Thursday, 16 February 2023

Aging Well?

The funding for the exercise group from the Community Interest Charity has almost finished so for the last couple of weeks we've spent sometime after the exercises discussing how we can carry on after the end of February. We decided we will carry on and will  pay a little each for an hour and half  hall hire. We were trying to come up with a name for the group. The CIC funding it now have advertised it as "Aging Well" and we're not keen on that! Who wants to be told they are aging!

Easy Exercise for the Over 60s?       Exercise and Wellbeing Over 60? 

We decided on a simple "Keep Moving" and the poster will say it's open to anyone from any village .....although we hope we don't get too many people under 60 as they will show us up! We will start off paying £2.50 a week each and then if lots more people join it can go down to £2.

Here we are.............. up and getting going!

We've sorted out who will take the money and pass it on and we'll take in turns to bring coffee, two people have volunteered to lead the exercise, others will have the app for the mindfulness on their phones and several people will have some music on phones to keep us moving.  We learned a strange thing........... if you put a phone that's playing music in a saucepan it works just like an amplifier! Who knew?!

I picked up this book, no idea what it's about yet,  from the shelves in the village hall where the exercise group is held, they have books that people have donated for others to borrow and return later or to keep- for a donation. Nothing like that in my village because, as I've mentioned before,  we no longer have a proper Village Hall, and not even an old phone box to use as a mini book library. I spotted the author as I'd read The Four Winds by her last year.

Back Tomorrow


  1. You will probably like Kristen Hannah's book. I am currently reading "Fly Away which is a continuation of her previous book "Firefly Summer". I believe I have read probably 90% of her works. If you can find it, I highly recommend "Night Road" also.

    1. I enjoyed the subject of The Four Winds, this one will be read in a while when I've finished al the library books

  2. I really enjoyed this book , set in Alaska. I ho p e you do too.

  3. Well done for keeping the group going!

    1. It's useful for help with balance and upper body strength and movement

  4. It sounds like a dynamic group. I hope it keeps on, and who knows, maybe some funding in your future.

    1. We are hoping there might be some money from the council if the right forms are filled in - we shall see

    2. We hope you get support and lots of encouragement. Looking after yourselves is ageing well for you and lots of savings in care and social support for Councils. It should be made easier to do the sort of thing you guys are running. We hope you gets lots more supporters too.

  5. Keeping the group going sounds an excellent idea - you obviously all enjoy the work-out. I get my 2nd hand books from the charity tables at Tesco and Co-op, although there's not often much of interest in Co-op (though that said, I found Charles Spencer's The White Ship in hardback there a couple of weeks ago and it came home with me.)

    1. It's a gentle workout but very good for balance.

  6. Walking doesn't cost money to exercise.

    1. But is good to get a whole range of movements - moving and stretching bits that we don’t usually move!
      - and also keep on walking 😃
      Country Cook

    2. The exercises are to help with upper body movement and balance - different to walking and good for us over 65's. Northsider - I expect you are young and fit!

  7. Choice of wording can be so off putting. We have a group here that meets weekly on a Monday afternoon. I would be perfectly happy to join it, except for the fact that it is called The Day Centre for the Elderly. I might be 65. I might be a physical wreck. But elderly?????
    I hope your group is a resounding success.
    Deb in Wales.

    1. Deb, being Elderly is good! Not everyone can do it. I am 80.My sister died before 50. Embrace aging. Ohio US

    2. I tried the over 60s group and everyone was over 80!
      I'm hoping to reach a great age - but who knows!

  8. Hope your group is a success. I think it’s helpful to exercise with others, you can all encourage each other.

    1. It's a useful half hour of simple exercises and doing it in a group is helpful and I never thought I'd say that!

  9. A friend and I started a keep fit class in our village hall in the 80s. We didn't have a name and because of its remoteness only people from the village joined in. Only a few to start with but it soon became a room full. My friend was the instructor and I provided the music from audio tapes and we only took enough to cover the hall fees. Good fun!

    1. It sounds very good - groups were always called "Keep Fit" but now there are all sorts of types of fitness - Zumba is a mystery to me!

  10. Good choice of name - short and simple and tells you exactly what the group is about. We have a load of groups in our village but I never seem to make it to any - try as I might!

    1. We thought about putting an age on it but there could be younger people who are not fit so it will be open to anyone - we will see what happens

  11. I've read a couple of her books. They are pretty good.

    I'm glad the group will 'Keep Moving'. It sounds as though you're really enjoying the group.

    1. I never ever dreamed I would exercise in a group! Thank goodness it's only gentle moving - nothing strenuous

  12. What a brilliant solution to keeping the group going, and I do like the look of an exercise class where you each have a chair to hand. :-)

    1. We're all too old for laying about on the floor - definitely NOT that sort of exercise group! 'Moving From Sit to stand' is one of the best exercises for all sorts of health issues. Something Mums do all the time when their children are little! but not so much when we get older.

  13. What a great community effort - so true that ' where there's a will there's a way' . That was New to me - the phone in a saucepan!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. We didn't believe it until we got a saucepan from the hall kitchen and Yes it really does work! The sound is so much better and louder - very odd

  14. "Keep Moving" is a wonderful name for your exercise group. Well done for creatively working to keep the group going. Exercise is very important for optimal health and well being.

    1. It's certainly good to keep moving and not everyone can walk far - this is a different sort of exercise specially useful for balance.

  15. I read The Great Alone a while back and absolutely loved it - a gripping tale set in an amazing location.

  16. I miss my Zumba class as they stopped it when Covid hit - it was a great crowd of us in a gym following an instructor who leads us exercising to music. It was great to keep us moving and also good to socialize a bit. They have started up again but I haven't worked up the nerve to go back to such a large group gathering yet. You guys have worked out a great plan for exercising. Well done!

  17. The class sounds like fun. Will need to try the phone in the saucepan trick.

  18. Let me know what you think of the book. As for the class? It sounds like a lovely way to mingle with your own age cohort, most importantly like aged folks with a common goal. .

  19. Sounds great. More power to your collective elbows :-)
