the vendors solicitor should ensure that Wayleave entitlements are passed on to the purchaser by giving the electricity network company the details of the new owner. That's if the seller hasn't already done it themselves, which I did.

    1. I knew it was due this year from the paperwork but not how much so it was a nice surprise.

  11. Better than a poke in the eye with a short telegraph pole.

    1. I was going to say better than a kick up the bum!

  12. You'll be good for a couple of car boot sale visits though Sue! x

    1. Blimey - more like 10 car boot visits I think

    2. But'll be playing catchup!!

  13. we had a gentleman from Northern Power knock on the door last year , he was asking about who owned the land because there is a couple of poles and a transformer in the garden , sadly we didnt earn a penny, the Council will have received the payment

  14. Enjoy your family - and don't go on a spending spree with that wayleave!

  15. Blogland is full of the most strange information and your post today is evidence! How interesting, there is a housing estate behind the woods with cables and poles like yours, I bet they don't know about Wayleave!

  16. A lovely little boost to the coffers. My friend had a bill board on the outside wall of her garden and they paid handsomely.

  17. We get just over £10 a year for a pole and the electric wires one of which is our supply, I think.

  18. Our parish gets a quarterly payment from several communications company for allowing them to put a cell tower in the corner of our property. Each cell company pays a certain amount.

  19. Enjoy your time with your family.
    I am hoping to see my family on Sunday especially my son for I have not seen him since the end of February it is my birthday on Sunday and there will be 8 of us together and my D. Is doing afternoon tea for us. I have several jobs for my Son to do and my GS is going to tidy up the pond.
    Hooe the weather is good for everyone.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  20. £5.50 a year, not so good, but a nice little cheque like that is a lovely thing!
    Enjoy your family time, hope the weather is good for you x

  21. Sue hope you don't mind I gave you a mention on my blog today because I made that lovely aubergine pasta sauce which you put on as a recipe a while ago. It was delicious - best sauce I have made.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it - I served it up for me and eldest daughter and she liked it too
