Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Bad Blogger

 Comments go into spam and I don't notice until hours/days later

I'm not constantly checking for comments

People comment on old posts and I don't look back or reply

I don't leave comments on all the blogs I read, sometimes I'm so bad I don't leave a comment on any

Sometimes I don't even look at the lap top later in the day so don't see comments or new posts

I don't have anything set up on my phone to tell me when someone has commented like some folk have

I don't let blogging take over my life - that way madness lies.................

Back Tomorrow


  1. Ha ha ,well said Sue ! Helen

  2. Very Bad Indeed, how can you ? ;-)

  3. Whenever I check my comments I always check the spam folder as well.

  4. For some reason - a couple of my regular readers are put into the spam folder for no reason, so I do check as these two are really good about commenting. Despite me ticking the 'not spam' option, these two get chucked in - is it the equivalent of the blogger naughty step?

  5. The best way to be, who wants to be a slave to any thing. I could never write a blog, I don't live a very exciting life at all. Books are my favourite companions not a bloody device or smart phone. You be you Sue.

  6. I wouldn’t worry…just dip into it now and then and when you feel like it. That’s what I do! I enjoy doing my blog but if I commented on everyone that I follow, I’d never get anything else done ! Have a happy day! 😁

  7. The same thing is happening over on Wordpress - into the spam they go. No rhyme or reason why, could be people who’ve commented before or new visitors, and like you I have to look to find them.
    I’m having a couple of weeks off - just because…..

  8. You seem to have a healthy approach to blogging. You don’t insist that everyone agrees with you. You give your opinions but don’t tell your readers what they should think and don’t give the impression that you know better than everyone else. And you write in sentences of an appropriate length and use punctuation!

    So I would say you were an excellent blogger.

  9. After years of blogging, I do now check the spam folder every day, though it is bizarre how comments that were published a long time ago suddenly appear there.

  10. You are a terrible blogger ... shame on you!! ;-)

    I do now regularly check the Spam box as a lot of comments are turning up in there, (even my own answers to comments from yonks ago) so I tend to check the Posts and Spam before I write a new post and get things up to date. I try to reply to all comments to show that I've read them and I feel that it's appreciated. I can keep tabs on new comments on old posts via the Posts page and noticing if there is an even number of comments, and I definitely reply to all emails sent from readers. I guess because I am sat at my desk for so long working, I am handily on the computer to respond to things in gaps between work ... and answering comments is preferable to the day job!! I also check briefly on my phone when I have to sit through a programme with adverts. Gosh I hate adverts.

    You are a good blogger, you are varied, interesting and well punctuated ... I do love people that can speak and write the King's English well.

  11. It waa only a few weeks ago you were saying how important comments are to you and you were drumming them up. Quite a different outlook today.

  12. It waa only a few weeks ago you were saying how important comments are to you and you were drumming them up. Quite a different outlook today.

  13. I check spam daily, out of courtesy to people who take the trouble to comment. But there's weirdness when my own responses get into spam, and show up weeks later.

  14. As a commenter who doesn't have a blog, I do enjoy when I get a reply but I understand that other's lives are busier than mine. Do want you want, Sue.

  15. It's the inconsistency of comments which go into spam that puzzles me - recently I've had a few bloggers make comments on 2 or 3 days blog posts all in one go and, very oddly, 1 might go into spam whilst the others get published! Go figure!

  16. You are doing very well Sue! I don't think any of us will be bothered if you don't answer right away! We bloggers should have our freedom and not feel obligated to answer!!

  17. I comment often on your blog and rarely are they posted by you. I have become discouraged. I never know if the were removed for moderation bec you didn't like my [innocuous] comments or if they're lost in spam and you never look there. I found it ironic a week or so ago that you asked people to comment, please....Maybe they like me are lost in Blogger ether.

    PS I see above my position is unpopular--to clarify, I don't mind if you don't answer! But if my comments are never posted, I will stop commenting, not just your blog but in general.

  18. I really like your blog Sue, full of interesting facts and photos. Keep doing it when you want without any undue pressure to fill a post like so many others do with facts about their washing, ironing, shopping and cleaning!

  19. People are always telling me they commented and then I remember to check spam!

  20. It is your blog, and you can choose to do as you like. I'll suggest, you keep it fun for yourself first and foremost.
    Thank you for writing but do it only when it is convenient for you. Otherwise, it becomes a burden and not much fun for anyone.

  21. As others have said do as you wish and I think you do it rather well.

    Love the quote..one of my favourite’s
    O, that way madness lies; let me shun that;
    No more of that.

  22. Your blog is awesome AND you keep your sanity - sounds good to me!

  23. You keep right on doing you.

    God bless.

  24. I don't seem to have a spam folder. Maybe I don't know what I'm missing!

    1. Chris, click on the 'comments' thingy and then 'All' at the top. One of the things in the dropdown box is 'Spam' and mine tells me how many there are. You can then choose to allow them on or delete them.

  25. Love reading the blog. I'm terrible at keeping up on things. I do read my comments, but sometimes (because I've already read them!) forget to reply.

  26. < chuckle > You are you and do you and and we like it . . . and you! xx
