Saturday 12 August 2023

Second Saturday In August

As usual the week has whizzed by and the best thing about this week was a couple of days of proper warmth and sunshine - only a couple of days but much needed. Also good was watching some of the Cycling World Championships on TV. (Not so good was having a Wordle fail midweek)

On Monday I had to go out specially to get some flowers as I'd volunteered to make 2 birthday posies for the August WI meeting. Not sure why I volunteered except there was a shortage of people willing to do them. Unfortunately I've got a shortage of flowers in the garden at the moment so had to nip out 6 miles to Tesco's.

Then Tuesday was the Keep Moving Group and afterwards I went to have a look at a big furniture shop as a new sofa really is needed. It will be only the second new sofa in 44 years! I brought home  measurements to check out.

And that was the reason for  shifting furniture on Wednesday, moving things around, trying to have a bit less in the living room, making more floor space there. It used to be one of my favourite things to do - the children would come home from school and find the living room all different! . 

It started with moving the jams and chutneys from the shelves in the freezer room to the top shelves of the cupboards in the kitchen. When the shelf unit in the freezer room were emptied they went into my bedroom so that the small shelf unit there could be emptied and moved into the living room - it's the same colour/design as my bookshelves that are already there. It sounds straightforward but there was quite a lot of moving things (and dusting!) and searching the garage for an extension lead so I could move the clock.

Then there was a lot of shifting of books off the big pine shelf unit in the living room, moving some to my bedroom and the others put on the smaller shelves. The big pine shelves ( the top of which was used for my seasonal displays) were wiggled out of the living room onto the patio - where I managed to lay it onto the wheelbarrow and take it round to the garage. 

This is ¾ book shifting done

On Thursday I finished sorting and moving books, got the bread machine on and did a pile of ironing and decided I didn't like having the jams/chutneys so out of reach on the kitchen cupboard top shelves, so wiggled the pine cupboard from the garage (what the jams etc were stored in before the freezer room was done) on the wheelbarrow round to the freezer room and on Friday took the jams etc back out to the cupboard. That was more than enough moving for one week!

Hello and welcome and thank you to some people who have clicked the follower button, probably after Sue-in-Lancashire's post about blogging on Tuesday. It was really interesting to read all the comments, and people's reasons for reading, writing or commenting. Her post made me realise how bad I've been at commenting on other people's blogs recently- must do better - and I read that long posts sometimes put people off reading so I'll Stop Right Now!

Have a good weekend

Back Monday


  1. Blimey, Sue - I'm ready to go back to bed after reading about all that furniture -and book-shifting! And will that selected new sofa fit into your living room after all that?

    1. I was trying to find another 15cm - and found it! so I can have the one I wanted

  2. I am exhausted just reading that!

  3. Sounds as if you need a good cuppa, feet up and chill!
    Blogging has changed over the years, I’ve noticed. I started way back in 2007 and in those days, people didn’t reply to comments as much as they do now. They just visited that person’s blog and commented. I think you can become a slave to blogging, if you don’t watch out! It’s hard to get that balance ...especially with one’s own blog posts. I know that I tend to go on a bit! 😂
    I hope that you can have a relaxing weekend! 😁

    1. I feel I ought to reply to comments like replying to a letter or email but sometimes there isn't much to say except Thank you

  4. We are sorting as it's decorating time, I keep saying that's it and then find more stuff to get rid of. I found so much beautiful years ago, now it's just stuff.

    1. I seem to be averaging a bag full of stuff going out each month - I don't think I'm bringing a bag full in each month - well, hope I'm not

  5. I love a bit of furniture moving too. I swapped two huge rugs over this week and that triggered a morning of ‘bottoming out’ two rooms. Had forgotten how exhausting (and sweaty!) it is - luckily I had a swim booked at the nearby pool in the afternoon. Jam cupboard filling up with a couple of jars of blackberry jelly (made none last year as they were wizened in heat and drought) and I have spotted a laden damson tree and wild plum tree growing locally. I especially love damson jam - do you have any stone-removing tips! Sarah in Sussex

    1. I rarely made damson jam, even though we had a large tree at the smallholding, as it wasn't a favourite and the stones are a pain - so sold the damsons instead for others to use and made jam from easier fruits instead

    2. How about making damson jelly? - then the stones are caught in jelly bag 😃 Country Cook

  6. I got lost between the freezer and the garage and the shelves. Anyway, whatever, enjoy a new sofa if you go ahead with it. Personally I would be poking around the secondhand places - as-new sofas abound and you never know what you will find.

    1. I was trying to think of where we had any second-hand furniture shops locally and only know of the Age Concern in Stow and they don't have much. Hoping for a settee that will last me out!

  7. Used to love moving furniture about too. Our lounge has to have a clear space in the middle as that’s where I lay out my quilts for pinning. Catriona

    1. I like lots of floor space to make the room look bigger and room for the grandchildren to get all the toys out

  8. I used to enjoy moving furniture - no more, unless I have to. You need a couple of days off now.

    1. It was easier on a hard floor - not so simple on carpet

  9. Wow! All that effort and energy used and then putting it all back again, you deserve a 'Duggie' medal, (smile). Changing a room around takes a lot of thought and you never know if it's an improvement until it's done. I read Sue's blog every day as I've done for many, many years, but never comment as I thought she had stopped Anonymous comments, so didn't answer her questionnaire. Too late now. It depends what the subject is if I read a long post or not and I do like replies to my comments as it makes me feel included (for want of a better word).

    1. I try and reply every day if I can - not always time.

  10. Good for you on the switch round, not easy humping furniture around on your own. One of the nice things about reading blogs for me is the variety, both in length:-) and topics
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I like variety too - and that's what I try to do both blogging and furniture!

  11. Well done on the furniture shifting.

  12. It sounds exhausting. You should be teaching the keep moving classes yourself.

    1. We don't really have a teacher - we do the same set of various exercises every week

  13. What would we do without a wheelbarrow for shifting awkward stuff? I am shifting bags of gravel tomorrow, so it will be wheelbarrow on its side, drop bag in, straight wheelbarrow up and move as close to gravel path as possible (large set of steps in between)and empty 1/3 bag at a time into an old rubber feed bowl which I had for my horses.

    I hope you have found a new sofa which you really like and don't have to wait too long to have it delivered.

    1. A sack-barrow would be handy too sometimes.
      10 to 12 weeks delivery for my new sofa - I had lots of choice of material so I think they make them

  14. You have lots more energy than me right now! Just came home from 4 days in the hospital - heart issues, Afib. All settling down now but exhausting!

  15. So ... can you actually remember where the jam is now? Haha :-)

    I used to be a regular furniture mover-a-rounder many years ago, now I like everything to stay firmly in it's place ... once I've decided where that place is of course.

    Yes the answers to the questions on my blog were fascinating weren't they and really good to read. It's nice to have feedback both ways as blogging really has changed over the years since we first began hasn't it, before Instagramming and YouTubing were big business.

  16. So good to hear of a fellow shifter of things...My family all used to tease me that it must be a new month when I'd moved everything again. I don't do it so much now...but for the years we lived in rented places I could never do what I really wanted with the spaces so kept changing things up to see if they were better or not...since being here I suppose I've finally been able to let things take root...though I am planning on lightening up our dark furniture in our dark dining hall...ssshhh...haven't passed this by hubby just yet! x
