Saturday, 27 November 2021

Last Saturday in November

This week I've raked up more leaves, read a book, fiddled about on the blog for far too long, made a huge batch of vegetable/Paneer  curry and popped it in the freezer for a  Family Christmas meal, made a small batch of 4 mini chocolate and meringue gateaux also into the freezer, wrote lists, been Shopping, worried that my bread-maker had gone wrong (it hadn't - it was just bad yeast) had a visit from DiL and the two grandchildren and had my Covid booster vaccination.
And Yes I did know what I was doing, I've NOT been forced into it like some poor people in other countries and I signed the petition asking the Government to debate and stop employers making vaccinations compulsory. I'm as much my own person as anyone else! I don't believe this is a way to control the population, people should be free to choose and as the world always changes people have been frightened and worried about  those changes forever.
It was once thought that traveling by the speed of trains would cause women to miscarry their babies or make them infertile! There was a huge fear of flying as no-one could understand how the planes didn't fall out of the sky. Television was thought to be so dangerously bright that it had to be watched in a dark room and tomatoes were too poisonous to eat.
It's a funny old world and always has been. My motto for  my life is to do what I think is right at the time as long as it doesn't hurt anyone and then to have no regrets afterwards.
Have a good weekend.
I shall return on Monday by which time my covid vaccination will have turned me into a Zombie.
But anyway it doesn't matter as  the apocalypse is coming, the earth will either hit by a meteor or civilization wiped out by a massive volcanic eruption!
(But while we are waiting for that to happen, if you live in the N.E of England or Scotland please take care - the weather forecast is dire, damaging winds and blizzards and very cold)


  1. There's no chance of me raking leaves here today. It's blowing a hoolie out there. X

    1. Suffolk missed the worst of the strong winds and rain - as often happens

  2. Have a lovely weekend, Sue.
    I am hoping the stiff breeze (nothing more) we have had round here has blown all my leaves into piles, making it easier to bin them all.

    1. The leaves are all off next-door neighbours sycamore now. So my job is almost finished

  3. Well said Sue. My opinion (and it is MY) is that the anti-brigade are actually trying to control people in much the same way as they say the authorities are. It's up to each individual to make their own minds up. What really annoys me is them demonstrating outside schools, or blocking roads to stop ordinary people from going about their day. Right I'll shut up now! My apologies for sounding off on your blog, Sue. So you and I will be zombies together come Monday! teehee. I always think raking up leaves at this time of year is pretty much a pointless job, as there's always more until all of them have come off the trees. Although after these galeforce winds, I shouldn't think there are many leaves left on trees at all...

  4. It's up to the individual to choose whether or not to be vaccinated. But I wish those who refuse the jab were not also refusing to wear a mask or keep their distance! My 93year old aunt will be attending her daughter's
    funeral this week - the first time she's left the home & encountered a crowd of people since well before the pandemic. How on earth do we protect her from well meaning folk who want to hug her and express sympathy?

    1. Difficult. Have to hope that vaccinations and hygiene will work.
      Hope the funeral goes as well as these things can go

  5. You are so right, people have always been fearful of change. I have an old cookbook that talks about the safety of electric ovens as many women thought they were too dangerous to use because they were run by electricity.
    I can remember that there were all kinds of stories going around when microwave ovens came on the market - we were all scared we would get fried if we got to close to one when it was working.
    Funny creatures, us humans :)

    1. I'd forgotten about microwaves! I've owned one since the early 80's and still OK -I think!

  6. People also thought the world was flat, although that's going back some. I remember the scare stories of the microwave, but I was told that if you stand too close to it your liver would be fried. People do have odd ideas. Perhaps it is the deny-ers who are being fed with false information thus avoiding any protection and becoming easy prey to the virus.

