Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Nut Roast - Thank You for the Idea...........

........... to Sooze in Somerset.

There are a couple of ideas for vegetarian nut type roast things on my separate recipe page but I'd not thought about bulking out nuts with dried stuffing mix, which was the idea I pinched from Sooze.

I used a mix of nuts left over from Christmas,  and walnuts from even earlier, they were past their BBE date but hadn't gone off. I whizzed them in the nut chopper thing that came with my Kenwood Chef many, many years ago. They only weighed 6 ounces. Half a packet of Aldi sage and onion stuffing mix, approx 3oz. 1 large carrot, grated. Half a large onion finely chopped. I then mixed a tablespoonful of tomato puree with a little water and added to the dry mix with a beaten egg.

I've only got 2lb loaf tins and it made enough for around half full.

It went in the oven at 200℃ for 25 minutes and then I covered the top with foil and gave it another 10 minutes at 160℃ 

It was very tasty. I've sliced it up, wrapped and frozen and that's made enough for another 3 meals.

Later when I opened the fridge for something I saw the half a jar of cranberry sauce left from Christmas - some of  that could have gone in instead of the tomato puree, if only I'd thought about it! 

This was easy to make and I'll do it again.

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Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Money Talk or Talking Money

My spouses pension from Suffolk County Council has suddenly gone down by a big chunk - the reason being that the taxman has caught up with me!

Due to downsizing 4 years ago and interest rates on savings going up a year or so ago I had an extra monthly income from interest from my savings of more than the allowed. It takes ages for the information  to get from banks and building societies to HMRC and now a letter tells me I've got to be taxed to pay back what I owe- seemingly all at once - before the new tax year.
Then I got yet another letter from them with details of my new tax code starting April 2025- another different code, estimating what interest income I'll be getting next tax year. Now interest rates on savings are going down anyway so I won't be earning so much on savings. I'm glad I don't have to work it all out myself! 

At the same time, in April, State Pensions  will be going up, mine to to £848 every 4 weeks which is £11,024 a year. The personal tax free allowance is £12,570. Any income over this, which will be most of my Suffolk County Council Spouses pension (12 payments a year) and the estimated interest is taxed at 20%.
It will be interesting to see, after April, what I will actually end up with each month.

From my accounts I can see exactly where I spend money every month (interesting that all frugal Vloggers say to save money "keep a record of spending" - that something that's been obvious to me for about 40 years!)

The big money spent in 2024 was for the wood flooring, rug, smaller dining table and paint for my living room and  the holiday with family, all of them were definitely Not  money wasted! The room looks completely different and more up to date and easier to keep clean.
I seem to spend a lot more money than I did just a few years ago on food - and it's not because of all those coffee and cheese scones treats! (and not being able to grow as much as I used to). I don't count the coffees out as a waste - we spent all our married life Not being able to afford to do it so now there's no one here to make me a cuppa it's a real pleasure.
2025 brings an increase in Council tax, electric, water and sewer costs and no doubt food costs too, so it will be important to carry on being careful. I don't want to actually use my savings for day to day living as I'm still thinking I might move again.

I'm not doing frugal month notes now because they were getting repetitive with the same ways of saving pennies every month, but I do still do what I can to save on the boring so I can spend on more interesting things. 

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