Saturday 27 July 2024

Still Waiting

 I'm waiting for my mojo to return to get out of this flat feeling. 

My get up and go has got up and gone, don't know where and why.

I'm sure I'll be back to normal soon.

Bit wet for the Olympics opening ceremony in Paris - I was reminded of the Queen and Prince Phillip for a Jubilee thing on the Thames when it poured with rain and the Duke was very ill afterwards. Hope all the sports men and women don't catch a chill.


Thursday 25 July 2024

The July Library Book Photo

 Another good heap of books collected from the mobile library, all books I had reserved. In Suffolk we can have up to 25 books reserved or waiting to be collected at any one time - and I usually do have that many and always have another list of books that I'm waiting to have room to reserve and all for free. No chance of having nothing to read here!

There are three more here with Summer in their titles for my summer reading 'challenge', including The Greengage Summer by Rumer Godden that I read many years ago. Also here are two British Library Crime Classics; a collection of short stories by Elly Griffiths; Another in the Isobel Dalhousie series (even though I said I wouldn't read anymore- so just in case I'm desperate); Foster by Clare Keegan and a historical novel by Jacqueline Winspear that isn't in her Maisie Dobbs series. Two non fiction - I'm not sure why I reserved them, I'll probably just flick through to see what they are. Finally The High House by Jessie Greengrass - a new to me author that someone must have mentioned.

In June I collected these below and read four of them. 'Green Batch Cooking' didn't live up to expectations, nothing I wanted to make. 'One Hot Summer' was much too wordy for summer reading. and 'Reasons to Stay Alive' didn't appeal after flicking through it.

I've written about those I did read in a blog post HERE or on the Books Read 2024 page.

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