With visitors gone and the house sorted the February Jigsaw is out onto the table .
It's House of Puzzles again and another cheapie from ebay that I wanted to do (and yes I know about libraries and jigsaws but I wanted to do THIS one!)
Choosing a puzzle for me is a bit like choosing a book . Can't do any old puzzle same as I can't read just any book. Hence the problem when someone gives me a book saying " I've bought you a book because I know you like reading"..
And yes I realise that I'm just plain awkward!
Anyway, there was a nice surprise when I opened it, as the outside edge had been separated already - handy.
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Oh I am so glad that someone else isn't necessarily delighted to be given a book! Twice recently people have given me books and wanted to discuss said book next time we met up and I really resented the time I had to spend reading something which wasn't "me".
ReplyDeleteI had a book for Christmas that I'd borrowed from the library and couldn't get into and still can't!
DeleteI have a lent book like that beside my bed at the moment. Been there since November. If the owner asks I think I may say I will try and read it in Lent! And you are right about jigsaws , why spend time on the wrong picture?
ReplyDeleteI don't like puzzles that look as if they'll be really difficult - no patience!
DeleteYes I agree about both books and puzzles. My sister and I are both puzzle fans, her sister in law recently gave her around 30 that someone passed on to her but several, neither of us fancy doing. Yes, bonus having the edge pieces sorted out already.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to be able to read anything and do any puzzle but fear it's too late to change
DeleteI haven't joined book clubs when invited because life's too short to read books other people want to read, too many books, too little time.
ReplyDeleteSo good to have the outer edge of the jigsaw puzzle separate! I like the picture, lots of detail.
I'm no good at discussing a book - either I read it and enjoy or don't enjoy and don't finish!
DeleteI joined a book club that many of my friends were already members of. I'm pleased to have books come my way which I wouldn't otherwise have considered... but quite often the choices are in the 'gritty, harrowing, hesrt-rending, thriller' category and I just read comfort books that month!
ReplyDeleteOh dear, I can't do those real life harrowing stories - much too depressing
DeleteI so agree with you about books and jigsaw puzzles. Your new puzzle has lots of green, it should keep you busy for a while.
ReplyDeleteLuckily there are lots of different greens so hope it will be OK
DeleteNothing unusual about being fussy about jigsaw puzzles. I am extremely fussy and will only do Ravensburgers and then only pictures that I actually want to do.
ReplyDeleteI might be in a rut with House Of Puzzles jigsaws but it's a happy rut!
DeleteNot awkward at all, my thinking is the same. Also don't like being given any toiletries as I'm fussy about smells.
ReplyDeleteThankfully the family know I don't use smellies and strong scents give me a headache, so I've not been given any for a long time
DeleteMy present jigsaw has pictures in boxes and all sea related and I am loving it.
ReplyDeletePictures in boxes sounds curious?
DeleteAny old jigsaw won't do, any more than any old book. I've never had a jigsaw with the border pieces in a separate bag.
ReplyDeleteA good surprise to find the edges separate, I ought to try and remember to do this when I take a puzzle apart to cheer up the next person
DeleteI'm another one that totally agrees with you about being given books or anything that someone else thinks you should read or do. I LOVE that the edges are already sorted out on that jigsaw, it always used give me the impetus to get on with a jigsaw when I had all the edges in place, but I hated sorting through to find them.
ReplyDelete'And yes I realise that I'm just plain awkward!' ... brilliant me too!! :-)
I had a book for Christmas that I'd already borrowed from the library - still can't get into it.
DeleteI’m another person who hates to be given books or puzzles as gifts. I bought myself a 1000 piece jigsaw all about crafting and will start once the sewing machine has gone away. Catriona
ReplyDeleteI don't think I've ever seen a jigsaw with the edge pieces separated already (not that I do many puzzles). I'd have thought that was half the fun, finding the edges yourself - well, it would be for me.
ReplyDeleteWe have a puzzle collection at the library, but I'm so picky, I only like Springbok, for the interesting shapes, and I've done them all! I agree, just any puzzle won't do. Like any dress won't do.
ReplyDeleteThe new puzzle looks great. Perfection.
ReplyDeleteLike you, I do not care to spend time on or with something I do not care for. Why bother?
I used to force myself to finish a book if I started it but now I can quit a book that I'm not getting into. I figure, as I age, I have less time to read so I might as well read what I want! Works for puzzles too! ;)
ReplyDeleteNow you will have lost the thrill of finding that last piece of the border/edge that has been hiding from you.
ReplyDeleteI am with you on the strong scents - they can give me a painful head too. Recently we were in an Airbnb and the owner had one of those plug in self defusing types on every floor and reed diffusers in each room. It was over powering, so I collected them all up and and dispatched them into the boot room for the time we were there!
ReplyDeleteI've never seen a puzzle that had the edge pieces sorted! Did it come from the factory like that or did the previous 'puzzle doer' do that?
ReplyDeleteI gave up perfume years ago. Scents bother me quite a lot.
I enjoy the old fashioned scenes of days gone by, on jigsaws. A friend of mine always has a jigsaw out on a table for anyone to dip into and add a piece or two. I would definitely far prefer to choose my own jigsaw, rather than be given one as a present!
ReplyDeleteThat's a nice scene and one I would enjoy. I will confess to not having touched mine since Gabs was last here and we sorted colours etc together and got a couple of areas started, but I have been quite busy. 500 is less challenging than 1,000 pieces, but I'll get there eventually with mine.
ReplyDeleteA good friends have given me books and the choices make we wonder if they know me at all. Loved the moorhen yesterday. We had a pair on our pond in Suffolk. It made me very homesick but also brought back memories of the raft my brother built and we had great fun falling off into the thick black mud below the water. I doubt children would be allowed nowadays.
ReplyDeleteI like that one -- the subject, the art. Good choice!
ReplyDeleteThey have to grab you, don't they. Pictures and books. :-) xx
ReplyDeleteNOOOOO! Don’t separate the edges, for me that is the first sense of accomplishment
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful that the edge pieces were separated. You still need to put that edge together. Love the puzzle picture.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
I'd like the edges to be separated first. Looks like a fun puzzle! I like books, but I prefer to pick my own. I think it's the same with most people. There are certain genres I like and certain ones that are just meh! I think a book gift would depend on how well the person knows me!