Saturday 22 July 2023

Inside and Outside

 Another Happy at Home In Suffolk week (well, mostly at home but I did have a trip out on Friday).

I've seen numerous Red Admirals but this is first Comma of the year, spotted on the dark purple Buddleia 

I ate the first and second lot of the climbing French beans this week, they don't seem to be producing many flowers so not sure how many beans I'll get. Wish I knew the reason for few flowers - I'll blame the weather.

First picking

The second picking of beans yesterday gave me enough for two meals - so that's already more than I had last year in the heat.

 And then there was single pear on the small pear tree after the other fell off in Monday's windy weather - and it wasn't even That windy.

The raspberries have finished, they've done well, with some to eat everyday from the first day of July to the 18th but the wasps have moved in now to damage the last few.

Below are my finds from last weeks Sunday boot sale. 2 birthday cards, 4 animals to add to the zoo collection, a Virago Modern Classic by Nina Bawden which sounded interesting and Hungry Hippos which is a game our children had years ago. Total spend £5.

I got the bigger gherkins all pickled and made a batch of cheese straws and outside started digging a space for the sink-pond to go into.

Had a day out and then another week had gone. The forecast for the weekend is a bit iffy so I'm not sure there will be any boot sale visiting but I must get the next batch of cucumbers pickled.

Hope your weekend plans go well.
I'll be back Monday


  1. My Dad said underwatering was the cause of fewer flowers and fewer that set. Runners are very thirsty beasts and I always watered mine lots when I grew them.
    That's a good car boot haul.

    1. We had a good rain Saturday evening which should have helped. I must water more

  2. I think the weather has caused many problems for gardeners this year in all its unseasonal variations! My daughter used to love Hungry Hippo and it’s a shame that devices seem to be taking over from board games. Catriona

    1. I always blame the weather when it's usually operator error!

  3. Virago press is usually a good bet. I was thrilled with their list when they first started, so many gems the publishing establishment had failed to promote. Your raspberry season was a great one. Raspberry envy here!

    1. I like the look of a row of dark green Virago books!

      The raspberries were a real treat.

  4. I'm picking our French beans piecemeal too - I always get a bit impatient with them but the fresh flavour makes it worth persevering doesn't it.....
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I love getting the first beans - and the climbing sort don't take up much room

  5. I was checking my brother's garden yesterday and the green beans were all he had ready to eat so I left those for him. I see the little green tomatoes coming and the corn has lots of nice ears growing. His squash has several flowers but nothing to pick yet... Patience!
    I see 2 of my grandkids today and I'm happy about that! Haven't seen them since Christmas!!??!! Have a nice weekend, Sue!

    1. My sweetcorn is getting taller but the squash plant is a disaster

  6. The comma butterfly on the purple Buddleia is beautiful. Your green beans must have been delicious and all the fresh berries are great to have as well. Freshly made pickles are always outstanding and you must have a good supply. I bought another jar of Bubbles dill pickles yesterday. They go fast in my house. .

    1. The Buddleia is so tall that it's difficult to get a good photo

  7. We had 3 inches of rain yesterday! Places in our area got flooded. It wasn't as bad as what Vermont a couple of weeks ago but we have had more rain days than sun days this month.

    1. We've had a good amount of rain of Saturday and more forecast but it has gone very chilly now - not like last year

  8. Great finds as always. You are getting some produce anyway. We have been so rainy nothing is doing well here.

    1. I hope the weather warms up here as we are having a cooler spell - it will slow things up a lot

  9. As usual you found wonderful bargains.

    God bless.

  10. The butterflies have been a joy this week. We haven't had any commas on our buddleia, but we counted 12 Peacocks and Red Admirals. Arilx

  11. I had a buddeliah plant years ago. For some reason I had to get rid of it so now I have a lilac bush. I have seen swallow tail butterflies recently in our area. Not many but good to see. Last year I didn't see one. I bought a plant that is good for butterflies and hummingbirds and bees. I need to make banana bread tomorrow. Low on cookies so will make cookies another day. We like both of those. Have a good week!

  12. Ahh, Hungry Hippos I remember buying my sons that from a car boot sale many years ago .... gosh it must be the noisiest game ever!

  13. Some nice finds. I think I remember Hungry Hippos lol
