Thursday, 5 October 2017

Library Books and Health Update

Last Thursday was library van day and I picked up another good pile of books to read that I'd ordered and I have two left from 4 weeks ago too, so no shortage of reading matter.

9 crime in this lot.....blimey.  Also have another book about growing cut flowers - although my cutting garden is 6 foot x 6 foot whereas Sarah Ravens is 40 foot by 80 foot!
I specially requested the book about Will Scott, the author of childrens books in the 50's and 60's which I loved to read.
The Flexible Vegetarian is a bit posh for my humble kitchen, there won't be any recipes copied form this book although everything looks delicious there is too much faffing and prepping!

I took the book by Ann Granger with me to hospital last week and almost finished it due to all the sitting about waiting so hope to get through all this lot by the end of the month.

And on the subject of hospitals, Col's health and the Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma we now know more of what's happening at last. He is to have a day-surgery operation on his sinuses in a couple of weeks time. This will remove a source of infection that has been a big problem throughout his chemo and previous treatment. Then after a few weeks to get over that he will go in again to Addenbrookes - probably towards the end of November for a  week of different chemo before the donor goes in and donates stem cells which are then given to Col the next day. Then its an up and down bumpy road to recovery and hopefully out of hospital before Christmas..... Sounds like a plan. Hope it goes according to schedule but after the horrible time he had in Ipswich when he had the ordinary stem cell for nearly 8 weeks instead of  four weeks - we just never know.

Thanks for comments about moving/not moving. Col's dad only ever lived in two houses in adjoining villages all his life and my Mum and Dad only lived in two houses - on the same plot of land in 40 years both families thought we were odd because we kept moving but we were always climbing the property ladder with the smallholding at the top! As someone always says " good thing we're not all the same".
Mustn't forget to say Welcome to a new follower - Hi.

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  1. My must be a very fast reader! Hope all goes to plan on the treatment and recovery front. x

  2. I see Mary Wesley in that pile, I used to like her books must look her up again. Good luck with the Hospital for both of you, people tend to forget about the partner and its as stressful for them as it is for the patient.

  3. Sending my very best wishes and keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes to plan. I can recommend Louise Curley's The Cut Flower Patch, she used to write the Wellywoman blog and it's a beautiful book with lots of helpful information about growing cut flowers, even in a smaller plot.

  4. Glad to hear that the treatment path for Colin has become clearer and you both know the timetable. Facing illness is stressful enough without uncertainty over what's happening next. Good wishes to you both.

  5. Great selection of reading material, Sue. Hope Col's treatment goes ahead as planned and safe journeys to and fro to the hospital for you both. Catriona

  6. My fingers are crossed for Col's next step treatment. It must be nice to know where it's all heading a bit more.
    Happy reading.
    J x

  7. Like you we have moved many times renovating properties in order to secure a future. Hope all goes well for you both, it must be quite a strain.

  8. Sorting the sinus infection sounds like a good and sensible step forward. May all go smoothly and may there be a good Christmas for you!

  9. I hope everything goes smoothly with the sinus surgery and your husband can begin the process to get him on the road to being healthy and happy! -Jenn

  10. You where jolly lucky to get the a Jeanette Winterson book, my library service which covers the whole of the SW has not bought a copy yet, it is on order. However, I did find Let's preserve it by Beryl Wood, a reprint from the 70's, it looks good. Really hope all goes well for Colin, positive vibes from Dorset.

  11. Hope Col's plan goes smoothly. Good haul of books, I bought 6 books from a charity shop a couple of weeks ago and found a couple of authors I will pursue again.
    Gill x

  12. Great pile of books you have. Unfortunately we get very few British authors over here. Maybe if someone has visited the uk and bought books over there and then donated them to a book sale you might get lucky. Glad to hear that things are moving along with Col and I wish you both all the best.

  13. I love your lists of books, I always find something to follow up on, now going to look at the children's author. Warmest wishes for Col as always.

  14. Just realised he was the author of the Cherry series. I loved those books!

  15. I saw an Ann Cleeves book in your pile - I have just discovered her and today finished one of her Shetland mysteries - going to order more from the library.

  16. I always like looking at your library books --I have The Seagull on request- I can't remember what number I am on the wait list - but I'm quite a way down - I shall be interested to hear what you think. The book about the children's author Will Scott sounds good. I look in book stores and then request books through the library - I wondered how you decide what books to request?

  17. All the best for col and all his treatments xxx

  18. Sending best wishes to you both. Reading is a good temporary escape from our worries. X
