Friday, 21 March 2025

Useful Things Again

Spring Sprung yesterday for the Vernal Equinox, the warmth was lovely. I pricked out a dozen tomato seedlings and cut the grass. Now it'll probably turn cold again!

 Many of the  things I buy at car-boot sales are to save me money on items that I would usually be buying anyway.

From one of the house clearance people who are now going to the Sunday boot sale as well as the Saturday one I got these. Simple Soap is what I use and dishwasher salt plus Christmas gift tags with sticky backs will be handy. £2 for the lot.

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  1. Great finds. You always seem to dig out such useful items. xx

  2. It is only ever a bargain if you want and use it.

  3. Such good finds, all very useful.

  4. Your hobby is very profitable. I admire your self restraint!

  5. ive got another week to wait till the start of car boots locally , i have the usual list in my head that i need to find this season , various strange and weird bits i need and will try to spend £1 on before i actually have to pay the whole price

  6. You've got a good eye for spotting the deals, Sue!

  7. You're really skilled at finding actual useful items, and using them.

  8. Thank you everyone - years of practice at avoiding the trash and tat!

  9. The savings you see from these purchases are impressive.

  10. Good bargains as always. We use all Simple products including the shampoo. Catriona

  11. Your always seem to find great things at the car boot sales.

    God bless.

  12. Some good bargains, and far better than buying ornaments etc just because they are cheap. Savvy carbooting for sure. 😀
