Thursday, 19 December 2024

Advent 2024 and the Christmas Car Boot-Sale

Last Saturday was the one-off winter car-boot sale, the weather was dry although cold and there were lots of people selling. Many were house clearance people who had obviously saved all their Christmas stuff (and lots of junk) to bring along and there were several dealers with wrapping paper etc. I would have taken a photo from the top of the field but found I'd forgotten my phone.

I didn't spend much money but missed out on a Portmeirion Holly and Ivy pasta/cereal dish by about 30 seconds although the lady who bought it paid £5 for it, which I wouldn't have paid anyway, so a good thing I missed it and didn't have to think about it!

This is what I bought and I was very pleased with the Christmas crackers that have a wind-up toy inside

to race, which will be lovely for Christmas Day now that I have the EGD here, more fun for an 8 year old than nail clippers or a golf tee!. The two other things were a Christmas card for one of the Grandsons for next year and a book of vintage Christmas illustrations meant for scrapbooking but they could be used to make cards. 

Total spend £3 and then I went home for breakfast.

Back Tomorrow



  1. You did get some bargains! I love the crackers. Definitely a good price for those!

    1. I was pleased with the crackers as little wind-up racing sledge toys will be fun

  2. Your car boot sale hobby brings you in loads of goodies, I love seeing what you find.

  3. Portmeirion do some lovely shapes, and their pasta dishes and plates are deep enough to hold sauce, still a fiver is a bit steep for second hand.

    1. I didn't really need one odd dish so I was glad I didn't get the option!

  4. You have a sharp eye for a bargain. The crackers sound fun.

  5. Great buys and the crackers will be fun for a little boy! Catriona

    1. It's Eldest Granddaughter here for the day and I expect she will take them home with her

  6. Great bargains, you do very well at boot sales. I'm really not keen on the house clearance/junk traders at boot sales and generally bypass them, I prefer the genuine booters who are getting rid of stuff they don't need (but which I might!).

    1. I like the house clearance stuff as you never know what you will find.

  7. You did well for your £3, and the Christmas cracker Santa racing is going to be great fun with your grandchildren. :-)

    1. Better than some of the plastic tat inside some crackers

  8. Crackers are such fun. First you put on the paper hat, then play with whatever else flies out! Nice find.

  9. You got another great buy! You and your family benefit well from these purchases. Prices in the stores are currently outrageous.

  10. This is the first year I haven't had crackers for Christmas. (Although I will for just Rick and me -- I had two left from last year!) The rest of the family isn't always gung ho on the hats. I might relent. You never can tell -- there's still time!

    1. Often people in the US have no idea what they are, I'm surprised someone doesn't start the trend.There must be an opening for a clever importer!

  11. We've never done crackers for Christmas here. I was just Googling it and didn't realize they make a snapping sound.

    1. Yes two strips of paper have the tiniest amount of explosive! and pulled apart they BANG!

    2. That's the cracking sound which gives them their name!

  12. What lovely purchases. Wind up toys to race will be great.

    God bless.
