I think the weather has been better this week, at least in parts, I remember putting towels out on the whirly on Tuesday and getting them half dry, apart from that I've forgotten! although I've done some bits of garden clearing so it must have been mostly dry. The garden waste bin is full of Buddleia again and the wheelbarrow the same - waiting for the bin to be emptied on Monday.
We now have 7 new people at the Keep Moving group and most have been for the last 3 weeks, some other regulars returned so we had 16 there this week which is very good news. It's only half an hour working through a sequence of exercises but I'm sure it does us good physically and then socially when we have coffee afterwards. Three of the new folk are people I knew from way, way back, when we lived in the area through the 1980s. They've not moved, while I've been halfway round Suffolk and back.
Middle Grandson had his 5th birthday this week, I went round for Pizza and Cake - his request for tea after school on his birthday - I'm not going on Saturday when he has 4 friends round to play!
Thank you to everyone for comments this week - I'm glad I'm not the only person who doesn't like strong scents, random book gifts and only doing jigsaw puzzles I like the look of. The comments were split on finding the edges already separated of the February jigsaw, some people agreed that it was good to find while others said they would miss searching for them. It wasn't a new puzzle so would have been repackaged like that by the person who did it last. I'm very strongly in the first camp - it was a treat!
Here's how I'm getting on with it..........slowly.
My Bad Blogger post a couple of weeks back wasn't meant to be taken entirely seriously but since then I've been ever so good and have checked the comments spam section everyday (well almost everyday!). Nothing in it most days which is good news, perhaps blogger is behaving itself, although I won't bank on it.
But I'm still puzzling over one comment that was left on the Bad Blogger post
I don't have comment moderation switched on and never have (except for the odd day, like after Colin died, or to get addresses for giveaways) so all comments should pop up straight away , so I looked back pre January and can't find any other comments by Lizzy D. I wonder if there is another place comments can go to that none of us know about!
However, there are 66,000+ comments that Have been published - blimey no wonder I've not answered all of them!
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