Wednesday, 8 January 2025

A Winter Book, a Snow Jigsaw, Keep Moving and Apple Crumble

 The short stories in this book were weird but I got to the end. It's only the second book with winter in the title so I thought I'd better finish it and it needs to go back to the library anyway.

The jigsaw puzzle is coming along and I'm way past how far I got with the other snow jigsaw before I gave up, this one has more colour and less snow and sky. This is a 'Spot the Difference' puzzle but I won't tell you what they are as I'll make it into a blog post when it's done.

I put a note on some of the local face book groups to tell people about the Keep Moving Group and we had 2 new ladies come along, which is good. Numbers have dropped from a high of 16 down to eight or nine due to illness, being busy elsewhere and winter colds and flu. We only had two weeks off over Christmas and New Year but we all felt so unfit! (or maybe that was just me!) Personally I feel Fat! need to get moving more so I came home and booked a swim. It's a pain going swimming in winter with so many layers to take off and put on but needs must. I'm hopeful that the Stradbroke pool will be quieter as the next nearest pool along the Norfolk/Suffolk border at Diss is reopening after being shut for a nearly two year re-build.

This apple crumble will do nothing for the weight but was delicious and next year I'd like to find more free cooking apples to put in the freezer. I don't keep ice cream in the freezer all the time  but got some in as a just-in-case thing at Christmas and didn't use it but I'll save most for the end of the month when the Surrey boys are here

Back Tomorrow


  1. There's always a jigsaw on the go at the hospice where I go every week. One of the other attendees just stands there and does jigsaws all day long. How he stands over them I don't know. I would have to sit.
    I forgot to say the other day, I like your new header picture..

    1. If I do stand to put in a few pieces when I'm passing by then I quickly get a neck ache!

  2. I've a Christmas jigsaw to do... have you read Winter and Rough Weather by DEStevenson?

    1. Yes, I've read most of D E Stevenson's books. I was pleased that several have been reprinted recently

  3. The jigsaw and the crumble look equally amazing.

    1. Apple from the freezer soon made a crumble as I keep crumble mix in the freezer too

  4. Apple crumble is one of my favourites but we had a very poor crop at the allotment in 2024 because we were forced to trim the tree down to below 3 metres high. In 2023 we had a brilliantly abundant crop so it was particularly annoying. The committee had decided on the new rule and our poor (very) mature tree has suffered for it. It was in no-ones way and in no danger of falling either. Crazy....

    1. Forgot to say that I love the Winter header photo :)

    2. Luckily someone brought some windfalls to Exercise group but I would have loved more!
      The little plaque was from a friend, she doesn't read the blog so wouldn't know that it could be used in my winter display. It's meant to hang but I need to find a way to stand it up

  5. Ooh that apple crumble looks good, it's quite a while since I've had a crumble but now I've seen yours I might have to make a peach one tomorrow, as I've just opened a tin of peaches.

    1. I'd only got fresh apples at home so it was time to start on freezer fruit.
      The crumble has stretched the apples from two desserts to four

  6. Lots of interesting bits in that jigsaw- I think I’d like that one. It’s difficult to make snow interesting, at least with a sky there could be clouds or a range of colours

    1. There are supposed to be 15 differences between the picture on the box and the actual puzzle - but I can't see that many yet

  7. I love that banner and the puzzle looks lovely. xx

    1. The puzzle is better than the other snow one I had thank goodness or I would have given up days ago

  8. Well done in sticking with the jigsaw this time. I have a. We one which was a gift and I will start it when the days are lighter. I gave away a tub of ice cream to a friend after they came for lunch otherwise I would have eaten it every day until it was finished! Catriona

  9. I have enough trouble with puzzles when they match the box, never mind differences, that's cruel!

  10. I like your winter display and your jigsaw looks cheerful and colourful
    Apple crumble sounds delicious. I don't often have puddings of any kind, but I do like crumbles.

  11. I like your winter header, too! Good job on the jigsaw puzzle. I haven't done one for awhile now as my back always starts aching if I bend over the puzzle too long. ;(

  12. Every time I see your china I'm reminded of dear friends who now live in Illinois. They have the same set of dishes. Apple crumble looks lovely. I do a quick version in the microwave sometimes - individual servings of apple, oats, brown sugar, butter, cinnamon. Serve with whipped cream. I call it healthy!

  13. I love apple crumble/apple crisp, but Harvey not so much, I rarely make it now.

    God bless.

  14. Your apple crisp with ice cream looks delicious.
    The puzzle is a nice winter scene with people, birds, plants in the landscape.
    Publishing a message about the exercise group is a good idea. The more people know about it the better. Your message worked. Adding 2 new people is good.

  15. Apple crumble with ice cream is a perfect combination. Well done on the puzzle.

  16. I love those dishes! So sweet. Good job on finding new people for your group!
    I am trying my best to avoid desserts right now, and there you come, with your apple crumble. Get thee behind me, woman!!! (which will probably give you a good idea why I need to avoid desserts.)

  17. I'm trying to lose 20lb but apple crumble is a weakness I share with you. If you saw a recent post from John going gently you will know it's calling me.

  18. A lovely cover on that book and you're making tracks on the puzzle. Oh, that crumble looks so good!

  19. The jigsaw seems to be coming together. You have a lot more patience than I do! They always make me end up feeling frustrated lol. Apple Crumble. Yum. Looks lovely.
