Monday, 19 April 2021

First Car Boot Sale

 I strolled across the Stonham Barns Leisure and Retail Centre site from my temporary caravan home to the car boot sale and despite going straight there after getting up and dressed it was already really busy.......and very cold. Like last year the cars were spread out with a one-way walking round system. 
There was tons of 'stuff' but  all I found were 3 pretty birthday cards for £1.
 Then I went back to the caravan for breakfast and as it was still only 9.15 decided to stroll back for another look round and by the time everywhere had been searched again the ice-cream van had arrived so I treated myself to the first of the year whippy 99. Felt a bit early in the day for an ice cream but it was very good.

Back Sometime


  1. Glad you weren't a spendthrift though it must have been tempting, first bootsale of the year and all that. No sign of any opening up round here yet, and the nearest one would be Llandod - 7 miles away, and the best one 30 miles away at Leominster or 20 miles away at Brecon, and that is only on for 3 or 4 months in high summer (Rugby Club one).

    We are tentatively thinking about going to the first Malvern Fleamarket of the year. On the principal that infection rates are probably as low as they are likely to be so the risk less, especially now we are all jabbed (K & I twice and Tam once). They have indoor stalls but we might just stick to the outside ones . . . We will see.

    Don't blame you having an ice cream.

    1. Mustn't buy much as anything I do buy has to be either moved when I move in my car or stored at BiL's house where he already has half my house, greenhouse and garage stuff!

  2. It sounds like an enjoyable time, despite the lack of purchases and how lovely to be close enough to be able to re-visit a bit later on. The cards are lovely!

    1. There were lots of toys and ornaments - don't need any of those at the moment!

  3. It sounds like you had a very relaxing day. I can never resist a whipped ice cream and have to restrict myself when we visit the local park and see a Midlands Supercream van!

    1. I think I missed out completely last year so it felt like a real treat

  4. Your cards are lovely and would look nice framed.
    I love Whippy ice cream and I have not had one for many years, I have seen on our Face Book page that we are having one coming on Sunday evenings so I will look out for next week.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈

    1. Coincidentally on the back of one card (they are all cards made from prints of artists work) it says......Must not be re-sold as a framed print!

  5. I saw a photo of a very big car boot sale. Can't remember where it was, but I thought how wonderful that people are out and about in the open air.

    1. Certainly lots out here in Mid Suffolk. It was sunny but very cold. I don't think people were spending much

  6. Lucky you. I would love to go to a carboot sale once again.

  7. How lovely to be able to do something a little more frivolous and spontaneous without the need to plan or prebook. The world is slowly opening out again. Arilx

  8. Brilliant that you are right on the spot for an early look around the car boot sale, but isn't it always the way that when you can be there's not much to buy.

    I used to LOVE Mr Whippy, and I have always said that if I win the lottery I will buy my own van and put the vegan mix in the machine, so I can have one whenever I want.

    1. I wasn't really expecting to find much as there is nothing I need or want. (except to move into my bungalow!)

  9. I thought about you on Sunday morning and wondered what treasuresyou had found (never thought about the ice cream).

    1. The ice cream was a nice surprise for me too

  10. Soon you will be in your new home and you will make of list of items to look for at future car boot sales! Ice cream sounds like the perfect treat any time of day!

  11. Sounds like a perfect morning.

  12. Isn't it lovely to be slowly getting back to a little bit of normal. I just hope that soon you'll be in your bungalow and able to look out for things to decorate it, or plants for your new garden. xx

    1. Probably wont find the things I need for the bungalow at a boot sale.....Fridge/freeze and dishwasher and two sets of navy blue black out curtains!

  13. How nice to have the sale close enough to walk to it. The cards are beautiful. I've always loved art cards. The second trip around and the ice cream are just the cherry on top of a nice day!

  14. I can't wait to get to a car boot sale again. Some have opened up here but not too close so I'm waiting a bit longer. I'm glad you enjoyed your ice cream. It's made me want one too!

  15. Nice greeting cards. I like going to thrift stores. Good way to find things cheap and useful.

  16. Very pretty cards. No yard or garage sales here as of yet. It is much too cold.

    God bless.

  17. Nice cards! I'd love an ice cream - though not today as there were snowflakes in the air. Brrrr

  18. First of all it is never too early for ice cream, says the woman who is having chocolate covered cherries for breakfast. Lovely cards, especially the lady at the beach.
