Saturday, 14 January 2023

Saturday Snippets

 For a few worried minutes this week I thought my washing machine had gone wrong. After the programme had finished  the things inside were much wetter than they should have been and when I put it on a spin-only programme it seemed to just be turning everything over and doing nothing but then - thank heavens it got going, spinning properly. Phew - sigh of relief.

You know I like watching sport on TV so it was good to find the Masters Snooker on this week - the top 16 playing except for two young Chinese guys who have been suspended while charges of match fixing for betting are being investigated. I've never understood match fixing in any sport, how do they know what might or might not happen and how to fix a particular thing?. But then I've never understood gambling either....just a fast way to lose money for the majority.

Had a letter telling me my Radio Times subscription was changing from £49 for 26 issues to £75 which is a heck of a jump. So I rang up to cancel and the guy said there must be some mistake(?) and offered me another 6 months at the original price. Not sure how they continue to do it at less than £2 a week including postage but I'll carry on for now while they are as I don't buy any other magazine and the RT has lots to read.

Heard on the radio that millions more people are to be offered statins - I've not seen a doctor for years now so haven't had the conversation lately

After missing a few weeks I had a good swim this week -  risked a general public session rather than a lane swimming session as they are few and far between in school term and struck lucky with just 3 Mums with 4 small toddlers and one lady going up and down at great speed, so there was plenty of room. Very good to get back in the pool again - I did 40 minutes with some pauses for a breather which isn't too bad. I'll try for the same session next week and hope it's no busier.
 I also got back to the exercise group after missing a week for Nanna duty. Took my new "middle aisle Aldi" 1kg dumb bell weights - much better than a bottle of water. There are 7 more weeks funding by the Community Interest group but after that no one is sure how it can operate unless we fund the village hall hire  ourselves.

This is the only colour in the garden at the moment Viburnum Bodnantense, it didn't like the frosts in December but has come back looking good - although it also doesn't like heavy rain.....but other than that it's quite pretty!

I've searched everywhere that they were planted, but there is no sign of  the "in the green" snowdrops that blog reader Jan kindly brought me last sign of them at all which is a bit sad - hope they will appear in time, surely they can't all have been lost in the dry summer.

 The Surrey family are in Suffolk this weekend and it will lovely for us all to get together, which I'm looking forward to. 
Hope you have a good weekend. 

Back Monday


  1. It's lovely when we spot signs of new life happening in the garden, isn't it, fills you with cheer. Hope the snowdrops do appear. Have a nice time with the family.

    1. I do hope the dry weather didn't kill off the snowdrop bulbs - that would be sad

  2. That's exactly what happened to me with the Radio Times, but now I've got the new deal at £49 too.

    Funnily my washing machine does that every now and then, and then continues working normally afterwards. My snowdrops and daffodils are all showing shoots, they appeared after the really cold spell

  3. Imbalance in the drum usual cause. One item gets to side and stays there, heavy with water, and then normal spin gets upset.

  4. There are good fat buds on my hellebores and green shoots on the daffodils in pots but no sign of snowdrops. Let's not give up hope yet!

  5. No sign of my snowdrops either! Have an absolutely lovely family weekend. Time with growing grandchildren is so precious ❤️💜💙

  6. Well done on your two lots of exercise this week-I finally managed two decent length walks this week even though the weather was very wet. I see daffodils in the garden but the snowdrops seem to have disappeared which is sad. Have a lovely weekend. Catriona

    1. It's been so wet I've not walked very far for weeks

  7. The Australian open tennis starts Monday. Not sure what coverage you have over there or how annoying the time difference is. There is going to be a few hotter days next week. It takes about 2 hours by ferry and tram to get to central Melbourne from here but we couldn't cope with the crowds or heat anymore.Enjoy meeting up with family, ours are still on summer holidays, hoping they will come down to our beach for a day or two.

    1. Australian Open is only on paid-for TV channel here this year so I won't get to see any. It's mainly overnight here too

  8. Same thing with the Radio Times. I cancelled and now borrow a digital version from Warwickshire libraries service and the Libby app.

    1. I'm still enjoy my copy of the RT but wouldn't want to pay more

  9. I'm not seeing snowdrops here on the east coast of the US - I THINK they appear more into February for me so perhaps it is just a bit early.


