Monday, 7 February 2022

I Needn't Have Bothered!

 Thank you to Lyssa Medana for the link to this  shopping comparison

it's fascinating although "slightly" more complicated  than my effort  ....and I thought I had too much time on my hands!!.....I'm guessing he does this for a living.

I needn't have bothered!

Back Tomorrow


  1. Hah - back in my old stamping ground, he was - Hedge End, on the outskirts of Southampton! There's a huge shopping centre where we used to roam as kids.

    If Tesco truly is the cheapest, why I am bothering with Aldi?!! I will have to do my own price comparison I think, because any Tesco shop seems to be more (but then, there is a lot more choice - and temptation!!)

    1. The nearest Tesco to me is always so busy - I rarely go there

  2. Interesting but it looked like so much work. Almost as if he was preparing a paper for uni assessment. You do wonder who his sponsors are.

    1. He has no sponsors, but makes money through the adverts that play before and during his videos.

  3. I really enjoy Atomic Shrimp's vlog.

  4. I didn't watch and judging by the comments I don't think I'll be bothering either. I like Rachel's comment.

    1. Rachel knows why I've not been swimming lately

  5. Haha, yes I should have pointed that out Atomic Shrimp does this every year.

    Lots of his budget Challenge videos are good watching too. Although if I tried to forage like he does I would have to keep checking Alan's life insurance ... mushrooms, toadstools etc etc !!

    1. I didn't know about his vlog - I don't really spend any time watching youtube if I can avoid it

  6. I'm glad you did as my experiences are more in line with yours than with Atomic Shrimps (although I love his channel). Sometimes we get a £2 off £25 from Tesco and it's a real struggle finding enough things that we buy to use it that aren't cheaper in Aldi. We tend to use the Aldi price match items to make up the shop and tbh if there were no Aldi - Tesco wouldn't be offering those prices. - Sue (too)

    1. I reckon a degree in shopping should be offered at Unis nowadays!

  7. My brain hurts!
    I've been having deliveries from Sainsburys for about 2 years, but in that time so many items have been replaced by poorer quality ones. It's time to look around and maybe Tesco is the way to go - though it's well nigh impossible to obtain a regular delivery slot. I wish I could get to Lidl . .

    1. I got to the end of the you tube vlog and thought Huh?
      I might do some more although a lot to choose from - Aldi v Asda. Lidl v Asda or Lidl v Morrisons or throw Tesco in and I could fill a blog post for months!

  8. Thanks...that’s really interesting!

  9. But Sue you already did...and hopefully found it interesting! x

  10. This guy really analyzes his data. I've concluded, I shop where I like it best and know I am most likely to find what I want.

  11. Your post was interesting and took a slightly different angle. Everyone has a different shopping basket and what works for one won't for another. I think Atomic Shrimp has one of those restless minds that has turned to shopping. I hope I didn't distract too much.

    1. It was really good to see this vlog - he does comparison shopping on a Big scale!!

  12. I've made the move - but need to work out if I'll save anything, because I paid annually to Sainsburys to have free deliveries - and Tesco don't appear to offer any discounted deliveries. (Or I just can't find them!)I cancelled this week's Sainsbugs order and replaced it with a Tesco one . . . but I might be swapping back again before long . . . . .
    - Confused of Cornwall

  13. Honestly, I'm a bit amazed by some of your food prices. Bear in mind that I rarely buy meat (we eat venison, and buy our chicken in bulk, getting a year's supply about $90 last year) We spend $75 a week, and that is very mindful shopping. off to google 'digestives'.

  14. I often do a weekly shop in Aldi and when i get time use the receipt and put the same things into the online tesco and it is always way cheaper from aldi, its also ten miles closer than Tesco so i save on fuel, the down side of living rural its a 20 mile round trip to the closest supermarketJill x

  15. Very interesting, Wish to see much more like this. Thanks for sharing your information! Branding Suffolk
