Thursday, 6 March 2025

Suffolk Libraries

Possible worrying news about our library service in Suffolk. Suffolk County Council want to take back the complete running of libraries after the 12 successful years  of it being run by Suffolk Libraries IPS Ltd. In the 12 years - all libraries have stayed open, many have more hours open, volunteers have been a big part of the service, and libraries are being used for more events each week. Supposedly no agreement could be arrived at when discussions happened at the end of the CIC period ready for the next 12 years. I hope I'm not being cynical to say SCC have obviously seen how well things are going and can see a way that they might make extra money from libraries! 

SCC say “The future of Suffolk’s 45 libraries will be in safe hands as part of our plans to protect and enhance the service". 

 We wait to see what happens. THIS is an open letter to Suffolk residents . According to our local councillor - some of the information given to SCC was wrong and therefore their plans  based on this are misinformed.

Just hope they don't start charging for requests!  Which reminds me..................Some book news - Ann Cleeves - author of the Vera and Shetland series of books is writing about Jimmy Perez again, but now he has moved to TV series sometime perhaps?

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  1. I've had to pay for requests here in surrey for years. Now 75p a book! As a result I don't use the service much I just read what's available on the shelves.

  2. Here in Dorset we have not had mobile libraries for years. I can’t see the Council paying all those volunteers a wage so I guess they will charge for requests and maybe computer use. The books in my local library are years old and the craft section appalling so you are better off without the Coincil I think. Sarah Browne

  3. I must say I envy you the service you get from your library. There is a charge here. The library in Caistor is not easily accessible for me.

  4. I use our BorrowBox online service here in Lancashire: it’s free and offers audio and ebooks. I like the audio as I listen while doing housework, cooking and knitting. Not the same as a physical book of course but it does offer newly published books often narrated by the authors. Hope your library service remains as it has been successful so far. Good luck !
    Anne in Lancs

  5. Norfolk is fortunate in having 47 libraries and 5 mobile libraries. It is run by the CC and appears to be working well. Although they did reduce the floorspace by 50% at our Dereham Branch, by turning the whole of the first floor into council offices. I understand your concerns Sue, and hope it works out OK.

  6. Think the Council may find they don’t have as many volunteers as the CIC would. We have had library closures here and it’s been very difficult for people to access services when they have to travel. Catriona

  7. To reserve books in our library it costs £1.20 per book! Yet in other parts of Somerset it's free.

  8. I bet you're right Sue, I guess they have seen how successful the library service is and have out a few ways to make more money for themselves. Oooh, it sounds like an Orkney v Shetland island/detective/murder battle coming up. I always loved the character Jimmy Perez.