  10. Shame about the snowdrops - ours are pushing up now.
    Have a lovely time with your family
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I hope my snowdrops are just waiting for better weather

  11. It is too early for signs of Spring here - maybe in March...
    I can work out with my fitness club while at home as they offer virtual classes so I follow along using my computer. I miss the socializing but it seems safer than huffing and puffing in a crowd. I also enjoy my walks when the weather cooperates!

    1. The weather here has been so wet for walking - so I'm glad of the swimming for exercise

  12. Surprised to read you haven't seen a doctor in awhile. Not even for an annual physical? No colonoscopy? Nothing? I think you need to reconsider, my opinion.

    1. Why would I have an awful colonoscopy if there was nothing wrong?

  13. I was offered a statin after discovering I had high cholesterol. Decided to get more exercise and a bit of change in my diet, lowered it and no statins. Good for you swimming and getting good exercise.

    Love your garden.

    1. I'm drinking one of those cholesterol lowering drinks every day now and hope that will do it

  14. I have that Vibernum and the rain has ruined it this year but the Whitchazel is in flower, plenty of Hellebores, snowdrops and lots of bulbs poking through (Dorset). However the ground is saturated even on chalk, the mud is everywhere. My WM is 13 years old so fingers crossed every time I use it. Sarah Browne.

    1. Touch wood my washing machine behaves itself for a few more years as it's only 6 years old

  15. I'm in NJ and yesterday my first snow drops started to appear, tiny green noses! Mid January is the start for this variety.

    And yes to using weights designed for the purpose. They're much better for you than substitutes which are not good for your wrists over time. You remind me that as I get past this long boring virus I must pick my weights up again.

    1. I was pleased to find the weights in Aldi at half the price of online

  16. When I wash bath towels, my washer can miss a cycle. I find putting 4 towels in to wash seems to balance the tub and all cycles are completed. Your Viburnum looks lovely. Everything is still very much sleeping on my property. You've got a great exercise routine. Swimming is outstanding and weight bearing exercise is important too. Together they will support your health and wellness. Family time is always good time.

    1. Swimming is my favourite exercise - if I lived in the village where the pool is I would go more often

  17. Sorry to hear “my” snowdrops aren’t doing what they should. I have lots coming up here. What about the super expensive ones you got from Anglesey Abbey.

    Perhaps they are just late. I moved some at around the same time as I dropped some off for you and they are coming up.

    Perhaps I need to plan a church crawl in your neck of the woods and drop some more off. Don’t buy any. I have masses of them and am happy to drop a few more off. I’ve been reading your blog for many years and it is a way to say “thank you”.

    1. I replied to this and it vanished first time and not in spam either.
      I can't remember where I put the Anglesey Abbey snowdrops! but there doesn't seem to be any sign anywhere. I'm still hoping they will appear - perhaps the wet and cold weather is holding them up

  18. sounds like you have a lot of very healthy habits. and your gardens are pretty
    we are still under a bit of snow.

    1. We might still get snow but it hopefully won't last long

  19. I personally do not trust doctors They do not learn about how diet affects us, and would rather prescribe statins than say carbs and sugar cause high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries.

  20. Plus doctors know nothing about chi or energy in the body and how to get it moving so that we do not get sick/ill. If only there was free national health reiki, treatments and the healing arts of the east.

    1. I find it annoying that doctors are paid for what they drugs prescribe - that's all wrong.
      I need to lose more weight to be really healthy - not easy

    2. Try keto the weight just falls off google it Hubby and I are much thinner thanks to it !!!!

  21. What a lovely sight of spring.

    God bless.

    1. Most things in the garden are looking drab after all the rain we have had so the Viburnum is a treat

  22. I am so envious to read all the English bloggers talking about your flowers. It will be a while for us.

    1. I'm hoping that there will be more signs of spring next month

  23. What wonderful colour in the garden! Must be all that rain! Glad you had a good swim. My sister loves to swim. She takes her grandchildren with her when she babysits. They are all like little fish.

    1. I love to see the toddlers enjoying the water and learning to swim while they have no fear - I didn't learn to swim until I was 11 and still only do breast stroke - but do enjoy it

  24. That's very disappointing news about The Radio Times; I'll have to cancel my local daily paper subscription to help with the extra expense.
    Why does nothing stay the same?!
