Friday, 14 March 2025

Bought for Christmas - Another Vegetarian Bake

 These were in my freezer, bought from Aldi before Christmas so about time at least one was tried. So yet another taste-test.

A hand finished blend of butternut squash, sweet potato, cashew nuts and parsnips, with an indulgent melting brie and cranberry centre.

I served it up with fresh cooked carrots with frozen green beans and a dollop of my red hot relish

Surprise, surprise - It was actually very tasty, which makes a change. 318 calories and rather too high in the fats, sugars and salt % for  regular eating but as they only had them at Christmas and may never have them again, that's not really a problem.

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  1. It sounds and looks absolutely delicious - although what does 'hand finished' mean, I wonder? :-) xx

  2. Your "roast" certainly looks like the one on the box, which is good , and a good sized portion, too. I think "hand finished" may just mean that as it goes along the conveyor belt, someone pops a small piece of cheese on top! [I've watched too many episodes of Inside The Factory] I bought a packet of fancy stuffing to use at Christmas, and now i cannot find it!

  3. I have a few Christmas treats still in my freezer, there is always more choice at that time of year.

  4. I had the vegan version of this, it was definitely one of their better offerings. I think I have one more thing in the freezer.

    1. Much better than so many of the other things I've tried

  5. That looks delicious but as you say, just to be eaten sparingly. Catriona

  6. This looks pretty good. Rarely do the prepared meals meet expectations. This might be the exception.

  7. I've never had a "nut roast". Is it the vegetarian version of meat loaf?

    1. There are all sorts of versions of nut roasts. This was mainly veg but with a few cashews inside

  8. An interesting mix of flavors in that dish. How many did you purchase?

  9. It looks quite nice. Glad it was tasty.
