Thursday, 27 May 2021

Brother-in-Law, Concrete Slabs and Raised Bed Edging

Sometimes my Brother-in-Law Andrew is willing to help me with odd jobs that I can't manage but being a life long bachelor he's used to doing his own thing all the time and now he's retired he's just as busy as he was when he worked, so I don't like to ask too often.

But sometimes he surprises me by doing things I've not even asked him to do . For instance when I first moved in and he brought the garden stuff round that had been stored at his house for 9 weeks he put the dalek compost bin in the empty storage area behind the garden shed and I said I'm going to get some slabs to stand it on so I can make a bit of compost without rats being able to get in. (The District Council Garden Waste bin is literally only for garden waste so things like vegetable bits from the kitchen or tea bags are Forbidden......with a  capital F!)

Last week he rang up to say his next-door neighbour was going to be replacing a paved patio with some decking and how many slabs did I need and they were 2 foot by 2 foot by 2inches so I said good grief I'll never be able to shift them even if I had a sack barrow. He said he'd bring them over in his trailer as they were a bit awkward to get in and out of his truck. Which he did and then proceeded to level off where they needed to go and lay the slabs - job done....brilliant! I asked him if there had been any smaller slabs as one was needed out by the front paths where there was a gap which meant stepping over the soil at the end of a flower bed every-time when going between car and front door. He said no they were all much too big for the gap. But then later he rang to say he'd found something smaller to fill the gap and would bring it over and fit it in for me as he had a rubber hammer and some sand which was what was needed. 
And he did........... It's much more sensible now as you can see below. The lighter slab and smaller bit have filled a gap that the previous owners must have been stepping over for 7 years? or maybe all owners since the bungalow was built in 1983!

Then early last year when he was cutting some wood for me he said he wouldn't cut up some large sturdy lengths as they were just what he needed as extra scaffold boards ready for using while painting his house. So when I moved here and was thinking about what to use for the edges for the raised veg. beds I asked him to hang onto the boards when he'd finished painting as they would be ideal for what I needed.

A couple of weeks ago he said as he'd now finished painting his house he would give  the boards I wanted a coat of weather proofing ready for me!  I said "brilliant thank you, I'll be able to dig some slots for them to stand in and then fill the middle with flattened cardboard boxes and some soil". The next conversation was him asking me what size the veg beds were going to be as he would cut them to the right length and find some angle joints ready to fix them together!

I keep telling him he needn't do all these things and there's no hurry but it's been a real help, and I'd better treat him to Fish and Chips again when he's next over!

Back Tomorrow


  1. Retirement has brought the best out of him. It relaxes you.

  2. Gosh, jobs well done on all fronts and raised bed collars to look forward to.

  3. You lucky lady to have such a treasure! Could I borrow him?😁 xx

  4. Jolly! He's a One in a Million! Stepping over that gap would be an accident waiting to happen. Fish and chips definitely earned.

  5. Great to have someone to help and sounds as though he's a real treasure fish and chips would be very nice.

  6. What a star your b-i-l is. You're lucky to have him. He definitely deserves a treat of fish & chips. x

  7. So pleased your b-I-law helped you I wish mine lived nearer.
    My D.took me to Morrisons yesterday and they had just come in lots of plants and small trees, I treated my self to a small Acer (Β£3.00) in the afternoon I did my 2 large tubs with Geranium and fushias in the front garden.
    The weather looks good today so it will be gardening.
    Hazel 🌈🌈

  8. What a hero! You're lucky to have family living near you.

  9. I'm sure he gets some satisfaction from helping you. Fish and chips well earned!

  10. Well one good deed deserves another. He’ll be bringing his mending pile around! x

  11. Bless him, that's very kind. I'm sure he will love that fish and chips.

  12. It seems that every time he says, "Hey, I've got that stuff you wanted," you let him in on the next step in your plans, so that he can see where you are going and offer his help! Very useful to both of you. He doesn't have to wonder when and what you will ask for assistance with, because you keep him informed all along the way.

  13. That is so helpful to you and you will get things set up quicker with his assistance. Gives him projects to keep him busy and useful in retirement! Good for both of you!

  14. A meal of fish and chips together is a very nice "thank you" for all the wonderful help. Re-using slabs/blocks is brilliant and nicely cost efficient as well.

  15. I'm sure he is enjoying being useful and helpful Sue. Also fish and chips is a good way of saying thank you.

  16. He is very kind to help you out as he does. He probably feels good that there are ways he can help and I'm sure he enjoys those Fish and Chips along with your good company!

  17. What a lovely helpful person,talented too, you are lucky to have him close by.Would he appreciate a cake or some slice to take home,or does he enjoy baking for himself?

  18. Wow, brother in law is a handy guy to have around! I love well placed concrete slabs, but I often take the quick route and don't do all the necessary levelling and ground work first. Enjoy your day! -Jenn

  19. What a great brother-in-law. You both can meet the other's need. His strength, etc and you can cook or bake for him. :)

  20. What a great guy, and I'm sure that he appreciates you just as much for the many things you must also do for him ... and of course for the food :-)
