Wednesday, 14 December 2022

December 14th

 Thank you to everyone for comments yesterday.

A spell of very cold weather landed on the UK  - quite unusual for many places to have snow in December. I've gone down with a cold  too- first for so long I can't remember when I last had one. It's an aching all over and headache type cold. Decided against going out to the exercise class and swimming but I really need to go shopping as soon as I can.

Last Sunday I went to visit Father Christmas in his grotto at Bressingham Steam Museum and Gardens. 

This video - if it works - dates from a few years ago , but it was much the same.

Of course I didn't go on my own but with Son, DiL and two grandchildren.. It was a frosty day but not too cold walking around. 

We went on the train and looked around the museum. Grandson was very excited by the model railway, especially after he found he could push a button to make the train move. I think he would have stayed all day, climbing on the step to watch the train then climbing down saying "press the button" and climbing back up to watch it again.

No sitting on Santa's knee here, he was fenced in!

This sort of thing didn't happen when our children were small and if it had we wouldn't have been able to afford it anyway. The Santa they saw was in a home made grotto made from a clothes horse, covered with a curtain at the Scout's Christmas Fayre.

Just one way things are so different now........

Back Tomorrow


  1. Hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself.

    I have been seeing some wonderful frosty photos of Suffolk on Instagram. It looks really beautiful.

    1. The frosty trees have been beautiful to look out but seems quite unusual to have frost lasting all day

  2. I hope you are over the cold soon. My grandchildren have seen Santa this month too.

  3. Get well soon. I think colds are rife and knocking people for six as it’s so long since anyone has had one.

    1. It's no fun being under the weather when the weather is so cold1

  4. There's such a lot of germs about right now...we were very fortunate on Sunday that none of the children cried when they saw Father Christmas. They did seem to prefer Mrs. Claus though! x

    1. Santa at Bressingham seemed to have severel elderly elves helping him!

  5. there's a lot of colds about now. Feel better soon! Best to stay in if you can, too.

    1. The freezing weather is not good for aching joints

  6. Keep warm and get better soon

  7. I*t sounds like you have what I had. Stay warm, rest up and don't push thing too much.
    Hot, buttered toast works wonders in a temporary sense.

    Loving the video clip, thank you.

    1. Thank you - I'm glad the video worked, seems to be hit and miss with blogger now

  8. Get better for Xmas and no trying to sit on Santa's lap.

    1. I avoid all elderly men - especially if they have big white beards!

  9. My daugter is just getting over the flu which was quite bad, so take care of yourself and get rid of it pronto.

    I was saddened to see that fence in front of Santa, nothing friendly about that.

  10. There's a lot of colds doing the rounds here too. Hope you feel better.

    1. It's seems easier to catch colds when the weather is so cold

  11. Hope you feel 100 per cent again soon.
    I agree that things for families have changed so much - expectations are higher now because so much more is available isn't it?
    Alison in Wales x

  12. Stay warm and drink lots of fluids. I hope you feel better soon. Visiting Father Christmas brings back fond memories. Visiting the museum with your grandchildren sounds like fun. Little boys love their trains and your grandson showed this in spades.

  13. Oh no, hope you get over the cold soon. They always seem to arrive at the most inconvenient times (is there ever a convenient time?). Take care of yourself, Mxx

  14. Sorry to hear that you feel rough. Hope you feel better soon and can get your shopping done. I've got my last online order before Christmas booked for 22nd. It's all getting a bit too close for comfort now đŸ˜² Stay warm.

  15. How strange that Santa was made to sit behind a fence ... quite like a reindeer in fact! I hope you are soon feeling better.

    The last proper snow I remember in December was 10th December 2017.
