Thursday 30 November 2023

Z is for ...........

...........the end of the alphabet, and wishing I hadn't started it as it was nowhere as interesting as my efforts last year!

Zzzzzzzzz could be for sleeping. Something I only ever do at night, have to be really poorly to sleep during the day. Luckily I don't usually have problems sleeping, sometimes it takes me an age to fall asleep and other times I'm gone without thinking. 
Usually I wake up once or twice but only for the loo and usually get back to sleep straight away. I've never understood getting up in the night to do something if unable to sleep although it must be OK for some people but it would be too cold for me and would wake me up even more. Some nights I have really weird dreams, especially if I fall asleep laying on my left side - and if anyone could explain that - I'd love to know why. 

Thank you to everyone for A - Z comments through the month. Remind me not to do it again next November!

Back in December - which happens to be tomorrow.


  1. I haven't ever slept in the day time. Night time is sleep time. I made a honey and lemon drink last night and slept all night in spite of my cold.


    1. I only sleep daytime when really poorly like flu or pneumonia!

      Cold 'cures' are my post in a day or so

  2. I actually found the A-Z things quite a pleasant read with my morning coffee.

  3. Not easy to do the 26 letters even the first time around. I take my hat off to you!

    1. Oh H for Hats would have been good!

    2. Make a note for next year please. I’ve enjoyed your A-Z posts this year.

  4. I have some pretty weird dreams but I've never considered which side I'd been sleeping on - now I shall have to take note.

    1. Waking up from really strange dreams I always find I'm laying on my left - coincidence or something odd?

  5. I woke up with backache, and turned on to my right side, and then woke from a very strange dream. Now you've got me wondering...

  6. I have enjoyed your wander through the alphabet, thank you. I often wake in the night, and sometimes find it difficult to go back to sleep, but tell myself that lying there relaxed is as good as being asleep, and I do go off eventually. Because of my medical problems, I force myself to keep going during the day. I need about 10 hours sleep a night, so I'm off early at night!! I know when it's time as I start jaw-breaking yawns, and simply must give in and turn in.

    1. When we were small and couldn't sleep Mum always said resting is good for you too

    2. Yes! My mom said that too, so like you I don't get up and do things if I wake up during the night. Sometimes I read til I fall back to sleep.

  7. I used to only sleep at night, but now my medication makes me just drop off any time anywhere. The other day I woke up completely saturated having gone to sleep with a mug of hot tea in my hand. I never would have thought a mug of tea could do so much damage!

    1. It's annoying that so many meds make people sleepy, it was the same for Colin and cancer medication.
      Oh my goodness hope you weren't burned by the tea.

  8. It's speak outloud 'White Rabbit ' time first thing on the 1st of the month - even if the time is 00:01 Lesley

  9. I really enjoyed your romp through the alphabet - something for everyone, I thought.

  10. December 1st is the first official day of summer for us, not that here in Melbourne will be warm and summery. We’ve had storms over the past couple of days, gales rain cold temps - more like early winter than late spring
    I’ve enjoyed your A-Z of life this past month but as you said, twice is enough.

    1. That doesn't sound much like the beginning of summer. Hope it changes for you soon

  11. I've enjoyed your A-Z. Oh, I have some really weird dreams, I shall try and notice now if they're when I'm sleeping on my left side, haha.

  12. Well done, Sue. I have enjoyed your November alphabet again this year. Catriona

  13. I've really enjoyed it too, thanks for taking the time and effort. xx

  14. Well done for completing the challenge:-)

  15. All I can say is thank goodness it’s the 1st December tomorrow. I am always happy to see the end of November and your alphabet posting certainly helped!
    Sarah in Sussex

  16. You're lucky that you don't need a daytime nap. With the MS fatigue and medication for other conditions I can drop asleep at any time, in fact I drop asleep in the middle of a row when knitting, could only be for a few seconds but long enough to drop a stitch or two. Going back to your X for Xmas post and your reply to my comment, not liking Happy Christmas isn't any sadder than Xmas.

    1. My Gran didn't like 'Merry Christmas' for years after her youngest son died aged 4

  17. Agree with Sarah above that it's good to see the back of November!
    I was fascinated to read about the left sided sleeping triggering strange dreams.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. November wasn't too bad here, could have done without the boiler glitch - the bill will come next month!

  18. I rarely dream and sleep very soundly. It is the occasional coyotes hunting sometimes near the house that wakes me up usually at 3 AM or dawn. I go right back to sleep once everything is quiet.

    1. I get disturbed by neighbour starting up his van and going out of our shared driveway anytime between 2 and 4 am, but am used to it now.

  19. I dream quite often but can rarely remeber them. But I can guarantee I 'd be lying on my left side because after reading my Kindle initially (lying on my right side) I then close the Kindle, turn on to my left side, pull the pillow down a bit and go to sleep.
    Last night's dream involved a former partner knocking on my front door and announcing he was back! Aaarrggghhh! My Mum then gave him short shrift and told him exactly where to go. Which was very strange because my Mum passed away long before I met him!!! Weird indeed.

    1. Very weird dream - time slip maybe!?
      Whenever I wake up from a weird dream I'm on my left - even if I didn't start the night like that. Odd

  20. I enjoyed the A-Z Novemebr posts, thank you.

  21. You did a good job of finding something for each letter.
    I have Covid this week but am feeling better already. I had the booster not too long ago and my doctor has prescribed some meds to take. May do some daytime sleeping, tho!

    1. You have a good reason for having a nap - a good way to get better.
      Glad you enjoyed this A-Z

  22. I enjoyed the A-Z posts of last November & this November. Brava!

  23. Another brava from me. It’s not interesting to find something interesting to say about each letter of the alphabet. Certainly not easy to do it twice!

    Well done.

  24. Thank you for visiting the bike shed again after my hiatus. I used to do a post a day in November - it can be quite exhausting in some ways - so finishing on zzzz is perhaps appropriate.

  25. ha ha! I loved your alphabet. Made for some fun posts.
