Friday 26 January 2024

Anyone Need a Bookmark?

 I was looking to see if I could find anymore Bic biro pens as the ones I got a while ago from a boot sale had almost run out except the red ones, and I don't like writing in red .So I had a tidy of the small drawer in my coffee table (writing case, address book, accounts book, book of books read, squares of card for shopping lists, pens, pencils etc) and then a drawer in the chest of drawers in my bedroom that holds rolls of sellotape, masking tape, parcel tape, pritt stick glue, jars of paperclips, drawing pins, elastic bands and many more random things that don't have a home anywhere else now  I don't have a craft room and desk.

I didn't find any more pens but I did collect together all these bookmarks. As I only ever read one book at a time I doubt I'll need most of these. What's odd is that all those in the middle are from Persephone Books and feature the end papers from their books which are always material patterns dating from the period in which the book is set and on the back is a precis of the story. They include them with the books when they sell them and with their Biannually Newsletter.
But I've not had many brand new Persephone books  and don't always receive the Biannually Newsletter so most of these must have been in second-hand books (Haven't found a Persephone in a charity shop for ages.....sadly).

The tattiest ones are now in the bin and the Persephone's will fill a page in my scrapbook............ because I really don't need 20 book marks in my drawers or in my life!

Back Tomorrow


  1. I always use a wool ball band, I can always find one, I only read one novel at a time, but often I will have other books especially if I am things about a project.

  2. The book arks will make a lovely scrapbook page and although the owner of several bookmarks, I usually end up with a scrap of paper as mine! Catriona

  3. Bookmarks are such attractive things, but I usually use an old birthday card or a tissue!

  4. Those are lovely bookmarks and well worth keeping, unlike mine which are usually old shopping lists or, as I found the other day, a list of things I wanted to watch on Netflix about six months ago!

    At the moment I am really trying to get out of the habit of folding down the page corners ... it's a bad, bad habit for a book lover isn't it.

  5. They're all very pretty I like a bookmark and pick up any I see in the library.

  6. I am glad that I am not the only person who appears to be running a bookmark breeding programme!

  7. Those Persephone bookmarks are amazing. Really, really lovely. OK -- don't mock me too much (I have a huge bookmark collection too) but when I'm reading a book, I try to match the bookmark to the book. If I'm reading a Donna Leon,I tend to use one of a painting of St. Mark's Square; if it's set in Paris, an Eiffel Tower or other landmark. Some I will match to the cover of the book or the theme. And I have no idea why I do this except "use it or lose it." (I'd definitely keep those bookmarks if those were mine!)

  8. You could almost do some weaving with all of those Sue.

  9. I was thinking you could join them together to make lovely note cards. They would look like they were "quilted".

  10. I probably have a hundred bookmarks. They don't take up too much room in a drawer, and are mainly reminders of happy holidays and days out. I like souvenirs that don't take up too much space!

  11. That is a large collection of lovely bookmarks. Integrating some of them in to your greeting card designs might be an option.

  12. I have hundreds of bookmarks in a box. For years people would say "do you want anything" when they went away. I always said 'bring me back a bookmark' and they did! I have them from all over the world. I don't use them, just look through them every now and again and think about the places I got them, or the people who gave them to me.

  13. I really like the Persephone books and bookmarks - and as I live near Bath I often pop in for an explore
    Siobhan x

  14. I have two bookmarks and now that I do most of my reading via my ereader I have to look for them when I read a "real" book.

    God bless.

  15. I have several different bookmarks that I store upright in a small box sitting on my bookcase, and then when I am reading I will chose a bookmark to suit the genre of the book. One of my quirks! :)

  16. “ I really don't need 20 book marks in my drawers or in my life!” lol not when as others have remarked - there’s usually something else close by that will do the trick just as well😊

  17. I must admit that I'm a bookmark hoarder. I collect them lol. I remember as a child we were allowed to pick up something 'cheap' from outings (once in a while) and I always picked up a bookmark. I suppose it must have carried on into adulthood.

  18. I have a few book marks as well. I still use a few. Good one to use in my Bible due to different books in the Bible. I get some book marks from friends lately. New one when we do another Bible study book.

  19. Sue - see my comment on your recent starlings post re Persephone books. By the way, I saw starlings on my feeders at the weekend!
