Monday, 20 January 2025

Two Coffee Mornings and A Jumble Sale

 Two coffee mornings and a Jumble Sale................. all on the same day ........all before lunch .................I really know how to live the high life!!

I walked to the first coffee morning in the (very small) Old Schoolroom, it should have been in the URC church but they've got ceiling issues - which will be a problem for all the organisations that use it. I've mentioned before that we don't have a proper village hall and the community centre large hall, which is part of the primary school, so not available most of the time, is too expensive to hire for many groups. 

It was so crowded I didn't stay longer than the time it took to have some tombola tickets - won nothing - and buy a small pack of chocolate brownies.
This was a fundraiser for the village Over 60's Meal in March,  which I've never been to -  might get there this year although it's a cooked meal in the late evening which I'm not keen on. There's entertainment too so it's several hours on a hard chair - not good for my back at all.

The second coffee morning was the regular monthly one in the next village - where BiL lives, he'd said he was going so I went over to treat him to a coffee........ hope he'll cut the grass for me with his motor mower sometime so have to treat him when I can! 

Full house for coffee

Then it was drive on through two villages to the Jumble Sale, which was being held in a tiny village hall, with an equally tiny car park. Last time I went to a jumble sale here (blimey it was 4 years ago!) it was chaos on the roads around, not so bad this year but there was a good queue to get in, and it was a case of squeezing through the crowds to get to the tables and jumping into a space when someone moved.

A good queue waiting to get into very small village hall

I spent £2.50 on these things - an advent calendar, two small lock and lock plastic boxes, a puzzle-a-day pad, Kristin Hannah book that I've not read for my shelves and one of those chocolate 'bomb' things that makes a hot chocolate drink. I've bought these a few times for presents but rarely for myself.

On reflection I think the puzzle-a-day thing will be given as a gift - I didn't get far with the colouring-a-day book - gave up on about the 5th - I'd rather be reading. I'm already attempting 4 puzzles a day on the NYT Wordle website and have a Puzzler book on the go, that'll do.

Back Tomorrow


  1. I haven't been to a jumble sale in years either, they used to be such a regular event when I was young. I guess car boot sales are the newer equivalent.

    1. I used to find so many children's clothes and toys at jumble sales years ago, they were every weekend in winter

  2. 5 years ago, the ceiling, and floor in the church hall were replaced. We will be having a new roof on the chapel this summer, and as it's a listed building it has to be done properly. The building is in constant use during term time. Fortunately we have a very committed group of generous members. It's particularly hard for some village churches who do not have the resources needed for the upkeep of their premises.

    1. It's going to be a huge problem for the village if the URC is out of action for a while - hope it's nothing serious

  3. Sounds like the over 60s meal isn’t for you! I used to hate having to deal with the leftovers at jumble sales, but if they are having them monthly then I guess the leftovers 'seed' the next one.

    1. I think the jumble sale is an annual event, it's the coffee mornings in the next village that are monthly

  4. That is a good queue for a jumble sale, mind you they are few and far between these days aren't they. The second coffee morning looks good, and yes you have to treat man that cuts your grass. 😄

    1. I've heard of another jumble but won't get to that one

  5. Two coffee mornings in one morning - that's going some!

    1. It's not usual to have two local on one morning so I thought I'd better give them both a look

  6. It’s interesting to see which Christmas gifts go straight out to be rehired. I have actually read this book so will be interested in your review when it comes. Catriona

    1. Charity shops are the place to look for unwanted gifts and boot-sales when they start again

  7. My goodness, but that is quite a line! It sounds like such a fun morning though, and your little treasures for such a nice price made it worth it. I love those little snap lock boxes. Your leftovers are sealed right up and will stay that way until you unsnap them.

    1. I like to pick up these boxes if I see them cheap - very handy and I tend to give things away in them and forget to get them back

  8. I don't drink coffee so I don't suppose I would attend a coffee morning. But a jumble sale is something I would enjoy! Good finds for you, Sue. I remember really liking that book. Happy reading!

    1. They do tea too and bacon rolls and cheese scones too!

  9. Jumble and car boot sales seem popular and well attended. Recycling to new owners is very good. Otherwise much goes into the landfill or incinerator and that is a lot of waste.
    I go to a resale (consignment) shop and estate sales. The pricing is never as good as the prices you see. When something does not sell the price goes down.

    1. Jumble sales are rare now so always attract a good crowd

  10. Three things in one morning! Oh, my - that's what I call busy! Fun though. xx

  11. I just finished "the Nightingale" and it was so good. Also I have two of those little plastic cases and they are perfect for little bits of leftover things. I love your outings and the cool stuff you pick up at these sales. We have garage sales here in the states and I've found some treasures. lini from petaluma

    1. Maxine aka mikemax21 January 2025 at 04:06

      The Nightingale is one of the best books I've ever read. It's hard to put down! I hope you enjoy it.

      Also, on one of your previous blogs, you pictured Hovel in the Hills. The title intrigued me and I was curious enough to track down a used copy. Later I found several of the author's other books. I don't think I would be up for a house without electricity, running water or an inside toilet...but they loved the place! Interesting people, interesting book.

    2. Hovel in the Hills is a long time favourite of mine, we even found the house many years ago but long after they had left

  12. Oh gawd, “a fund raiser for the over sixties! That’ll be me come May, where the bloody hell did all the time go….

  13. We no longer have those kind of sales here very often and I miss them. Our parish ladies used to put a wonderful one on, but haven't for a number of years.

    God bless.

  14. I think that is one of her best books good find.

  15. I didn't know they still had jumble sales. Great finds.

  16. That sounds like an awesome day - and some great finds.

  17. I love a good ol' jumble sale. I went to a church rummage sale (as they are called here in the US) when I went to daughter's last spring. Found some lovely bargains. I should see if there are any around here.

    Looks like you found a few nice things.
