Friday 2 February 2024

Charity Shop Finds

After months of finding nothing in charity shops I had some good book finds in Bury St Edmunds when I had a morning  there last week

 Found this for 50p, it's yet another book that I owned once when there were over 1,000 books on the shelves and regretted getting rid of it later during one of the moves.

And I've added to my small Little Toller Books Collection with this for £2.99. Thought I'd not read it but it's in my 'Book of Books Read' from many years ago. Can't remember anything about it so it will be interesting to read again.

And finally a very unusual find for £2.50 were these - 4 copies of a quarterly publication,  a literary magazine by Slightly Foxed who reprint books from the past and sell other books too. Described on their website.............

Slightly Foxed is the quarterly magazine that introduces its readers to books that are no longer new and fashionable but have lasting appeal. Good-humoured, unpretentious and a bit eccentric, it’s more like a well-read friend than a literary magazine. Every issue of Slightly Foxed includes fiction and non-fiction, books that have stood the test of time and have left their mark on the people who write about them. It’s an eclectic mix, and our contributors are an eclectic bunch too – some well-known, others not so, but all passionate about sharing their enthusiasm for a book or author.

From £56 per year, with subscriber discounts and benefits.

All 80 back issues are available from them for £1,160! and lots are on Amazon for around £4 or on Abebooks for £2 each. My 4 copies at £2.50 were quite a bargain and plenty of interesting reading. Books about books are always good.

Back Tomorrow


  1. I have a companion to your Susan Hill, Through The Kitchen Window. There is a recipe therein for a cake which is made with melted butter. I have made it repeatedly with a 100% failure rate! Every. Single. Time. the cake has sunk in the middle! So it gets filled with whipped cream and fruit and no one knows the difference. How incredible this author can go from such charming books to penning some of the most bone chilling ghost stories.
    Oh, and if you like Island Life, keep an eye out for books by Roscoe Howells, The Sounds Between and Cliffs of Freedom.

    1. I've never been able to get into Susan Hills fiction - ghosts or crime but her three books like this one are lovely

  2. Persistence pays off! All good finds, especially the Slightly Foxed ones which could lead you on to even more good finds or titles to add to your library reservations.

    1. The Slightly Foxed was such a surprise find - but a real treat

  3. What an intriguing collection of finds. They should keep you happing occupied for a while.
    Slightly Foxed sounds particularly interesting.

    1. The Slightly Foxed quarterly are a good find - full of ideas for more books to read

  4. Years ago I was sent a leaflet inviting me to subscribe to Slightly Fixed. It looked interesting, but I decided it was not something I wanted to spend money on. I didn't realise it was still going. I hope you find some good inspiration in your bargain copies

    1. It's a very expensive quarterly magazine - not something I could justify buying, but a treat to find these

  5. I got rid of Susan hills magic apple tree and regretted it ever since

    1. Yes, I had that too. I kept Through The Kitchen Window so have two again now.

  6. 'Slightly Foxed' sounds really interesting. The cover illustrations look lovely.

  7. I love Slightly Foxed but haven't been willing to fork out for the annual subscription when I could buy books. Four copies was a good find.

    1. I'm looking forward to reading them and finding info about even more books

  8. I was given Through the garden gate, and I do love it.

  9. Charity shops can be very hit and miss but it's such a great feeling of success when you stumble on something you want or have been looking for.

    1. I like going to look at the charity shops in another town for a change

  10. I've got Through the Kitchen Window, and I'm sure I used to have Through the Garden Gate by Susan Hill, I wonder what I did with it? They are lovely books aren't they.

    Miranda Mills talks about Slightly Foxed regularly, and I think occasionally contributes to it. I nearly bought three 2020 copies from a charity shop but they wanted £9.99 and they were not in very good condition. You did well to get your recent ones for £2.50.

    1. Just off to have a look at Miranda Mills Book blog - hadn't heard of her before so it will be interesting

    2. She's on my sidebar. 🙂

  11. Like Sue above I have Through the Kitchen Window and love it - I'd never come across the Garden Gate version before. Susan Hill's book The Magic Apple tree is , in my opinion, another treasure .
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I had all three at one time but I always seem to get rid of books when moving and then regret it later

  12. Great buys at the charity shop-well spotted! Catriona

  13. You were very fortunate to come across several great quality finds. Is this pure luck or does this particular shop always have great items? Do you consider Slightly Foxed a literary review of select books? This publication sounds outstanding. I've never seen it before.

    1. I went in lots of charity shops and the finds were from 3 different ones.

  14. Some great bargains, a book I lent and wasn't returned I bought again, then another person fancied it, so then I had to buy me another one!

  15. What wonderful finds! And books about books are the best!

  16. Slightly Foxed is currently celebrating their 20th year in production with a focus on authors and works of the past. They also do quarterly (used to be monthly) podcasts with interviews of current authors or experts of works on older authors. Very enjoyable--also, each podcast usually ends with other book recommendations. You can them on their website and you can also sign up for regular emails that provide small glimpses about various older works/authors--their forte. I used to have a subscription, so have quite a few of the quarterly magazines, but have cut back on expenses so don't get it anymore. Always interesting. While I never purchased their (re)publication of books (overseas, so too costly), I have followed their recommendations and purchased used books on a US equivalent of Abe Books. Have quite a collection of them and have thoroughly enjoyed them. Mary

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