Saturday 6 January 2024

Saturday 6th

On Friday morning after rain all night (and on and off all last week) there were three places in the village that were flooded again, this is the village centre  and has been like this on and off for months now. When it dried up a bit after the first two times a tanker came out and sucked out the drains. But after the next heavy rain it was back again. Small cars and vans aren't going through as it's a foot deep but luckily there is a way around via a housing estate and - thankfully there's another way to walk to the doctors too for the everyone this side of the village. The people in the homes on the right, who can't walk easily anywhere out of their driveways are very fed up with it and have been told that nothing can be done until the summer!

According to the weather lady we had the usual amount of rain for the whole month of January in Suffolk in the first 4 days of the month. The news said more than 1,000 homes in England were flooded so we are relatively lucky here.

Next we have a cold weather warning - it is winter after all! It's been wet and mild for weeks so we are overdue  a cold spell.

UK Health Security Agency issues a cold weather alert as temperatures expected to plummet in coming days

A cold weather alert has been issued by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) with temperatures set to plummet over the coming days. The warning comes into force at 9am on Saturday and expires at noon on 12 January.

The Met Office added that the cold snap would be caused by high pressure building over the UK into the next week, with drivers urged to be cautious of ice.

The job list that I wrote on last Tuesday's post has had some crossed off but more added so in my second week of hibernation I hope to get most of these done.............

Make a batch of pastry cases
Clear the huge piles of leaves at the front of the bungalow
Make focaccia bread
Wash a heap of plastic freezer bags
Sweep the shingle back onto the driveway
Sort the grandchildren's toys
Sort and send books to Ziffit
Make Peanut biscuits

Have a good weekend
I'll be back Monday


  1. We have been lucky here as well. Mind you, we need this dry week for my patio to stop squirting liquid mud every time we walk on it!

    1. My lawn is very squelchy - it's going to take several days to dry out

  2. The flood will dry up before summer even if no work can be done until then.

    1. They think it's collapsed drain pipes so will need a road closure.

  3. What a *B awful mess. The forecast extols a dry period ahead, but it's just not enough to let things dry out properly. We're in a proper pickle, no two ways about it.
    how does one get in touch with you privately?

  4. Years ago, climatologists warned that global warming would bring wetter winters, and we needed to change our behaviour. But they were not listened to, sadly.

    1. In the next village where there is a lot of flooding a new estate seems to have been built without proper drainage!

  5. We have woken up to a very heavy frost this morning and so the car will need to be thawed out. We are visiting friends about 10 miles away otherwise we wouldn’t have bothered de-icing the car! Catriona

    1. At last Saturday and a fine day all day - such a rare thing just lately

  6. Summer seems a long way off when flood water prevents easy access. Miserable.

    1. The library van stops outside those houses so I hope the lake has gone by next week

  7. We're hoping the cold spell will dry things up enough to do some tidying in the garden but everywhere is so saturated I'm not sure how much we'll get done. Like the sound of peanut biscuits .
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I've been eating Christmas shortbread biscuits but want to get back to homemade as soon as possible.

  8. That is a great deal of rain. Hopefully it stops and things dry up.

    God bless.

  9. What a lot of water all over the country at the moment, I really feel for the towns that are suffering the worst. We have gotten off very lightly with the river and canal both reaching the tops but not overflowing in our town. The flood defences and gates were operated though so perhaps it was good timing.

    I'm sure your list will grow as fast as you tick things off. Hope you have a good weekend. xx

    1. It's affecting so many villages - sometimes in places that haven't flooded before.
      My job list needs sorting while I'm hibernating before gardening and visits to interesting places start!

  10. Oh dear, I once totaled my mini-van by driving in a too deep puddle so I certainly wouldn't be able to drive out of those driveways!
    You are much more productive and busy than I am, Thelma! Good luck with your list! :)

    1. I'm Sue! But never mind. My job list needs doing as soon as I can before better weather and gardening

    2. Of course, you are Sue! I apologize for the typo. I must have just come from Thelma's blog and my fingers didn't listen to my brain! ;(

  11. I live in Minnesota and we are usually under three feet of snow by now. This year we just have a dusting that melts when the sun comes out. Very weird weather patterns. I’m not complaining though! Sorry about the flooding in your area.

  12. I feel badly for the people living in the houses where the road is flooded. It would seem that officials/government could pump the water out of the street so people could leave their homes safely. Will the road drains be re-engineered to keep the flooding from repeating next year? Massachusetts is under a snow alert. The snow is expected to start between 8 to 9 PM tonight and continue tomorrow. Seaside towns and cities are expecting rain. Inland is estimated anywhere between 4-6 inches or 6-12 inches. This will be our first big snowfall. I am rather looking forward to it.

  13. You seem very accepting of the situation and good at making the most of your time at home. I'm good at thinking if things to do, but not quite as good as getting on with them!
    Linda J

  14. I'm pleased to see that I'm not the only one who washes and reuses freezer bags! I know it's a pain to get them dry, especially in the winter, but I cannot abide plastic waste and if you are careful with the bags then they last for years!! Pam

  15. We live, fortunately, on the side of a lump of a hill, so although there has been plenty of rain, the village although drenched has not flooded. It seems to have been a very wet and dreary winter so far.

  16. The flooding is awful in some places, we didn't have much either..

  17. I hope the flooding recedes soon. Good luck with the list. I'm sure some progress will be made.
