Saturday, 26 February 2022

Saturday Round Up

What a week - war in Europe is so frightening. Just 3 hours away by air. What can we do? I have no idea but I might start praying................... not waiting until next week.

  A few crocuses have popped up in the garden, looks like tulips on the way too. Everything is a surprise after moving home.

Unfortunately the few (I'm sure there were a dozen originally) that were planted in the little trough out in the front porch are struggling. They came through but have been sitting there looking the same for about a month - and there are less there than a few weeks ago too - the mystery of the disappearing crocuses! (croci?)

I'll move whats left of them into the garden later.

On Wednesday I looked after Youngest Granddaughter (almost 4) for several hours. As they get older I'm feeling more confident at Nanna Duty for longer periods. Which sounds ridiculous but it's a very, very long time since my lot were that age.  These are the times I miss Colin most as he would have had a great time with them. Between me and granddaughter we did a very good job of clearing up all the leaves that had gathered all around the front porch, step, path and pots. So I'm hoping there are no more storms to blow a fresh lot in. It was surprising how many were live green Laurel leaves which must have been ripped off a hedge 2 houses away from me.

 Thursday I started the car only to have the Low Tyre Pressure alarm bleep and warning light come on. The tyres all looked OK but I dragged the compressor  out of the garage and although it was working the gauge wasn't so I put some air in all the tyres and then went and got them checked with another gauge at BiLs house and they seemed OK but the warning light was still on, so after doing the shopping I took it round to see my mates at the repair place. Ashley checked them again and then reset something so the warning light went out. All very odd. I do wish cars and boilers weren't prone to faults!

I'm now going to have a weekend staying at home........weeding the front garden,  doing some ironing, writing a shopping list, sorting some blog posts and watching the rugby while reading at the same time, as  I'm way behind on the library books and worrying about something that's happening not so far away.

Then I'll return on Monday
Have a good weekend


  1. Like you, I try not to worry about Putin but how can you not?

    And how can the supposedly brilliant intelligent communities of western governments NOT have known exactly what was going to happen? Or perhaps they did and kept quiet because they knew there was no stopping him?

    I feel like Europe, NATO and everyone else is being played and we haven't seen the end of it, I'm surprised Ukraine & other countries have not experienced big cyber attacks yet. I honestly don't think Putin gives a damn about the effect of sanctions on his country - so how do you stop a thug and a bully?

    1. That man would love Nato countries to come to the aid of Ukraine with soldiers, he could then declare war on the world

    2. The western governments have given the government intelligence reports on Russia’s plans for the past month. It’s been all over the news. Of course they knew but what more could they do, send troops?

      Western governments have been sending military equipment for months. I admire that the Ukrainian people are putting up a fierce resistance greater than what Russia expected.

    3. I’ve been praying for Ukraine since this started. But putting Ash Wednesday as a day of prayer for Ukraine is a good thing so those who haven’t been paying attention (!) will say a few prayers.

  2. Joining you to pray for peace in Ukraine. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™❤️

  3. If you experience things like low tyre pressure warning light staying on Google it and see how to reset (after you have checked tyres of course).

    1. I guessed you would say that! - a lot easier just to nip round to the repair place.

    2. Yes and no. If you are near the repair place, all well and good. If not and you want to do something quickly at home as a check, look it up on the internet, it may help to put mind at rest for starters.

  4. I often get the low pressure warning when the temperature has dropped over night.
    Usually resolves after a good run out.

    1. The only time I'd had it before was when it had a puncture and really was flat so it was a puzzle to find them looking OK

  5. I think the more computerised things get the more prone to breaking they are. Were your crocus flowers eaten or maybe they are blind and might flower next year.

    1. Things get more complicated by the minute - I see the ads for those kitchen taps that boil and fizz as well and think - more things to go wrong!

  6. I'm trying not to have the Ukraine war uppermost in my mind right no but Keith was driving me mad yesterday as he had the rolling news on about ALL DAY and of course I could hear it from the kitchen. As Jayne said, how do you stop a thug and a bully when standing up to him is exactly the excuse he wants to have WWIII?

    Sorry your Crocii(?) are being demolished. Is something eating the bulbs?

    Well done with keeping the little one happy and occupied- and useful!!

    1. WWIII doesn't bear thinking about with fingers on nuclear buttons all over the place.

      As for the crocuses - no idea but I know I planted more than 6!

  7. My car has that tendency too - I've learned how to reset the thingy (look in the car manual or Google) and just check the tyres. Once it was an issue, the rest of them have been false warnings but it's always wise to check.

    Maybe the crocuses are having a rest! Seriously, I planted some two years ago, last year only a few came up but this year I have loads. Maybe it is something crocuses do?

    It is scary at the moment - I'm praying too. It's pretty much the only thing I can do.

    1. I think the crocuses have gone rotten or been pecked at by birds.
      It's a worrying time all round

  8. I found the culprit for my missing bulbs. It was a cheeky squirrel. Maybe thought they were buried nuts, but wrecked my spring display.

