Tuesday, 30 August 2022
Monday, 29 August 2022
Took a trip to Crowfield Church on Saturday (Info from the Suffolk churches website HERE ) for the Flower Festival but more for the books!

The theme of the flower festival was 'The Beauty Around Us". I'm afraid the photos are poor due to the bright sun outside and it being so much darker inside or maybe my new phone camera is not as good as I hoped it would be and the photographer is certainly not as good as I'd like to be!
Saturday, 27 August 2022
Saturday 27th
Friday, 26 August 2022
Library Book Photo
Did the Mobile library turn up for the first time since May?
Were there many books that I'd reserved to pick up from the van
Yes........... 14
I'm a very happy bunny 😀
From left to right
Those that I read (11) are on the separate Books Read 2022 page and there were 4 I didn't read - The D.E.Stevenson was really light rubbish, The Adam Nicholson book had whole chapters about the various creatures found on the beach - which didn't really interest me. Unsettled Ground didn't appeal and neither did 12 Birds to Save your Life when I had a closer look at it although it's so long ago that I can't remember why.
Thursday, 25 August 2022
Recent Reading
A library book and one from my shelves.
The Edinburgh Mystery and Other Tales of Scottish Crime is another British Library Crime Classic and has 17 short stories from Robert Louis Stevenson in 1885 to Jennie Melville in 1974.
As always the book is edited by Martin Edwards and each story has details of the author, what and when they wrote and where the story first appeared. Most of the stories were good but some were positively weird - not surprising they were not re-published for years!Tuesday, 23 August 2022
All About Beetroot
First of all must say a big Thank you to new followers who have clicked the follower button -even though it's just as I'm starting to write a bit less often. Have to say it's quite strange not writing a post every day although it certainly leaves a bit more time for other things.
Now the main subject......................
Despite my beetroot being far too closely sown and not thining them, I've being pulling a bunch like this every week. I don't want them too big as they take too long to cook.
Saturday, 20 August 2022
Saturday 20th
It's been a busy week ...............
The weather has carried on being dry and humid here - still no rain to speak of (and I was very glad they cancelled the fireworks at the Patronal Celebration at the church over the road) so it's still a nightly round of watering whatever I have the energy to do.......always the greenhouse but outside has to take it's turn. Was very annoyed to find that despite the enviromesh over the Brassica plants, there are holes in leaves, caterpillars and white-fly. The plants are looking very sad - not worth the effort at all I think.
Friday, 19 August 2022
We are lucky to have a place locally that stocks all sorts of packaging things plus a ton of other stuff for flower arranging/parties/cake making/ and all sorts of other bits and bobs and I went there a couple of weeks ago for some 12oz jars ready for making my Red Hot-as-you-like Relish and Red Onion Chutney and more Marrow/Apricot and Ginger Jam - all things I want to do soon, some for me and some for Christmas Gifts.
Then a week later I found these 8oz jars at a boot sale for £2.50. The lady also had some half packs of smaller jars too but they were really too small for jam or chutney.
(The other bits were small Lego kits for oldest Grandson who was about to visit and 3 bigger vehicles to add to the car box...............that's despite me saying I had enough already!)
Thursday, 18 August 2022
The Huge Tomatoes
Wednesday, 17 August 2022
Ogham Tree Alphabet, August into September
The Celtic world treated hazel as a holy tree. Its nuts were connected with poetry, knowledge, love, fertility and childbirth. In the Scottish Highlands hazel was one of the nine sacred woods used in kindling needfire at Beltane. (Need-fire, or Wild-fire, a fire caused by friction is a term used in folklore to denote a superstition which survived in the Scottish Highlands until a recent date.)
I've been watering my new Red Hazel tree regularly but it still looks sad from lack of rain but too much heat. One day I hope it will be as huge as the one in BiL's garden. I gave a squirrel-sown seedling to Mum in Law way back in the late 90's and now the tree is a giant which Brother in Law moans about each year when he has to trim it back!
Despite enjoying writing it was quite nice to have a short blogging break, posting 6 days every week can get quite time consuming. I've decided to cut down a little on blog time so sometimes I might say "Back Tomorrow" or I might say "Back in a While".
Sunday, 14 August 2022
New Lap Top
The new lap top is up and running but I'm still busy with visitors so will post properly in a day or two.
Thursday, 11 August 2022
Using Up Odd Bits of Vegetables
A couple of weeks ago I used a Morrison's Red Thai Curry Kit (£2) to make a big pan of good looking vegetable curry to go in the freezer. The Kit has a sachet of curry paste, a sachet of coconut milk and a sachet of dried spices.
