Tuesday, 4 May 2021

The Weekend

 Opened the door early Sunday morning to go to the car boot-sale and the car windscreen was covered in  thick ice - on the 2nd May - a real proper frost - crazy. 

I went to a different boot sale, seeing as I was living closer to it than normal, - long established and usually full and busy but disappointing turn out.

Not a lot to find or rather not a lot for ME to find - some people had bags full of stuff. 75p bought  me 3 children's books to take with me when I went down the road for lunch with the two youngest grandchildren.

And a box of new 8oz jars. Ready for getting back to making things again - these were £3. I think I kept a few decent jars in storage somewhere but most went to the bottle bank before I moved. 

No frost Monday morning but the visit to the Stonham Barns Bank Holiday Monday  car-boot was another disappointment hardly any people selling and after walking round twice I went home with an empty bag.

At least it was fine for both mornings but I was soon "home" for breakfast on both days.

I'll probably take a few days off while moving stuff this week - also doing  a Nanna duty that was cancelled last week and going to order a greenhouse...........although I wont be growing anything this year as the waiting list is 20 WEEKS!

Hope to be  back with a few photos when I get keys and then it depends on how soon a new hub arrives for internet.

I'm so looking forward to getting back to a normal life - if I can remember what that is!



  1. So glad things are coming together for you now, it's been a long wait, all the best for moving day, looking forward to being 'shown round' your new home.xx

  2. I can imagine the children were pleased with the books and the jars are a good size look forward to seeing what you fill them up with.
    The weather over the last few days have been cold and so windy.
    Hope everything goes well over the next few days.Sue.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  3. Hope everything goes smoothly on moving day. Looking forward to seeing photos.

  4. All the best for moving day. Hope everything goes smoothly for you x

  5. Hoping the move goes easily for you and isn't too exhausting. At least you can unpack at your leisure.

    Those jars were a really good buy. Not surprised folk not turning out to sell at the car boot sale when it's been so frosty at night. My delicate plants are going in and out like a fiddler's elbow right now!

    Not surprised at the long wait for the greenhouse - Lockdown has meant SO many more people getting gardening. We couldn't get the size polytunnel unless we paid a lot more than we wanted to last year. Everything was selling like hotcakes.

  6. Good luck with the move, I hope it all goes well.

  7. Good luck - here's to the day when you can look back on all this as nothing but a distant memory.

  8. Fingers crossed for a smooth move. You've certainly waited long enough for it! xx

  9. I guess with the weather THAT cold there weren't many people willing or able to stand for hours trying to sell their stuff, and I wouldn't blame them at all. I've done that myself in the past and it chills you through to the bone after a couple of hours.

    I hope everything goes well this week and you soon have those keys clutched in your hands, at last.

  10. Best wishes for an untroubled move-in!

  11. I'm glad you found a few things you liked at car boot sale. I put a couple of older books I had in gift bag for my granddaughter's 5th birthday with small polar bear I bought her. I'm happy you got keys for bungelow and moving day day goes well. God bless. 🌈🌷

  12. I think I would love carboot sales. Very much.

  13. Ah ... the move finally is here! Look forward to a tour of your new place.

  14. I am excited for you and can't wait to see your new home. Hope all goes smoothly!

  15. So pleased you finally have a date for your move.

  16. What a wonderful week this is for you. Of course it will be a busy one, but busy with so much you've been waiting to do. I am so happy and excited for you!

  17. Wishing you all the very best for the move and for a dry, warm day to do it in.

  18. Glad to hear you're nearly in at last! Arilx

  19. Good luck with the move. We had our offer on a house accepted today. Hoping this survey comes back OK. I am also looking forward to normal living and I know I shall really appreciate it. 🙂

  20. I'll be thinking "calm and energising thoughts" as you move. It's always exhausting, no matter how well prepared you are, so here's wishing you well.

  21. Having a move date and knowing you will be settled in the near future is a very good feeling. The finish line is getting near.

  22. Wow that's a long wait for the greenhouse! At least you'll have lots of time to settle in and plan things out. Good luck with the moving things. I hope it goes smoothly for you. Take care x

  23. Oh Sue...I am so pleased to hear that hopefully you will be able to move properly next week. I haven't been reading for a few days...my work shift really tired me out for a few days! Onwards and upwards though!! x

  24. Best of luck with the settling in period. Imagine you will be very happy to finally get into your own place with your own things...even if you might not be able to find all those things (which box??) in the short term. Try not to over-exert yourself. Make unpacking more of a marathon, rather than a sprint. :)

  25. So good to hear the move is happening, hope all goes well.
    I've moved many times and find if you just put things as near as possible to their usual place you have a fighting chance of finding them. I was once helped unpack by a friend....some stuff was still hiding after a year !.....never again.😄
    I always have a box with the 'essentials ' Tea, coffee, milk, bread etc you never know how long you could be stuck,at the new place between trips or waiting for tradie.
    It's good to treat yourself to eat out or takeaway on the last day of move in as it's something to look forward to or just get you fed when you are very tired.