    1. I wonder what I will find when I tip the trough out and replant them - maybe they've got rotten?

  9. It is worrying for the world and tragic for Ukraine what one man is capable of. He won't care about sanctions, not when he has the power to hold many countries to ransome with gas supplies etc.

    It is scarey when warning lights flash without obvious reasons. I'm glad I don't drive anymore.

    I never knew crocus had a plural, I would say THE crocus which would encompass them all instead of A crocus for the singlular. We live and learn.

    1. I have no idea if crocus has a plural - I just guessed.

  10. I watched my grandsons (3 and 5 years old) for 2 weeks while their parents were visiting family in Rwanda. It was just a week ago and I am still recovering! I was exhausted! I was surprised at how difficult it was for me to do!
    No spring blooming here yet but hopefully soon. The snow is almost all gone...

    1. I'm not surprised you are still exhausted - I couldn't do more than a day!

  11. Even though I'm farther away from the conflict than you, it preys on my mind. We have an idiot ex president who thinks Putin is the best thing! That's scary enough too if he gets into office again. What kind of world will this be?

  12. Already praying about the new war in Europe. I imagine millions are.

    Anyway, it will be kind of fun for you to see what pops up in your garden this year! --Elise

    1. A few signs of tulips and daffodils coming which is good.

      Ukraine needs so many prayers

  13. Could the bulbs be coming up blind? Really good match against Wales wasn't it. Why oh why are there wars...what is it really all about. Money, power. The ones who start them never seem to end up on the front line either. x

    1. Must be half a dozen crocuses just vanished.

      Power crazy - I don't know how it will end except many will die and suffer

  14. We've had a tire warning sensor lit up on our car for a bit. The tires are fine but we were told we need a new sensor - very expensive and sold in a set of four! There's too many electronics in cars today!

    It will be fun watching for what will come up in your garden this year!

    Ukraine has been in my prayers and will remain there. This is such a frightening situation to watch.

  15. Enjoy your weekend, Sue. It sounds like you have plenty to keep you occupied :) xx

  16. The news from the Ukraine is so distressing isn't it. Every time I see the really elderly ( even older than us!) and those with young children, it reminds me how frightening this is. I will join in the prayers from down here in Australia! China with a similar bullying leader has been saber rattling around the pacific all year, you can't ignore or turn your back on people like that, as history always proves!

  17. "Back in the day" I understood every clink and thunk my Mini made, what the engine sounded like and could diagnose and fix minor problems ... now there are computer chips running everything and I can't doo a thing!

    As far as grandchildren go - I was a junior teacher for all my working life, and I make a list - often on paper, not just in my head - of what we might do - music, books, puzzles/games/ making something (I collect boxes and we use string, sellotape and a hot glue gun -a hot glue gun is a "must have" in our house) cooking, something physical -trip to the park, or if it's wet, an obstacle course with furniture!! . Without much expense you can get together a box of treasures for sorting and quiet play while you have a sit down. And FOOD, mine need CONSTANT feeding!! And of course, most important of all, constantly smiling, telling them they're clever, and you love them.

  18. Could any birds have got at the crocuses last year? Good luck with the warning light. Mine turned out to be a very teeny tiny nail.

  19. I'm joining you with prayers for Ukraine too. I feel so helpless and can't help worrying ๐Ÿ™

  20. My entire garden is underneath new snow from the storm yesterday. Seeing your Spring flowers pop up is a great sight. I do wonder what happened to your crocus. VP is causing havoc for the democratic world and this should never have been allowed to happen. I think about this a lot. World leaders grossly underestimated VP.

  21. I have been praying constantly, as that is all I can do right now. Hopefully the Red Cross will be able to reach out and I can make a donation to those poor people.

    God bless.

  22. My warning light comes on if one of my tyres drops by even two points lower than the others, but like you once it was a completely flat tyre so I am always cautious. You do have to reset the light though once you have got the pressures right it won't reset itself. The instructions should be in your cars handbook.

    Funnily enough our neighbours have a front garden full of crocuses (i) and theirs are just like yours and have been for weeks, also seeming sparser than last week. Perhaps it's this changeable weather!

    Another one praying for the Ukraine, and rather unusually for me also praying for an successful assassination of Putin.

  23. It's a terrible situation. I can't imagine how bad it is for them. My heart aches.

    The tyre pressure thing happened to our car too! We were on a long trip and my husband panicked. I think ours had something to do with the cold. We had travelled to daughter's house and her weather was extremely cold (probably -15C or so) and our car was outside for a day before we drove it again. Husband looked up on Youtube how to reset it lol.

  24. 3 hours by air; yes that is a scary proposition. From here 3 hours in most directions still puts me on home country ground, but even we cannot be complacent about what a power hungry mad man might do.

    Praying and getting on with our own lives hardly seems sufficient.
