Sunday, 8 December 2024

Advent 2024 and the Tree Festival

 So many decorated trees in the church in Stowmarket this year, seemed to be many more than normal. It was lovely having a coffee in the cafe there and then a look around at all the wonderful ideas that clubs, groups, societies and businesses come up with.

This was my favourite. By a group called Stow Stories who I'd not heard of before but what they are doing sounds interesting.

Back Tomorrow


  1. They all look so lovely! I think the only Tree Festival they have here costs quite a bit of money to get inside to see.

    1. Stowmarket have been having one for many years now - It's always good and even bigger this year

  2. I love the little poem on the last picture.

  3. The police tape on the cadets tree made me smile!

  4. What a lovely way to have a Christamassy outing. I must look and see if there is a tree festival near us.

  5. ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„So inventive,so beautiful๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒฒ

  6. The trees have really made me smile.

  7. What a variety of trees showcasing the groups. People put so much work into doing these festivals and thank you for sharing your visit. Catriona

  8. How lovely and what a great variety in the decorations and themes. I have had to Stay Put due to Storm Darragh.

  9. Beautiful trees, very interesting decorations. The church in our next town has their Christmas Tree Festival open as from tomorrow. Glad you enjoyed your visit and coffee.

  10. What lovely trees. I love the last one especially, very inventive. Thank you for sharing your visit. Regards Sue H

  11. Lovely trees and the church looks interesting too. I like the one you have choses as your favourite:)

  12. What a lovely festival. A lot of fun to participate and even more pleasure to see.

  13. Well that's a really lovely display indeed. Such a lot of work goes into them.
    We had about the same number as we usually do but no big trees this year so it made it look a lot less.

  14. What a lot of trees, and very imaginatively decorated. I like the Care Home Hark the Herald Angels one best.

  15. I love a tree festival but couldn't help noticing that the Christ Child is already in the crib. That seems to have become a more common scene but I just don't expect it in a church.

  16. I just cannot resist Christmas trees. I love them! So thank you for sharing so many beautiful photos!

  17. Oh gosh, your Christmas tree festival is a bit bigger than ours. I purposefully held my post back a day so we wouldn't clash. We don't want a 'war of the Christmas trees' . :-)

    1. I think they used to have trees at the museum in town too but thats gone all posh so there are more in church this year.

  18. They make ours at home unimaginative.

  19. The Tree festival looks wonderful. Sadly, we have nothing like this. I can't imagine anything better than walking among all the decorated trees. The creativity is amazing and inspirational. I'm always looking for new ideas for decorating. Not only trees!

  20. Wow, what gorgeous decorating. We have a tree festival as well, but it is never well advertised and so I seem to miss it every year.

    God bless.

  21. Dear Sue, I am glad I discovered your blog. The pictures posted by you bring the magic of Christmas.(
