Saturday 22 June 2024

Another Week Rushed By

This week................

June is rushing by so quickly that I didn't even mark the Summer Solstice on Thursday/Friday. It seems impossible that daylight hours will be decreasing when we've only had a week of decent weather this year so far. 
I used the search feature to look up when I last wrote about the folklore and traditions of the Solstice - and found it was three years ago and as it's that long ago I could start doing more of the 'First of the Month' and Folklore posts as everyone will have long forgotten!

I've been enjoying tennis from Queens Club on TV all week - except for seeing poor 'old' Andy M. pulling out through injury and Dan Evans having a bad fall and injuring his knee - maybe putting him out of Wimbledon and the Olympics. Andy still hopes to play at both but his body might not let him.
Then there was excitement on Thursday with two Brits ...... Jack Draper and Billy Harris, the first has been around for a few years while the second has popped up suddenly even though he is 29, both won through to the quarter finals but then they were both knocked out on Friday- It was good while it lasted!. 

The curser vanished on my lap top as I was adding to this post on Thursday. I tried googling via my phone but the ideas I found didn't get the curser back so I had to zoom up to Diss to the computer shop and she pressed one button and there it was again..........Duh! (F6 for future reference) Weird thing is that I tried that and it didn't work when I did it!

 The raspberries are coming along well, took some to BiL on Wednesday as a change from his strawberries. Big bowl full Friday - enough for two days. Just so good. I seem to have kept Crumble cat out of the vegetable beds since Tuesday when I found she'd got under a netting hoop and dug the leeks - AGAIN- B***** cat. I found some tiles and bricks from round the back of the shed to hold down the edges of the netting - it was pegged but still she got in. Maybe now the leeks will grow.

Strange thing heard this week...........Oxford university did a study and found more people are turning off the news and avoiding watching or listening due to so many awful things happening around the world - Well, I could have saved them money and  told them that -  just from the people who say this on blogs and in comments!

Information leaflets through the letter box - one leaflet from Conservatives saying "Look out Labour are only 9% points behind - they could win". From Green Party " Labour can't win in this new Waveney Valley Constituency - confidential insider information shows it's a seat they have already written off". All jolly good fun!

Also through the letter box - an Autumn seed catalogue - I thought NO not yet - please not yet, lets have more summer first.

Have a lovely weekend if you can and I shall return on Monday.
Sue . 


  1. I don't know who speeded up the way our year is whizzing by but I wish it would slow down. I'm not ready for decreasing daylight! Mind, I never will be really ready for it.
    Sad about our tennis players, but let's hope for better things in Wimbledon.

    1. I'm not ready for decreasing daylight either but we won't notice it for a few weeks so better make the most of those

  2. A lovely positive post. I have given up on summer, everything eaten by slugs or blown to ground by strong winds so prepping for Autumn. Pots ready for bulbs, space for overwinter onions, jam jars ready for chutney and b.berry jelly. Another one who doesn’t watch the news or much TV at all and I shall tactical vote ‘this time. Sarah Browne.

    1. If I could just get a few things for winter |I'll be happy although I've given up on the sweetcorn - plenty of courgettes as usual

  3. I am glad you got your cursor back! I have been unable to Skype or similar with friends as my sound and camera fallen out - perhaps a cat has trodden on F8 and F4? Will have a play around now!

    1. I always feel so stupid with computer problems

  4. Minor glitches with computers can be so frustrating. As can creatures interfering with our crops. At least we have had sunshine this week!

    1. There are so many computer things I just don't know

  5. Weirdly, we had a letter from the Prime Minister, addressed to my husband, followed by a flurry of election leaflets from all parties, including a Conservative leaflet addressed to my husband and son. So far I have escaped anyone's attentions and that is just the way I like it!

    1. Wow a letter from the PM! Lucky you!
      I shall go and vote but who for I have no idea

    2. It's quite bizarre and has had us scratching our heads! We can only assume that it is because we are in a previously safe Conservative seat and that they are perhaps writing to every household to make sure it remains so, since none of us are members of any political party and there is no reason for us to be singled out by name by any of them.

  6. I could also have saved Oxford the trouble of a survey. I look at the BBC news website every morning and that's it. Ages since I actually watched any news.
    Round here, our Conservative sitting MP sends out leaflets which you have to study hard to find the word Conservative even mentioned! Most of the mail comes from the Lib Dems, telling me they're the only party which can beat the Tories in Dorset (probably true). They recently took control of the Council.

    1. Two completely different views of Labours chances here and as they've never had an MP voted for in this area I tend to believe the Green Part view

  7. How lucky with your delicious fresh berries. The wild life here devour most everything. Winter Solstice came and went last Friday with some embracing a skinny dip in the cold sea. Such fun ! Unfortunately my busy schedule didn't allow me to partake and am definitely just too busy next year also ! :)

    1. I just love raspberries.
      Over here people do the cold sea dip on Boxing Day or New years day - rather them than me!

