Tuesday 14 November 2023

L is for Lists

 Love a List!

But do I remember to look at them? No not always.

I found this list recently, it's written on one of the pages at the end of my diary. It's a list of ideas for things for this years Christmas Hamper gifts.

Shortbread biscuits in a jar
Apple and honey chutney
Honey Dijon mustard
Choc nut clusters
Rosemary salt
Spiced orange slices.

Have I made any of them? No. Can I remember where I saw  the recipes? No. Why didn't I make a note?

 I'd better write them in the back of the new diary ready for Christmas 2024 and search my Christmas books.

There's another list on another page in the diary. These are things I've not watched on TV but want to on the catch-up channels.....sometime. By the time I remember to look they've been and gone!

In the kitchen is a shopping list, I add things to it as needed and thank goodness I usually remember to take it with me.

Most weeks I note down a list of jobs that need doing, cutting the grass has been on there every week recently but it's never drying up enough to get the job done. At last I can finally cross off  'Cutting the Yew Hedge' after getting my neighbours side done on Friday.

I'd be lost without lists.

Back Tomorrow


  1. I too love a list or 2 or 3! I have scrappy bits of paper in the kitchen and pretty notebooks in all my bags, withe nice pens.

    1. I always forget something from town if I go without a shopping list

  2. We have lists of lists in our house. Some lists are of historic value and have things on them that are still awaiting accomplishment.

    1. I wish I'd kept a list I once had of what major things we did at the smallholding each year - would have been handy for remembering

  3. A list saying cut the grass sums up lists for me. I don't make them nor like them.

  4. I do love a list, not always on paper, and often I forget to take the list with me, but once written I can often get most of the items.

    1. I need to be organised and lists are a must for me

  5. I'm a fan, at this time of year especially I end up with lists of lists...

    1. Don't think I've ever had a list of lists - but it may happen one day

  6. Can’t operate without lists here. Daily to do, long term to do, freezer lists, pantry lists, shopping lists, loads of them but they do all get looked at.

    1. I'm annoyed that I forgot about the hamper list in the back of my diary, but will try again for next year!

  7. I love a list too. Without lists nothing would get done here, but I wish I could get hubby to read them and cross off things done!

    1. I would probably end up reading all the time if I didn't have a note to remind me to do the ironing!

  8. This seems to prove my point that writing a list of things to do means that they rarely get done. My husband also practises this except his lists take the form of yellow post-it notes! Me, I never write a list. I have a sort of photographic memory so I use my brain to take a screenshot of things I need to remember or to do. It is pouring with rain here thanks to Storm Debi and I’m watching the weather for a break as I would really like to go lunchtime swimming to give my endorphins a boost, but failing that there’s always housework! Sarah in Sussex

    1. I do usually get things done from my list - except when the weather is too wet to work in the garden

  9. I like a nice ideas list but not so much a task list.......like you either sort doesn't always get done!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. My shopping list is the vital one otherwise I would wander round the supermarket trying to remember what it was that I was running out of.

  10. Hi, I love a list, but after an enthusiastic start normally lose them before finishing. I have recently started using the notes feature on my phone (with links to websites etc) which is great & when misplaced ( which is frequently ) I can always ring it. Glenda

    1. I don't think I know where the notes feature is on my phone - I expect it's there somewhere!

  11. I love my lists..... Make me feel like I have accomplished something as I mark things off.

    God bless.

    1. Many list makers - me included - admit to writing things on a list just so they are immediately crossed off!

  12. Years ago, when I had been retired for a couple of years it occurred to me that weeks would go by and I had not done many of the things I had hoped to do because I would forget or delay, etc. I started making a list on Sunday afternoon of the things I wanted to do each day of the following week and the appointments coming up. I would note the weather forecasts for each day. As I am now 82 that plan has done well for me. I don't always accomplish everything I planned, but I can always move it down or move it to the following week if it is needed and it keeps me aware. I add things to the list of projects I would like to tackle as before the list was created, I fought the feeling that I was wasting my newly acquired retirement. I keep the list on my bathroom counter with a pen so I can refer to it every day.

    1. List making has certainly worked well for you - keep listing!

  13. I make a grocery list so I remember the things I have run out off and so I don't spend money on things I don't need.

    1. Without a list I'm sure to forget at least a couple of things

  14. I also like lists. Like you, on occasion, I misplace them and find them later...usually when I've long completed the task. Going to the grocery store without a list guarantees buying everything that I can remember on the list left at home, plus all the lovely things that just look good. My biggest buy (without a list) was last week at $300. I thought, well I will not shop for a week or two. Today I am out of milk.

  15. It is very satisfying to go through a list, gradually crossing things off.

  16. Like you, I make a lot of lists. Unlike you, I often leave my list behind...

  17. I don't think there's a blogger who follows you who wouldn't want one of your hampers. And yes, I find it hard to live without a list!

  18. I Love a List!!
    Your hampers always sound so very good. Lucky recipients. xx
