Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Open Door

Why am I showing you a picture of the open back door?

  Because yesterday we had a rare rain, a bit of sun and not too much wind so for 15 minutes I opened the doors wide to let the fresh air blow through. It felt lovely.

Then Col came in from outside and said "why are you letting all the heat out?" and shut them!


  1. It's a dilemma! Maybe you'll get some more today but a bit warmer! Fingers crossed!
    J x

  2. It's funny how men and women differ on fresh air and being too warm or too cold. I hope we all get some sunny warm days so we can forget that we had such a long cold winter. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. I love Col's comment! It's straight from my OH's script!
    Our next door neighbours were sitting in their garden having cake
    and hot drinks yesterday afternoon when we walked by.
    Admittedly they were well wrapped up having been out for a walk.
    This morning it is pouring and windy again. Sue

  4. Oh,this is what i get from my hubby!.and i only do it when the heating isnt on!I love to get some fresh air in the place but he wont even have the windows open a little bit!xx

  5. We spent 3 hours in the garden, it was bliss, mid afternoon we had a storm and then later lovely sunshine. Best day of the year so far. I am always telling hubby to shut the door, the heating is on!

  6. Doors and windows firmly shut here today Sue. It's cold, wet and proper miserable.

  7. Hmmm, I love to 'air' the house out as often as possible. I need the oxygen.

  8. Next it will be the flies getting in! x

  9. I’m with you, Sue. Windows and doors open for a good blow through whenever possible. It’s so wet here that we’re getting nothing done and I can’t seem to get motivated to finish anything. Drier weather would be welcome.

  10. Like you, as soon as the weather improves the back door comes open. All the cats love to sit looking out and I like the fresh air coming in. We have a tug of war with the lounge door in the evening, Tom likes it closed to keep the heat in and I like it open so that it doesn't get stuffy, lol

  11. Lol I'd be with Col! I keep waiting for it to be warm enough to let in some fresh air - though I did have the kitchen window open a little while the other day. It's a little snowy today so full heat on.

  12. Laughing, because if it isn't one thing it is another when trying to get some fresh air in the house. Just about the time it is nice enough to open windows, at least one neighbor will decide to burn leaves,, windows closed again.

  13. Even with the heat on I open a window and air a room out for a little while!

  14. Afternoon Sue

    I just laughed out loud at your post today, because that's the sort of thing I do (or at least opening the windows). Hubby would just moan about 'heating the street'. I guess it must be a 'man thing'.

    Enjoy your afternoon.


  15. What a familier description you give! I love to open up the house after a long winter.

  16. I did that too yesterday. Nobody here to tell me off.

  17. I did the same, windows flung open and a good hoovering all through the house, if felt great.

  18. Wonderful to get the doors and windows open.

  19. That sounds like what happens here, too! I run hot and my husband runs cold, so he doesn't appreciate "fresh air" - but it's so lovely!

  20. This made me laugh.

    God bless.

  21. The first time after winter we can open windows or doors is wonderful!

  22. I have argued the point often that warmth and fresh air are both desirable and that is why I have my heating on and my windows open unless it is very cold out. Obviously you need more heat to ensure that the house doesn't get cold but warmth without fresh air is stifling.

  23. It has been a glorious day today in Scotland - but the forecast is rain for tomorrow! It was so nice to be outside all day for a change in the fresh air. With all the air vents that go into our kitchen cupboards from the outside wall at home I don't need to open the windows to let the fresh air in LOL!- I have just spent all winter trying to keep the draughts out to keep the place warm and as soon as it is a bit warmer I am like you opening the windows for fresh air to circulate!