  8. Natural cat deterrents, any of the following - spent coffee grounds (good fertiliser), any hot chilli powder, lots of pepper, crushed eggshells. A last resort would be the plastic strips used to keep pigeons off fences. Hope this helps. Jan in Castle Gresley

  9. Just as I don't watch the news, the election stuff goes straight into recycling. I might possibly read them if I felt I could trust a word they say or place any reliance on the promises they make. However, I don't - no I'm not wasting any time on them.
    Short sighted? Probably. xx

    1. I usually read them just to see what they are saying - then into the bin

  10. Like Joy, the election stuff comes through the door and goes straight into the bin. I see I am now in the same constituency as you are. I have never considered we are Waveney Valley here nor anywhere near the Waveney but there you are, I am no longer South Norfolk, I am Waveney.

    1. We are definitely Not in the Waveney Valley! I heard it's the first time a constituency has crossed the border - all very strange - bet there's a hidden reason - like a conspiracy theory!

  11. I felt quite sad the other day when I realised that reaching the solstice means that the days will begin getting shorter again. Oh well, the world keeps on turning and the seasons come and go, I just wish it wasn't quite so quickly.

    1. I think the grotty weather has made things feel like we have had no summer yet but the forecast is hot for next week so we'll probably be moaning about the heat soon!

  12. As already mentioned above, hot chilli powder liberally sprinkled around does deter cats. Also mentioned above, the election and the many of us obviously feel disillusioned, it's difficult to feel positive about the world at the moment ( sorry sounds rather dramatic put like that!) Thank goodness for gardens, the seasons, good and strength.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Yes good books, plenty of things to be interested in despite the news and politics - have to just keep going

  13. Have a great weekend, the raspberries sound delightful.

  14. I'm ready for it to start getting a bit darker in the mornings. I've been waking up way too early. We have it so hot and dry here that it would be nice if it would cool off a bit so I could get out for my walks. Oh well, this too shall pass... Hope you enjoy your weekend, Sue!

    1. We are set for hot weather for a week so will all be moaning about it being too hot soon!

  15. Oh joy, our solstice means we are turning towards the light and warmth. Could do with a bit of both at the moment.
    No visual news in our house either, worldwide is depressing- national isn’t too good either.

    1. Hopefully we will get some good weather to call summer before the days get noticeably shorter

  16. Sue, yesterday at the new build, I was looking out a window for a second, and there was a swirl of yellow leaves falling. I couldn't believe it. A lot of leaves! I pointed it out to Tim who said that this particular tree drops leaves when it is dry. I am such an oblivious character. But yes. This season will end, and another begin. That's sad and hopeful all at once, isn't it?

  17. I only watch the local news at night now and have given up on Radio 4 and listen to Boom or Radio 4 Extra instead. We are now picking strawberries and have small tomatoes on our plants, but as we are in the process of moving will probably be leaving them behind, but our buyers are excited to be owning a greenhouse.

    1. Radio 4 puts me to sleep every night - it bores me to sleep!

  18. I seldom watch TV News anymore as they are so contradictory (and sometimes plain wrong) in what they report, and I am also not interested in "entertainment news" which seems to take a big chunk of time now. Instead, I rely on others to tell me if anything happens that I should know about. Makes my life much calmer!

    1. I seem to pick up bits of information about stuff I need to know - the rest I can do without.

  19. I get more junk mail than anything else. Waste of paper. It all goes into the bin. Your raspberries sound delicious and your crop must be enormous. The neighbor cat is relentless. Hopefully the bricks keep kitty out of your garden.

  20. As I age, I notice the days and months seem to whiz by even quicker each year.

    God bess.

    1. There is some sort of scientific reason about % of life lived but can't remember the details

  21. We're 'promised' heat this week - not too much of it, I hope. I can't believe we're half-way through the year. A lot is happening, most of it not very good.

    1. More heat the better for me - within reason!

  22. We've been enjoying a bit of the tennis too. I understand that there going to make it a two week tournament next year by bringing in the ladies too and downgrading Eastbourne to a lower ranking competition. Arilx

  23. We have had a truly dreary Sunday here today, however it has let us get a much needed rest…actually saw the last part of the final at Queens this afternoon. Looking forward to Wimbledon…though probably just the evening highlights!

  24. After a mild summer, a longish mild autumn, winter has arrived in southern Victoria,Australia! I have noticed this week on your temperature guide that mid Suffolk weather is much nicer than our 3to 13deg with rain for the rest of the week! Looking forward to Wimbledon.

  25. No summer yet up here on the far north coast of California. Sun finally peeked out today at 4:25 pm. It’s been an exceptionally windy year, too. I’ve lost track of when I stopped watching the news - maybe 3-4 years ago. Have a good week.

  26. I must admit that I don't read the news a lot or watch it. I glance at headlines, but it's all just too depressing sometimes. I hate hearing all the election stuff too. It's so discouraging and makes me think there isn't a lot of good in some people.
    It's been so hot here in Michigan. Luckily we were out of the way for the worst of it. We were further up north in Michigan - across the bridge in the Upper Peninsula, where the temperature was quite pleasant.

  27. I have to admit to rarely seeing anything of the news these days. If I do turn on to see the headlines I usually quickly switch off again, nothing changes. A few months ago Alan's phone would not pull up Facebook at all and after spending weeks not understanding why not, he finally took my advice and went to the little computer geeks shop on our high street, a couple of pushes of buttons and all was fixed. It's so easy when you know how isn't it.