I used up various vegetables from the garden. Starting with 2 onions and two medium sized aubergines,
then a green pepper that had a hole in it, four red tomatoes - cutting off the blossom end rot bits and the last of the green beans. I cooked the beans in water in the microwave for a few minutes first.
It looked very good (better in real life than the photo!)and divided up into several portions which are in the freezer. They will make a change from my usual batch-made curries which I make using curry powder. I'm waiting for the butternut squash to be ready to do that.
Today I'm being brave and buying a new lap top - they will transfer some things from the old one onto the new. I shall be lap top less (hopefully not all weekend!). It will be good to have a keyboard with all the keys still there and a space bar that doesn't stick and to be able to do things that this old clogged up machine won't do because I'm "unsupported". Oh how I wish I knew more about computers.
Wednesday, 10 August 2022
Recent Reading - The Old and The New
Tuesday, 9 August 2022
Haughley Hoofers and a Mystery Morris
I wandered up the road to the pub one evening last week to take a couple of photos of the Haughley Hoofers and a Morris team (Were they East Suffolk Morris?although on a map of Dance Sides in Suffolk they don't exist and are men rather than a mixed group).
Whoever they were, they were nowhere near as colourful and exuberant as some Morris sides - like Arils (Eccentric Amblings and Ramblings) blog.
It was only by chance that I knew they'd be there, having noticed a Facebook post on the local village page a few weeks ago, there were no posters up and no mention of them being here on their own websites.
Haughley Hoofers are a women's clog dancing side and The Morris side were also nearly all ladies too
Accompanied by a type of bag pipes, bells on a stick, a penny whistle and accordion.
Monday, 8 August 2022
Fun at The Fayre
A busy day on Saturday at Bacton Fayre with the Flower and Produce Show. On the Thursday before I baked cheese straws to sell on the WI stall and on Friday baked a few things to enter in the show.
All entries had to be in the Marquee between 9am and 10.45 and then I'd been persuaded to be a steward to help the lady judging the cookery entries. That meant being back at just after 10.45 to help. Plus I'd volunteered myself to help on the WI stall for a couple of hours in the afternoon, and had to be there to collect up the entries at 5pm- so it was quite a day out!
Saturday was a beautiful day and it was jolly hot in the marquee so I soon discovered stewarding is quite hard work as it involves taking the cakes etc one at a time to where the judge is sitting doing the cutting and tasting, then entering up the judges decisions of 1st,2nd,3rd on a chart and making sure the correct entry cards are labelled with the right stickers - very pressurized in a small way -although you can imagine the fuss there would be if something went wrong!
I had entered 11 different classes -should have been 12 but the courgettes grew too much so that there weren't 3 matching on Saturday!
Just a few photos from the day - it was too hot to wander round for long and after finishing my stewarding job I spent most of the afternoon under the shade of the WI gazebo.
In the Vegetable classes I entered tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and aubergines (in the 'any other vegetable' class.) Strawberry Jam, Suffolk Rusks, Wartime vinegar cake and Chocolate crackle cookies in the Cookery classes. Plus 2 photographs and some cross stitch in the craft classes.
Out of my 11 entries I won 2 firsts, 3 seconds and 2 third prizes - very pleased with that. The cash prizes are HUGE! ..........£1.50 for a first, £1 for a second and 50p for a 3rd !! No one enters for the prize money...........it's all about the taking part .......er....... NO....... it's all about getting a sticker on your card!
Thursday, 4 August 2022
Autumn Approaching ?
A walk up the road this week really showed how Autumn is approaching even though Summer hasn't gone......it's been in the high 20's this week and still no rain.
Zooming into the village from the top of the 'hill'.
Not sure what the Sugar Beet harvest will be like if we don't get more rain
A Bridleway goes off this back road but it only goes to the main A140 road, so no way to do a circular horse or bike ride.
Rose Hips appearingLots of small Sloes
The wheat has been cut and the bales carted away
This was ahead of me hopping down onto the road and then disappearing into the hedge every time I took a step nearer, and popping out again and despite the camera zooming in these were the 'best' photos! I think it's just a young Yellow Hammer?
It's a good year for acorns
There are several clumps of Horseradish on a rough bit of a field entrance but I'm not going to bother to dig up the roots!
I've got some busy days coming up so taking a short blogging break. I'll be back Monday or Tuesday.