Tuesday 31 October 2023

That's The Way The Money Goes!

 I like October - I also like the other 11 months of the year!  But October feels like the month to start preparing for winter so I got the heating oil tank filled, there was more oil left  than I thought so it was less than I'd originally paid giving me a refund and the total was £548 spent in a just few minutes to keep warm for several months (6 months + with luck) I hope.

The dentist visit started off the October spending  and there was also all the usual expenses of Council Tax, phones and charity direct debits, monthly electric bill, food, diesel for the car and the usual household necessities  and I used a £10 off voucher  to stock up on some kitchen things and Christmas stuff from Lakeland. 

Then there was all the threes..........

3 birthdays that needed presents all within 6 days  and I got tempted into a special offer of 

3 patio fruit trees from Thompson and Morgan and spotted a nest of 

3 pine tables from our local second-hand furniture place. The smallest one was just right to go in a space between the bookshelves for my lamp and radio, the biggest was exactly right for between the new sofa and the wood-burner, with room for the kindling basket underneath while the middle one's gone in the spare bedroom as a bedside table. 

Personal spending was more than some months but all good as I bought the two items that are my only Christmas food treats and a ticket for "an evening with" event at a theatre -it will involve a 45 minute drive in the dark both ways in November but I'm determined to go as it also involves a free book! I'll write about it next month. Compared to those expenses,  swimming and exercise group are both much cheaper.

Thank goodness I can think of a few frugal things that make up (in a very small way) for the spending

  • Mended some tiny holes in two pairs of leggings.
  • Turned the top over and threaded new elastic through one pair of  loose leggings.
  • Bought a giant Savoy cabbage from a car boot sale for £1 and by wrapping it tight in clingfilm and cutting off wedges and re-wrapping it was used in 7 meals!
  • Found some double sized tins of grapefruit segments at Morrisons reduced from over £2 a tin to £1.29. I stocked up on 6 tins and they last me a week each as one of my fruit portions.
  • Made red onion 'marmalade' chutney, with two jars for the Christmas hamper presents and also bought jars of local honey and bottles of local apple juice so that the two hampers (actually they will be in a Christmas themed jute bag bought for 50p each from a boot sale this year) are finished.
  • Reading library books for free
  • Mixing milk and water
  • Using courgettes and leeks from the garden and a few late Autumn raspberries .I even found a handful of late and still edible green beans when I cleared the leaves, vines and canes.
  • Haven't had to use the tumble dryer all month by picking the right days to do the washing.
  • Only using 2nd class stamps (did you know 1st Class are now £1.25! good grief)
  • Sorting out what car boot finds I have for Grandchildren's Christmas presents - only a few more bits needed for 4 of them and something for youngest grandson.
  • Deciding what food treats NOT to buy for Christmas!
  • Cheap hair-cut.
  • No magazines, newspapers (other than the Radio Times subscription) make up, alcohol, jewellery bought. There never is!
  • Daughter in Law kindly put the pine book shelves that I no longer needed on the facebook selling page for me and they went for £40. Sadly so far no one wants a chest of drawers or the table I no longer have room for.

And also a help was the government letter telling me that as I'm old and alone I'll get £500 Winter Fuel Payment including Government Pensioner Cost of Living Payment in November or December which will certainly be handy - very kind of them!

A bag of no longer needed 'stuff' went out to the charity shop this month including a few books, old clothes, postcards and a few kitchen bits I've not used since moving here.

And that was October gone

Back Tomorrow


  1. Well done on selling the shelves you didn't need and finding the little tables you did need. Such exchanges are so satisfying. I think some of my leggings are beyond repair and ought to go to the ragbag. I will happily darn little holes and replace elastic. But when they are so worn around the seams that you can see through them when held up to the light, they have probably had their day!

    1. I threw out 2 pairs last winter due to old age but still have some that have been mended and now too loose around the waist

  2. We were going to top our oil up but it still has 650 litres in it.

    1. I'm hoping for no more refilling until end of Feb or March but I refuse to be cold!

  3. October certainly seemed to disappear fast this year. Now we're galloping towards Christmas. It's impossible to avoid it and there are plenty who would like to, for various reasons.

    1. I quite enjoy all the Christmas Fayres in every village especially now that car boots have finished

  4. Well, the heating was money well spent. My bad financial month is May with all the birthdays, opening the cottage and such. Although December is a challenge with holidays, too. Last year I started putting a little away every month for holiday and gifts so it wouldn't be as big a chunk out of living expenses and that helped. I like your savings ideas. Your postage is very expensive. They raised our first class stamp to .69 cents and people were mad.

    1. Postage has gone up and up here recently. Very annoying

  5. We've had the house buildings and contents insurance to fork out for this month. I can't believe the cost of a first class stamp now, especially when you think there used to be two, sometimes three, deliveries a day and now we're lucky to get one.

    1. I only buy second class so was surprised when I found out how much a first class is

  6. Your system works perfectly well and expenses balance well with cost savings. I suspect your balance sheet shows a net gain. Going to the theatre sounds like good fun and a free book is a nice gift. As the holidays get closer, I suspect there will be some concert and choral performances. I will plan to attend.

    1. I'm hoping to visit some Christmas events - mainly craft fairs

  7. I always admire your organisation and frugality, I have a tendency to be a spendthrift but the recent price hikes across the board are reigning me in a bit!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Things were tight for us for so long that it becomes a habit. I'm probably better off now than ever before!

  8. It was a lovely surprise to bet the letter about the £500 winter fuel payment-Iike you, I refuse to be cold if I can afford to have some heating on. October is our car month so insurance and vehicle excise duty were due on the 1st. I am currently making bags, tags and other christmas bits for a fair at the end of November -proceeds to a charity that a friend supports. Catriona

  9. Congratulations on selling the shelves, and on getting that winter fuel payment help.

    God bless.

  10. I was very happy to get The Letter too. That money plus the buffer sum I already have with the gas company will make sure I don't feel bad if I need to turn up the heating.
    October has been an expensive month for me, with all those extra clothes, etc, I have bought, but they will all be well used for years to come so it could be worse. Oddly, December should be quite frugal as all the usual expenses don't apply this year.
