Saturday, 15 February 2025

Half of February Gone - Thank Goodness

 When did a Railway Station become a Train Station? When did Going Shopping become a Shopping Haul? Why is the tag line to TV adverts for Magnum ice creams "True to Pleasure" and what on earth does it mean?

These are questions that need answering........................or not!

But while you are pondering..........................

It's been such a cold and grey ol' week in Mid Suffolk, everyone I've spoken to - which was really only the people  at the Keep Moving Group -have been saying how dismal it is. 18 ladies there this week - which is really good - means we cover our costs (hall hire, coffee and biscuits) with our £1.50s, and build up enough to have more free weeks. One lady who hadn't been for a few weeks wondered where all the new people had suddenly come from - she didn't know that I'd put the info on Facebook Village groups.

The February jigsaw is almost done, I'm at the point of thinking there must be pieces missing - but hoping there aren't.

I finished one more book for my Reading-the-Seasons-not-really-a-challenge thing. It was by a new to me author. The story was OK but I thought some of the writing, especially dialogue, was a bit odd and clunky. 

Christmas has arrived in Cumbria, and wedding bells are ringing. As the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve, DI James Walker receives a phone call that puts paid to his Christmas break. During the wedding of the year at a lakeside hotel, the bride's sister has vanished. When Rachel left the wedding breakfast before her speech, newly-wed Libby was furious. But as the night went on with no sign of her maid-of-honour, Libby started to realise something was very, very wrong. Before the wedding night is out, the lake is being searched for a body. One guest is a killer. 

I hope these two weather sayings for yesterday are correct............

                                           St Valentine Breaks the Back of Winter

                                         To Saint Valentine the spring is a neighbour

Last piece of news for the week is that BiL came over yesterday afternoon with his motor mower and cut the grass for me. It was still a bit wet and clogged up now and again but it's done....... thankfully. I should be able to keep on top of it now. With the last of the Buddliea and now the grass cuttings the garden waste bin is full again, so I can't do any more clearing for while. I've had to stop using my dalek compost bins - Rats!

I'm hoping a lady gardener who advertised on the local facebook group is going to come sometime and get the two big borders back to some sort of tidy too, then I'll be able to cope with them again. She likes to be paid in cash for one-off jobs like this, so I must organise that. It sounds as if she is very busy locally. The person who volunteered to help me last autumn lost his driving licence before Christmas, for being over the alcohol limit -twice- and hasn't been heard of since!

Back Next week


  1. You've reminded me to sort out my Buddleias. One is definitely looking peaky - doesn't help anything planted in old house rubble, which the entire bank is! I will give it some FYM to help it along.

    What a lovely jigsaw that is.

  2. I would like to know when curtains became drapes, wardrobes became robes, cushions became pillows and going to see a film became a trip to the movies. No need to state where all of those came from! Train station is a particular bugbear of mine too.

  3. When you look at some of the trolleys stuffed and piled high with all manner of massive multi packs and processed foods, then I think shopping haul is quite apt... ;-)

  4. I think brits should fight back and insist on the old words. The new ones are largely from tv, I'm guessing. Resist!

  5. You're right, I had never really noticed that most folk do say Train Station instead of Railway Station, our traditional English is being diluted ... and don't get me started on punctuation!

    Fingers crossed that all your pieces are there, I bet they are. :-)