    1. It seems like the world has always been full of fears and strange stories

  7. Spot on, Sue. Thank you for making me laugh on a cold, dreary day.

    1. And it really was a dull day here yesterday - lots of grey gloom and rain

  8. I agree with so much you say Sue, I try to help other people and be friendly. I keep my thoughts to myself mostly unless I am having a discussion in a group and try not to burden others with my illnesses for everyone has problems.
    Enjoy your weekend Sue and everyone.
    Hazel ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ

    1. I should keep my thoughts to myself too I think, but sometimes they get chucked into the mix to see what happens!!

  9. I agree with you if you try to force someone to your way of thinking it will never work. I too took the booster a month ago and had no reaction. Just a bit of a sore arm. I live in Northern New England we just had our first snow. It is very cold and I think it means to stay that way until spring now. I will start to bake soon for the few things I give away. christmas is coming fast but I am done my shopping and have some decorating to do. Maybe a few friends in for Brunch but it will be a very low key holiday

    1. We never know if we will have snow or not - or when it might arrive. There has been bad weather up in Scotland and N. England but not in Suffolk yet

  10. Thanks for the gale warning, Sue. It is indeed blowing a hooly up here in East Yorkshire. I'm watching a couple of trees as they bend over dramatically with each gust and keeping my fingers crossed they stay strong.

    1. The weather forecast was on as I was typing the post and it looked really nasty for N.E. England and Scotland

  11. If a person is free to choose not to be vaccinated, it doesn't follow they should be free of the consequences of that decision, including not being employed or unable to enter a store or venue. Being free to choose not to be vaccinated does not include being free to endanger others.

  12. An odd post. I don't think making a joke about other people's opinions ever helps anyone, it just fuels division.

  13. I believe that health care workers should be required to be vaccinated. That includes those who work in care homes, nurses, doctors, dentists (and dental assistants) and others who provide medical care.

    Here in Florida, we are an anti-van, anti-mask paradise. Our Legislature just passed a law saying businesses cannot require employees to be vaccinated. That includes healthcare. I completely disagree. We also have a law preventing school districts from requiring masks. I’m ready to leave the state where I’ve lived most of my life because “freedom” does not include my freedom to protect my health.

  14. I'm with you, Sue. My motto has always been... "stupid people die in stupid ways". Nuff said. :-) ~Andrea xoxoxo

  15. Ideally, education provides people the knowledge they need to make the best decision. Unfortunately, this does not always happen and people die. I hope you are okay after your booster shot. Boosters are available widely now in the US. I've had mine and felt no reaction. Your food prep sounds delicious and your new freezer is getting nicely filled. Today, I'm making pea soup with gammon today and the kitchen aroma is wonderful.

    1. No effects of the booster - thankfully. I like preparing food and tucking it away for Christmas

  16. Microwave ovens were like the dentists x-ray machine - everyone out of the kitchen while it's on.

    1. I've had a microwave for 40 years - thankfully no ill effects - yet!

  17. You are right Sue, this certainly is a funny old world and I doubt that will change other than the things people believe and/or fear. I try to take care of myself, not hurt others, and respect everyone's right to their own beliefs. Enjoy what's left of your weekend!

  18. They have opened the booster jab up to everyone in Michigan where I live as covid numbers are so high. I'm going to see if I can get husband and myself one.

    Hope the weather isn't too awful this weekend. Rain, freezing rain, snow and wind - oh and of course grey - here this weekend.

    1. The weather is not quite so bad in Suffolk.
      Hope you get your vaccinations booked in soon

  19. I roll my eyes (mentally!) at the people saying "I need to do the research for myself" and other such nonsense. As if a few hours internet surfing gives a person the knowledge scientists and doctors spend 5, 10, 15 years full time acquiring!! I have an autoimmune disease, I don't really understand it, but, thank God, my specialist team does, and so I take the pills twice daily and get hooked up for a day a month in hospital, and I'm still here, and doing well. I have no clue what is is I'm being treated with, but I'm certainly not going to tell them their job. And yes, it was safe for me to have the vaccine, and I've had my third full shot, and now will have a Booster shot in 6 months.... and, no, I have no idea what's in it, but that's OK.

    1. I too am glad we have scientists and doctors with more knowledge than me, who work all the time to find ways of making and keeping us well

  20. I agree, I have done my research (took virology in Uni) and am perfectly capable of making a decision that is right for me. I will be getting my booster on the 7th and am quite looking forward to it.

    God bless.

  21. I never knew anyone who miscarried because of a train ride. I never knew anyone who was poisoned by tomatoes. In all my 72 years I've never known anyone who died of the flu. But in the last year and a half I have known 26 people who died of covid. I chose the vaccine. Several of my family and friends did not. I guess it should be a choice, unless you care for the sick or elderly. Then I think it is a duty to keep those people safe.

  22. Has anyone here not heard that the vax will not protect you from getting the virus???
