Monday 5 August 2024

Show Results

 In the end I  entered 8 classes in the village ( two villages from me but where we lived all through the 1980's) produce/flower/craft show.

I came home with one first and four second prizes. The first was for the herbs in the picture which are looking a bit sad after travelling there and back and sitting in a hot marquee for 8 hours. I've entered herbs before and it depends on the judge - if they go for lots of green in a vase I'm OK but sometimes they choose a vase of artfully arranged herbs that are in flower (prompting a heated discussion  - are herbs in flower therefore past their best?!)
Hadn't even though about entering until I realised I'd got Basil, Lemon balm (growing like a weed down the wild side of the bungalow), Bay, Parsley and a very few sprigs of Rosemary - my plant is only 8 inches tall so far, so enough to make up a nice green jug full.

I got  2nds for my cross stich book mark and cross stitch picture. 2nd for my Peppers in the  'Any Other Vegetable Class', and the coffee/walnut marble cake in the WI Members only Class - much to my surprise. There was a different cookery judge this year and she whizzed through the judging. I was stewarding and writing down the points - checking everything twice just in case.

Just a few photos from the other things happening on the meadow - I meant to take more but kept talking to people and forgetting.

Love the Stowmarket Concert Band below, they are here every year and very good. Colin and I used to travel to Ipswich many years ago to listen to some of the big name Brass Bands - Brighouse and Rastrick; Black Dyke; Grimethorpe Colliery etc. It's very Happy Music.

Terrible photos of the Wheel2wheel Stunt team bikers jumping about - I was sitting down and  didn't like to stand up to get   a good photo as there were lots of people standing behind.
There's a video on their website HERE They travel the country doing these shows - crazy stuff.

A couple of beautiful flower arrangements - such skill - I wouldn't have a clue where to start with these - it's a hobby/craft/skill that has never appealed.

More old cars than they usual - they look so polished and loved

And old tractors too, I ended up travelling behind 3 of these on my way home as they come from my village - 10mph for 3 miles!

A good day was had by all I think. After the heat wave of 2022 and the torrential washout that was the 2023 show, Saturdays weather was just perfect.

The weekend parts that I saw  of the  Summer of Sport 2024 were good. Carlos Alcaraz v Djokovic being a re-run of the Wimbledon final but with the opposite result. 

Back later in the week.


  1. It is our Garden Club show in two weeks. I may enter something this year. But it wont be '4 identical beans on a plate " or" 3 carrots, foliage trimmed" as my produce is never uniform in size, and grown to be eaten. I might do a jug if herbs though....

    1. I tried an entry of 3 courgettes but on the day they were 3 different sizes - no prize

  2. See, we all told you not to fret over that delicious cake! Well done on the wins, try not to spend it all at once.
    I do so enjoy the vintage cars and tractors. Glad the weather held too!

    1. The cake looked better marbled when cut in half and it does taste good - most is in the freezer - but I'm eating some

  3. Congratulations - that was a satisfying haul, I should think.
    Lovely photos, thanks. xx

    1. Always lovely to find a sticker on my card - I'm very competitive

  4. Well done on your wins! I used to be pleased if my winnings covered the entrance fees :-)

    1. I won £5.50 which was a £2.50 profit on entry costs - not counting the diesel for going back and forwards 3 times!

  5. Great results and I hope you enjoyed some of that delicious cake! Catriona

    1. The cake is good - most in freezer but I'm eating some

  6. Congratulations on your wins. How did they transport those pretty vases of flowers to remain intact for the show I wonder.

  7. Congratulations! You did really well.
    I watched the stunt bikes video. Amazing stuff. Brave men to lie down and have a bike land so close!

    1. Brave or crazy - amazing how high they can get them to jump and to balance

  8. Just love a village show…well done.

    1. It's always a good time out - lots of people I know from the 'old days'

  9. Congrats on your prize winning! My mother used to do competition flower arranging but her skill never rubbed off on me LOL. I'm more your push-into-a-vase type of flower arranger :)

    1. I once thought I would like to learn but then found out how much it costs to buy the flowers in - never would have grown enough to supply my own

  10. Well done on your results - I'd be chuffed with that. The photo of the vintage cars brought back fond memories of when, in my early 20s I had an Austin Ruby (I think the little car, 3 along in your photo, might be that model). My little Ruby was a burgundy colour though, not black, with shiny chrome bumpers. Aaaaaahhhhh . . .

    1. I was very chuffed!. Doing what I can on my own with a small garden is pleasing

  11. Well done on your wins. :-)

    We were at our local show on Saturday, it was smaller than previous years but still a great day out.

    1. Really good crowds at this one this year, last year was a washout disaster.

  12. Congratulations on your wins. Having great weather made a perfect day. I would love to see the tractors. Riding small bikes and flying through the air seems totally foreign to me. How do they manage to stay on the bike? The Brass Band concert must have been wonderful.

    1. The bike display is totally crazy, they make the bikes jump up over hurdles and from steps onto the roof of the van

  13. Well, congratulations on your great results! Sounds like a really fun day!

    1. Good to have a nice day after the rain last year. Crowds of people there

  14. I was in the church a few months ago and one of the flower arrangers came in. She gave me a brief lesson on flower arranging and made it look very easy to achieve brilliant displays. It is a question of being methodical and having some idea of geometry. I am one who succeeds with plonking flowers in a vase though. I like it that your herbs won first prize.

    1. Thank you. There are lots of 'rules' with flower arranging re height ratio and number as well as following the schedule

    2. Yes, geometry featured in her brief lesson.

  15. It looks like a very enjoyable day. I was inspired by your cake and made a coffee/walnut sponge this afternoon - lovely.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Hope it was good - Coffee and walnut is one of those cakes that most people seem to like

  16. what a fun post! This looks like a great event and congratulations to you! I'm so pleased you were a winner -- multiple times! The stunt cyclists look interesting. I'll have to check out the video.

  17. Looks like a great show. Congrats on the wins!

  18. Congratulations! And thank you for helping to keep these community events active and thriving.

    1. This event has been going for at least 60 years! Although it used to be on a smaller scale

  19. What flourishing-looking herbs - even after their busy day. Your show was a huge success and it looks like there was something for everyone. Catching up with friends, and the weather cooperating! What more could you wish for.

  20. I know a couple who compete like crazy...against each other. Whoever brings home the most ribbons wins. They will enter every competion they can. It makes me laugh.

  21. A fantastic result! Well done, Sue. Xx
